Yes, the bible does have literary value. My parents bought me a children's Bible. even in a children's Bible they had the story of the man who was going to give his virgin daughters away to be raped all night ..... at 52 when people talk to me about the Bible I still conjure up pictures of Adam and Eve an apple and a big boat with a bunch of animals on it . That's pretty much so the extent of my knowledge about the Bible.
Wtf! That kind of stuff in a children’s bible? That’s too much.
No you are definitely not! , I agree, its all spooky language
And sometimes the good guys were pretty evil? Yes.
I noticed that, too.
I don't think so, I pretty much feel/felt the same way. Even my Dad said to me when I was really young, 'You should read it (the bible), it has lots of good stories'. He was raised Catholic, became a recovering Catholic'atheist then more agnositc.
Garden of Eden was center of good and evil.
God for sure! Ha ha ha!!! That’s the start of god setting two people up to fail.
I don't think I made it all the way through when I tried to read it so as a book of fiction I would give it a fail.
It’s hideously boring.