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“Revenge is a confession of pain.”

What, if any, is the worst revenge you’ve ever suffered?

AMGT 8 Sep 2

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6 of 8 tires on both of my cars were slashed then the dumpster in my back yard was set on fire the next weekend. This was done by the next door neighbor. Mad because I reported her to animal control for her dog digging into my backyard, getting out to the busy street, and being left outside 24/7.


Many comes with being a boss.
For example, after I fired a woman named Shelia in 2006, I left work hours later to find that my car had been deeply keyed. Surveillance video showed her walking past my car doing it.
I pressed charges but also sued civilly and ended up winning $1000 in small claims.


Revenge can be delightful!
And ease pain!,!


Oh wait, i just remembered someone's taking revenge on me, and it had to do with religion too! how could i forget that? i worked for a summer, just for one month really, at a toys r us in maryland. i was planning to go back to school in the fall, but needed a job for that month. for the first two weeks we had a gruff but kind manager. then i don't know if he quit or was transferred or promoted, but he was replaced by a slender fellow with an accent i only in retrospect recognize as being georgian; this was pre-jimmy-carter and i had not heard a georgian accent before. he dressed all in black and his name was jimmy black, too. on his very first day he was helping us stock clerks fill the book shelves with new arrivals and he asked us something that even at the age of 19 i knew he shouldn't have been asking us: did we believe in god? i told him i agreed with mark twain, who said he was glad that god did not exist, because if he existed, surely he was a malign thug. this did not sit well with jimmy black. he persecuted me for the next two weeks, and even after i properly gave my week's notice, he fired me on my last day, just to deprive me of a few bucks. that was his revenge for my being an atheist, and answering his improper question honestly.





I believe in a proportional response. If someone screws me for 50 bucks, eventually I will screw them for 50.


When my ex and I separated she tried to turn the children against me, she was the perpetrator of domestic violence but absolved herself of any wrong doing and instead told the children lies about me. Fortunately at the first opportunity my youngest took the opportunity to see me, after going thru the courts for 6 months as she denied me access, my eldest daughter and I haven't seen each other for 6 years, she's a vulnerable autistic girl, now 15, who my ex took advantage of and covered her child abuse by blaming me.


I don't know that you could call it "revenge" per se, but the way in which I found
out my ex-husband was getting married again (less than a year after our divorce) was pretty brutal.
Our cell phone numbers were one digit apart, and I always wondered if what happened was actually deliberate.
One morning, I got a voice mail from the jewelers in the town we had lived (I had already moved out of state). They were calling to let him know that "Sarah's wedding ring was ready, and it turned out beautifully."
Again, not really sure it was "revenge", but it wouldn't surprise me to know he gave
them my number, just to be a dick.

@AMGT Thanks. I appreciate it.
Turned out he was a monumental liar, and a cheater. After he dumped and divorced Sarah (while she was pregnant), he had gotten her "best friend" pregnant and they were engaged, she emailed me.
She wanted to apologize to me for her part in what he had done.
So, without actual confirmation, I'm pretty sure he gave the jeweler
my number on purpose. He's a real piece of shit.


My best friend left me because of a rummer that was false but hurt him deeply.


And my confession of pain has a name. Sex,Drugs and Brexit.
Hope to have if finished before years end.


Suffered, i can't recall so it can't have damaged me much. I've had mine through song several times but i excuse myself on the grounds that at least i've created something out of it. ?


Revenge never satisfies the pain, it just blurs it.


More serious somebody once cracked open my head smashed up my business and threatened to rape my children because he got thrown out and barred. He got 3 years in prison 🙂. The tires to my car have been let down and I've been knocked out cold for telling someone to leave. There are more but never over love or money.


I'd agree with that we should try to be bigger better people. As regards revenge i'm not sure if this counts but a long time ago when i was a kid another kid who i only ever saw at a distance on an early morning paper round called me over to him, randomly punched me in the face and ran off. I was older than him so i guess thats why he ran away. It didn't really hurt and i was so surprised i just stood there and he got away. On a bit of reflection I realized that every morning that i was cursing and waving my fist at the gate of a local fierce dog that made delivery dangerous for me he thought I was threatening or mocking him. So I left it at that and oh yeah he had too Older bigger brothers in my year and the one above well known for beating people up so I guess that helped too. Our paths never crossed again anyhow.


Revenge is a waste of time. Move on with life.


"If revenge was wrong, it would no feel so good when you do it." ----- Old Polish saying I just made up. 🙂


One of my kids is 'challenged' and cut me off from reading her fb posts after I had the audacity to question something she posted. There are a lot of emotional issues in play, so I have to play my cards with extreme caution.


If anyone's ever exacted "revenge" on me, I don't know it.

Don't think I'd want to know it, either: I can't think of a single thing I've done that would be worthy of avenging.


“Confession is always weakness. The grave soul keeps it’s own secrets, and takes it’s own punishment in silence.” ~ Dorothea Dix

“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” ~ Confucius

I’ve never done someone wrong enough for them to seek revenge on me. And despite people having done me wrong enough to justify seeking revenge, I haven’t.

“An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.” ~ Unknown (usually attributed to Mohandas Ghandi)

While that’s a good practice in theory, I believe it takes a TRUE wrong-doing to justify revenge. Not just your SO cheated or something similar.

Wow, doesn’t really answer your question...I guess it’s kind of an answer...I don’t know where I was going with this. So...cheers!


I believe in Revenge. Has nothing to do with Hate.

@AMGT Payback. And to make sure whatever you did to cause my ire... will not be repeated. That is why I seldom if ever I use my "Revenge Option".... because Revenge should be Nasty and Gratifying with Extreme Prejudice so is Remembered and Not Forgotten!!! Want another explanation? One Pearl Harbor = Two Nuclear Bombs = Revenge.


I guess I'd rather focus on your opening statement in quotes and what that means for my own thoughts, desires and actions. It's helping me think...


My kid's mother has schizophrenia, because of this CPS took the kids away. I stood up for the kids and cut through miles of red tape to get custody of them. She believed I did not deserve to have the kids because I did not believe in her deity or demigod. So after I got sole custody she tried everything from calling the police and making accusations of all different crimes I had committed not one bit of truth to any of the allegations. Then every week a social worker would show up at my door with anonymous reports for anything from abuse to neglect. Was more than a nightmare.


I've been lucky.


I've never had revenge taken upon me. That's what the wording of your post suggests. Did you mean something else?

Revenge is also an admission that the one who is taking out the revenge is no better, perhaps even worse than the person suffering it.

@AMGT that what I thought you meant, but the replies were not of that format. As far as I know, I’ve never had that happen, that I’m aware of.


If pain such a terrible thing to confess? is being in pain a crime (or a sin, or whatever bad thing one might imagine)? hmm, vengeance against me? i am not sure i have experienced such a thing, unless my estranged sister's habit of lying about me is based on revenge. since we are estranged, i have not asked.



Yes it is! Not sure if I really got revenge as it did sort of backfire on me but ultimately I grew and become stronger and more confident as a result. The words I spread about her will last a lifetime so I'm good with it. Maybe she won't pull that bullshit on the next guy. Maybe...

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