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Ain’t No Grasshoppers Here!

What life experience has made you wisest?

AMGT 8 Sep 3

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Being shat on by my ex


It's not been one experience, but a series of small events over a lifetime, often insignificant on their own, that have led me to realize that I need to look out for myself because nobody else will, to stop caring what others think about me because that's a dead end, to focus on helping others for my own mental health (besides being a good thing to do on its own), that doing what's right is hard but the only way I can live with myself, that life is too short to take it seriously, to take less stock of what people think about politics, religion, etc., because we're all wrong one way or another, to be kind to animals, children, and the mentally ill, because they're the most vulnerable, to stop judging others for how they live or what they value, and to never stop learning because a stagnant mind leads to a stagnant life. I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of now.

@AMGT Thanks for your kind thoughts, Amy. I've been busy with work and volunteer stuff lately, and haven't had a lot of time or energy to spend here. But I do enjoy this community quite a lot and like to participate when I can. I'll probably have to disappear again soon as a big project gets off the ground at work, so I figure I need to get in as much time here as I can in the meantime. ?


Living abroad. Perspective is everything.

Where did you live? I was an expat in Belgium... Great experience. Piece of my heart is Dutch ?

@IamNobody Sweden

With you on that one - 6+ years in England, 3+ in Spain.


Disability from invisible illness woke me up to how people are: 9/10 people would rather believe an imagined fiction than an uncomfortable truth--right under their noses, plain as day--that forces them to abandon their preconceptions.


Leaving home at 15... been taking care of myself an my family ever since.


still waiting.

Don't believe it.

@AstralSmoke once you think you got it. you done lost it.... I like the mystery.

@hankster Yes, mysteries are great!


my curiosity.


Surviving cancer. Woke me up in ways I could never expect.


When troubles come your way and break you. The more pain and suffering, the more knowledge comes from it. If you stop learning in life your probably six feet under. We adapt to change in various ways, I've learned more from loss. Turns your life upside down, you have to learn to cope. Also the people that are really there for you through it, those people will teach you alot about kindness and strength. The ones that teach you how to live again 🙂


My father sent me to boarding school for 5 years, unheard of for someone from my background, (so he could emotionally and physically abuse my sisters ). I learnt the difference between the have and have-nots.
Myself and friends (catholics) crossed the road to visit protestant friends. On our way back some older kids from our estate made us recite a certain prayer to prove we were catholic before we were allowed to go home ( as this point i should mention i am irish). I learnt how divisive religion can be.
At 11yrs i bought a second hand record, a collection of John Lennon songs. A song called 'Woman is the nigger of the World' blew my young mind, esp the line "we make her paint her face and dance". I learnt how cruel man can be.
I worshipped John Lennon, read everything about him, listened to everything he did, identified with him because my mother died when i was young too. I learnt he beat his woman. I learnt how imperfect we can be.
Is knowledge wisdom? Only if we know what to do with it. I have made many mistakes. ?

An afterthought;

In order to condemn the person and not the action
You must live a perfect life.

@SimonCyrene profound food for thought


I hung around a pool hall when I was a kid.

As a younger kid I misunderstood the pool concept, and repeatedly tried to push you in.


I don't feel all that wise.

@AMGT l guess if l had to pick one thing it would be when l gave up my career in advertising to play music full time in my mid twenties. I have never regretted that decision even though it cost me alot of money over my lifetime. I loved that life. I would tell anyone to try and find something you really love and do it. You will have a better life for it. OK, you got it out of me. ??

@AMGT l'm not sure of its value, but thank you. ?

@Sticks48 value isnt measured in pay packets. Contentment and compassion are the true yardsticks of value, and the parents of wisdom. You made it man. You really made it!


Fail often, fail quickly.


I got shot once, which kinda focused my mind on goals for a bit! Maybe I should see if I can get shot again, I've been a little unmotivated as of late. ??

JeffB Level 6 Sep 4, 2018

@AMGT Cocaine? Micro dose LSD like the silicone valley guys? Yoga?
Just not sure yet. I'll keep thinking about it. ?


Just living. I learn new things everyday.

It doesn't seem that this is all that common thought. ?

@JeffB I agree but don’t know why.


Well I grew up overseas, spent 10 years in the military, about 7 years as a surveyor, married twice, divorced twice, cancer survivor, and having twins that are terminally ill. I think I gained my wisdom from all of the above.


Can't peg one, to me gaining wisdom is to learn from every experience.


Learning that I was a resource to be mined by my mom and a liability to my dad. It's had an enormous impact on me as I've examined what kind of dad & husband I want/need to be.


ED / trauma care .


The end of my marriage.


When I realized that praying was a waste of time.


Don't know about wisdom, but moving out of the bogan (Australian white trash) town I grew up in to go to uni in Sydney certainly expanded my perspective. I found Geology fascinating, humbling and spiritual (for want of a better word), I joined a death metal band and screamed at happy punters for money, I discovered people who enjoyed rather than tolerated my company, become a dedicated pharmavore without completely trashing my life and I found that a small subset of ladies actually find scrawny hyperactive freaks sexually attractive.


Marriage, I never believed someone I trusted good turn out to be such a despicable human being that she would lie to her own children and steal from them. Well, actually that came to light after separation along with a lot of other things I'd been deceived about. I also learned that it's not that difficult to deceive oneself, and hatred is not the opposite of love; apathy is.

JimG Level 8 Sep 4, 2018

tell me about it. ex lied from the begining wish she would had told the truth because never would have married her. Been better marring a hooker.


marriage... Never Fucking Ever Again!!!! But granted... back then the Navy paid me more money for being married.

Ha ha, the army did that too.

@JimG They all do!!! Military Institutionalized Dependent Spouse. With all due Respect to all Dependent Spouses in the Military! Hardest Job in the Military.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I know they all do, I was basically explaining my marriage, 🙂

Looking back it was not enough.

@JimG Mine still getting half of my pension!!! Until she Dies. Thank You for Your Service and Sacrifice!!!

@GipsyOfNewSpain And thank you too.

I got out after 11 years to try and save the marriage and my family. I don't get a pension, but fuckit; neither does she.

@JimG I had the option of declining the pension... to piss her off but My Radioman Chief gave me The Best Advice Ever... "Fifty Percent of Something is More than One Hundredth Percent of Nothing".


It comes with taking many chances and not letting failures stop you.

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