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How can we find the truth about "God"?

I am an agnostic...I am interested in finding the truth about the existing of god...
Is there really an all-round "he" who is controlling or guiding everything?
Is anyone here who can tell me some ways to know more about this?
Thanks very much.

Ann7Mignon 4 Sep 6

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50 comments (26 - 50)

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We can’t prove a god exists or not. We can just evidence that it’s highly unlikely. The thing is, that humans will forever see ghosts and angels and conduct rituals in all society.
All that shows is that the mind has an incredible capacity to be plastic and produce phenomenon and emotional and physical responses when humans decide they believe something.
What I will leave you pondering is this: where are the gods of the Egyptians, the Aztecs, the Romans? Gods lose influence and power when people no longer believe in them.
If you want to know more about the phenomenon of belief, learn about the psychology of cults and read some philosophy.

Livia Level 6 Sep 9, 2018

Thanks for the comment.
That is what I am trying to learn more.
If you have books or authors to share ,I will be thankful.

@Hercules3000 I agree wholeheartedly. I have no doubt that personal belief helps some people. That’s ok with me. I just have a thing about people trying to impose their belief in public spaces and institutions, which should be neutral so that all are welcome. I don’t believe in banning religious clothing, as long as I am not required to wear it, it shouldn’t matter. I abhor things like prayer before governmental meetings. It’s absolutely inappropriate. So is doing prayers in the street. I am always fascinated by Muslims who describe peace after doing prayers 5 times a day. They feel refreshed and content. Why? Because they change their breathing when saying their prayers, are having time out, and wash their face hands and feet. They are in meditation 5 times a day. They love it. It’s not for me, but I understand the changes in brain chemistry that prayers and rituals being people and there is scientific evidence on their benefits. I can never relate, it’s not how I want to live my life, but never underestimate the relationship between music, meditation and ritual on the human brain. It has benefits but can also being about militant belief and servitude. That’s why intelligent people get sucked into cults. Nice photo btw! That must have taken discipline and dedication!


The very simple truth is there is no evidence for any supernatural event or entity. James Randi had a million dollar prize offered to anyone who could provide evidence of the supernatural. Many tried, all failed.


When you stand as a nonbeliever, you really are siding with science and against religious dogma. I cannot prove a negative and say with 100% certainty that there is no god, however I can say that there was no worldwide flood as described in Genesis 6. I cannot prove there was no intelligent designer who made all life, but I can show that with the geological record, fossil evidence and the newer field of viral paleontology that no designer was needed, evolution by natural selection explains the process wonderfully.

In the end, religion is a construct that originally was formed to explain what science had not yet. Over time it became a tool to let the few control the many. It is outdated and unneeded. Hope this is helpful.

Another thread is about books that are helpful, might read through it.

Books for beginning Atheists?

Thanks for the comment.
I am an Agnostic now...So I am glad to share the points with both Atheists and Believers...
Listen to different people can help us to think comprehensively.
I will read the book.Thanks again.

@Ann7Mignon My pleasure.


Those who assert the existence of a thing have the burden of proof. Extraordinary assertions require extraordinary proof. I have studied many arguments for "God's" existence, and none of them are convincing. Until someone comes up with solid evidence that a god exists, I shall consider all "gods" as mythological. Because of the lack of evidence for the existence of Jehovah or any of the Christian trilogy, I consider them as mythological as the Greek pantheon.

Thanks for the comment.
Maybe finally we found that "God " was just a character of the story....
Maybe we found that we were,too.


I tried praying to God, got no reply.
I ask God to revile itself, God remains hidden.
Thus I remain an Atheist.

Thanks for the comment.
I know that .(ˉ︶ˉ)Give you a hug.


My reasoning comes from the idea I was taught in my childhood that God is our parent. I was taught that this God did a lot of sadistic things that I was supposed to trust were for the good of his children. Oddly enough, this reasoning reflected what I was taught about my own parents, who were emotionally abusive and left me struggling with mental illness.

As an adult, I have the choice not to allow my parents to emotionally abuse me by placing healthy boundaries on myself. If I can do that with my own parents, why can't I do that with God? My reasoning is that if God's nature is what I was taught growing up, I don't want to know him or worship him, whether he's a parent or not. He's a freaking asshole and I want to stay as far away from him as possible.

On the other hand, if God is an ideal parent (since God is supposed to be ideal) then I don't even need to know he/she/it exists. A baby doesn't understand that their parent exists when they are newborn and yet the parent continues to take care of them. An ideal parent doesn't need me to constantly kowtow to them in order to "save" me.

Since I can't prove that God doesn't exist, I don't write the idea off completely. But I'm confident in rejecting the idea of the typical notion of God.

While I don't believe anyone can prove the lack of existence of God, I do believe that you can at least test the "teachings" of God that people insist are God's will for us. As a religious person, that's what I did and that's what led me to finally give up on the idea of my childhood God. When you actually turn the other cheek (instead of just condemning everyone else for not doing so like most Christians do) then you find out what the actual consequences of that action are. I did and I assure you, I did not "enter the kingdom of heaven" as my religion taught me was the consequence of that action. At least, if that was the kingdom of heaven, then no thank you. I'll take hell over that.

@Hercules3000 God is supposed to be the ideal being that people want watching over them. That is the essence of the idea of God according to my understanding.

My point is that if God isn't the ideal, I don't feel it's morally wrong to reject God. If God is the ideal, there is no reason to fear not knowing anything about God.

Thanks for your comment .
The greatest thing is that you are and feel alright now.
I can understand the point from you....
For me ,I never want anything from 'god' if there is it.
I just simply want to prove something...and don' t need be understood.

Thank you a lot for sharing.


Do you really want the answer you need to start reading a whole lot and finding out where all of this stuff came from any now personally I'm more worried about keeping this life-form alive trying to do as little harm as possible.

Thanks for the comment.
I will try my best.


Lol that’s an impossible question I believe because there’s never going to be a way to know if a “god” exists without seeing the truth.

Yes....that is what I am worried about.
Thanks for the comment.


First give me a definition of the divinity you want to know that exists or not. If this definition is internally consistent (don't contradicts itself), then we can go for the next step.
Next step, is this definition falseable? Means that does thus definition geberate some effect on the reality that can be measured and can't be explained by another simpler idea?
If it is falseable, then we start gathering data and can accept the hipothesis of existance: this entity defined on step 1 generates a sufficient disturbance that distinguish from randomness or other known phenomenon. Or reject this hypothesis.
But that's the catch, rejecting the hypothesis does not mean inexistance, means only that there is not enough disturbance that distinguish from random noise or other known effects. (if the god exists he is shy or he hides his action in a sea of randomness).
And an entity (or entities as you can come along with many definitions) that hides itself like this can't be known, and do not affect our lifes, so why bother to believe or not on them?
And this is the agnostic view.
Most of definitions of gods are self contradictory.
The few that are not can be proven false due to simple tests (you can go on top of mount Olympus and see that there is no palace of Zeus there).
A lot of them are not falseable, so impossible to test so fall on the category of "why bother?"
I didn't hear any that can be falseable and geberate results over the random possibilities. But you can try.

Thanks for your analysis.
I learned a lot from this.
I will keep trying.

@Ann7Mignon This are all indirect methods or the scientific method, of course if you know the mechanism you can go direct to the source.
Most of today's religions started as oral traditions, and every time it is recounted it changes, memory is not a perfect thing and the best story teller has more people hearing and obeying the god in question.
But at some point, someone wrote the texts and crystallized the religion, of course the interpretations change a lot during time (but the churches will never admit it as a main pitch is stability).
The history of many religions are a lot more mundane than they tell on the official texts. And a lot of hero condensation happens.
Hero condensation is a historic phenomena that is pretty common. A hero (rebel, preacher, king, soldier etc) becomes famous and people start giving him credits for many stuff that others did around the same time, or after his name is big, telling that he said something generates authority, and increasing his tales, attributing to him others speeches and actions makes his name bigger and bigger at a point the hero becomes a super-human.
Carlos Martell (father of Europe), King Arthur (probably a general or equivalent to a Duke mostly), and even great writers like Homer can be a result of this process (for a text become famous you say that is from him, and soon he wrote a lot of complicated stuff that would take 10 lives to write).
AND there is a lot of evidence that a Jew reformer called Jesus suffered the same phenomena for example.


When I look out from our world and into the universe, I see a state of disorder, but when I look in from outside of the universe,I see a state of order. It all depends on how we see things. It doesn't matter if there is not a God; whatever nature does is for the benefit of everything. So why worry?

dodin Level 4 Sep 7, 2018

That's interesting. Can you explain more? All I see is disorder.

You only solve a problem by understanding it. The universe and everything in it is the same energy.
If an individual dies within a species, the species doesn't die. When we die we are part of that energy, the energy doesn't die. Energy can change its form but cannot be eradicated, therefore the energy that makes us what we are is still there, but its form has changed. Think of the balance of life in the same way; you will eventually be satisfied that you are part of a bigger thing and without you life could not go on evolving to whatever future is waiting. Each life's closure is not the end, it is the beginning.
I am not writing about anything supernatural; I am referring to natural causes.

Thanks for the comment.
We can feel happy by thinking in your way.


I searched for several years to find what you're looking for. I liked the simple philosophy of the Peace Pilgrim more than any other I looked at, but in the end there was no evidence for any of them. I consider myself an atheist, but if I ever see evidence of the supernatural, I'll believe it. Until then, I see no reason to.

Thanks for the comment.
Hope we can be closer to the answer one day.


Read the bible, I think? Isn’t that the one written by god? I don’t know. I think I heard something about that.

Thanks for the comment...
I am trying to figure out the "faith in god" recently...
Hope can get more ideas..


Here is a link for your consideration. You may find it interesting. You could make notations of names and dates and do further research to corroborate the information.

Betty Level 8 Sep 7, 2018

Thanks for the comment....
Can't see the link....though..
Is it forbidden maybe?


The link inserted the video. Watch it and see if it helps.


It could also be a "she" , but it isn't.

It is up to he or she or it....


Didn't get the memo from Nietzsche?


If I propose something exists then I bear the burden of proof.


We can't. Which is why this site is called "".


Knowing the existence of God, is unknowable in life. Those who claim to know are either fooling themselves or are trying to fool others. God may or may not exist. But if "he' does, but I doubt that" he" is anything like what western religion describes.

Just my 2¢


God is imaginary...You can pretend he is real.. just keep it to yourself.


Save yourself some time and don't bother, it's not as though there's any verifiable evidence around that would make it worth looking for this he, she or it god thing you're referring to.

Regards ippy

ippy Level 3 Sep 28, 2018

You can't its impossible, Simply not there.

Thanks for the comment....
Although it takes some time for me to totally agree that "impossible" haha.....


Commit suicide.

Won't try until no other ways to find.

I prefer surfing


All of nature can be explained by the known laws of physics there is no need for a God. The argument can be made that we don't know everything so God could be hidden there. That creates the God of the gaps problem. What it means is the more we learn the smaller the circle God could inhabit. But if you want an education on the topic I would check out Cosmos. It features Neil Degras Tyson and was produced by Seth MacFarlane. It takes you step by step and explains not only what we know, but how we came to know it. It is exceptionally well written and produced and will capture your imagination and broaden hour understanding.


We can’t prove a god exists or not. We can just evidence that it’s highly unlikely. The thing is, that humans will forever see ghosts and angels and conduct rituals in all society.
All that shows is that the mind has an incredible capacity to be plastic and produce phenomenon and emotional and physical responses when humans decide they believe something.
What I will leave you pondering is this: where are the gods of the Egyptians, the Aztecs, the Romans? Gods lose influence and power when people no longer believe in them.
If you want to know more about the phenomenon of belief, learn about the psychology of cults and read some philosophy.

Livia Level 6 Sep 9, 2018

Is there really an all-round "he" who is controlling or guiding everything?
He? You mean IT, right? and the answer to that question is still NO. So revert to being an atheist. It makes more sense than trying to convince yourself to believe in Unicorns.

Thanks for the comment.
May no.....
Unicorns look nice in Chinese story by the way.


When we die, I think. Not believing in God is one thing, the fact of God's existence is another.

i can't help wondering why only dead people get to know whether there is a god. if there is a god and it doesn't reveal itself to living persons, why would it reveal itself to dead persons? yes, i know, someone wrote down that this would happen. i mean apart from that.


@genessa, I don't take the existence or non-existence of God as a fact. Biologically, would be a fact we won't be able to know. As an agnostic, if you ask me if I believe in God, I say no. If you ask me if there is a God, my reply will be :"I don't know". For me, there's a 50% chance either way. What I expressed is only a possibility in this context. As plausible as anything else.

@Paddypereira i understand. i can't argue with your feelings, opinions or belief, or lack thereof, but i can't agree with your statement that the probability is 50 percent either way. i know you said "for me" but you can also say "for me, one and one is six," and that then goes beyond the realm of opinion.the evidence is clearly on the side of no god. that doesn't prove anything, but it does skew the odds!


@Paddypereira Me,too.

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