There are some commercials that I doubt I'll ever forget. No choice about it. I could list 20, 30, 40... too many.
The best part of waking up...
It's Nerf...
Go, go Power...
What would you do for a Klondike... ?
I stopped watching cable or network TV, I rarely see commercials anymore. It makes me happy NEVER to see Flo from that stupid insurance company again.
I will never forget the OREO song.
Do you know exactly how to eat an oreo, well to do it, first unscrew it, very fast. Cause a kid will eat the middle of an oreo first and save the chocolate cookie outside, for last.
That dumb bitch who says she doesn't know what a computer is she writes a whole Insect Power Point on an Apple Computer
Was an old one where the mom was doing laundry. The kid said mom can I go outside and play captured the aliens, mom says sure. In a later frame the mom has her backed turned. The kid has this alien large alien connected to a collar. The boy says mom what do I do with prisoners. The mom shove them in the closet. So they show him pushing the alien in the closet. The mom turns around just after the closet door shuts. Think it was a laundry detergent add.
The old Exxon commercials with the dinosaur in your tank.
American Airlines, the only way to fly
The new spectrum commercials with the possessed dummy.