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LINK Democrats send 'information' concerning Kavanaugh nomination to FBI - CNNPolitics

Any chance Kavanaugh's confirmation can be held up by an FBI query. Not even a hint dropped regarding what the issue is about.

chalupacabre 8 Sep 13

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Wow, when I originally posted this link, it was only a video, lasting maybe 2 or 3 minutes, during which they mentioned that Feinstein had turned over a letter to the FBI concerning Kavanaugh. The same link now has a few more details, but it's not what I saw earlier.


hint: it is about sexual abuse of some kind. (watching rachel maddow now.) no details. fbi has turned this info over to the white house, which sucks but that is the fbi's duty to do. big question appears now to be how whatever it is has eluded the attention of the fbi in his previous confirmations... or whether it has already been dealt with in those confirmations, which means it was not taken seriously then. if the latter is the case, are we talking cover-up or not sufficiently interesting to be investigated or new/more info now not previously attached to prior knowledge? we'll likely find out soon.



I don't think if it happened in HS that it would be considered particularly disqualifying. Can we get back to him lying repeatedly under oath about his partisan activities as an ADULT?


I'm told (but cannot confirm) that it has to do with Kavanaugh and a young woman in his high school days. That concerns me very little unless it would have to do with his stand on Roe v. Wade which many think they will still try to overturn after all this time. I do not want this man confirmed either. Big money does because they want to save more money by denying women health care and many women without insurance get that care through clinics. The "free" clinics (called falsely abortion clinics) are federally funded and the top 1 percent along with others do not like to pay taxes for this. Their solution seems to be to incite religion and bring god into the picture. The religious right falls for it every time.

Do I think Kavanaugh should be confirmed? Hell no! Along with the above there were too many pages of things withheld and then dumped on the table at the very last minute. This is not how you do things.


Well, one can hope...


It's about a woman, betcha

What I don't like about the video is that it plays heavily into sensationalism. There are enough conspiracy stories floating around out there these days without senior committee members providing yet more fodder.

@chalupacabre I agree, that is the way of the world now, sound bites and sensationalism

@chalupacabre Who cares, as long as they delay the vote. I hope Trump gets indicted before he can complete his evil agenda takeover.

@birdingnut Great! Tell the panel you're having the guy investigated by the FBI. But keep it as one responsible congress member responsibly opening up an inquiry with a responsible investigative body. Having CNN run the story as they did is almost as bad as some of the stunts Nunes has pulled for the orange one.

@chalupacabre cnn should not report this? why not? feinstein received a letter. she did the right thing and turned it over to the fbi. details not known. was she supposed to sit on it? was the news not supposed to be reported? to be fair i have not watched cnn; i am watching msnbc and they're very clear about what has NOT been confirmed, and they're not speculating pruriently. i don't know if cnn is being as restrained.


@genessa I think CNN jumped the gun, as did I in posting the link to a story so lean on information. I'm sure there was something in the letter that warranted Feinstein's routing it to the FBI. I'm sure you and I are in agreement up to that point. My issue was CNN sensationalizing the moment and turning it into an opportunity for gossip and speculation in the absence of real substance. Frankly, I'm feeling stupid for jumping at what could be just the smallest nibble on the line.

@chalupacabre you may be right. i cannot watch cnn. i just can't. i haven't watched it enough even to notice whether it sensationalizes thing. it's just that once in a while, like in the boston bombing, they get things wrong and then they don't even apologize. (that guy they said was the bomber singular, and had been apprehended by the police, who at that time didn't even know who the bombers were much less have one in custody and the other dead, may have needed more than an oops, sorry, but i never even heard an oops, sorry!) so i watch chris hayes, rachel maddow and lawrence o'donnell's shows. if they get something wrong (nobody is perfect) they 'fess up right away, and if they don't know something, they say so, and if something is unconfirmed but urgent enough to need to be considered, they iterate and reiterate that nbc hasn't yet confirmed whatever it is.


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