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To sleep together or to not sleep together?

What one would you rather do with your significant other or spouse?

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SonderOpia 8 Jan 25

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44 comments (26 - 44)

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That is a tricky one because if he snores really loud.. I am fairly light sleeper, it will keep me up all night.. I have dealt with this and I was sick all the time because of lack of dammed if you do.dammed if you don't.


I think it depends. With a past girlfriend I had it seemed to work best when we slept in different cities.

good one !


When it comes to actual sleep, I do much better sleeping alone (with cats).

With different beds, or different rooms - visits are always possible, and add a certain specialness to the occasion !

Great answer. It is nice to have a spare room just in case.


My parents had separate bedrooms and I always thought it was a little odd. My mother had restless leg syndrome that kept my stepdad awake so it worked for them. During my 25 year marriage we almost always slept in the same bed but I’ll admit it was not easy. I can remember going to bed at the same time and praying, yes praying, to let me fall asleep first because once the snoring started I knew I was not going to sleep. There were nights when I’d drag my tired ass to the couch finally. I do enjoy cuddling and knowing someone is there but when it’s time to sleep I totally enjoy sleeping by myself.


It appears we're well on our way to a consensus here.


Is nice to feel someone next to you. Winter warmth. In the warmer month those hot nights sweating with passion.


I am an affectionate man and I prefer contact all night. I even prefer to go to sleep with my partner lying on top of me.

I've not heard of anybody liking someone falling asleep on top of them. This is something new to me. Thanks for sharing.


I think it would depend on the other person, whether or not you can endure each other's sleep peculiarities. My last partner snored so loud, it would either keep me awake, or wake me up. I have very sensitive hearing, and have worn earplugs to bed for almost 20 years. So, I had to move to another room to get enough sleep; it was becoming a health issue for me. At any rate, I think that move accelerated the deterioration of the relationship.

You think sharing different rooms deteriorated your relationship? My best friend and her husband have been sharing separate rooms for multiple years and they've been together for 18 years now. Maybe there was a problem with your relationship in the first place that was so bad that nothing would have saved it.

@SonderOpia yeah, there definitely was, that's why I said accelerated rather than caused.


Hey, if they're up for it, I'm up for it.


I'm pro sleeping in the same bed. But it needs to be a big bed. I have a kings size...major brand foam mattress. To cuddle you have to be intentional. You can meet in the middle, cuddle and kiss and then retreat to you're own side if or when you wish. The foam mattress doesn't transfer motion and doesn't creak/squeak if you toss and turn (I do) or if you fall off the beam or fail to stick the landing.


The differences between theories, fantasies and reality make this very difficult to answer. There are great reasons for all possibilities. There have been many times I wished I could temporarily detach one of my arms that was in the way.


I would do what makes the most sense for comfort for both of us, but if I had a partner with whom I was living I'd want to sleep in the same bed.


I love sleeping together, but as long as we want to. Im into having separate rooms and privacy, that way you have the option to sleep alone and I think it gives a better value to sleep together. it also changes the perspective when you decide to sleep in your room or hers, it makes it feel more fun. Last its also important to have your space where you can go whenever you want.


I like to sleep together because I like to cuddle.


It is in the bible: " if 2 shall not lie together, how shall ye have heat ?"



Many years ago (30?) I read a book by an American nurse of her experience of raising her children with her husband withh the familly sleeping together in a communal bedroom which was just one big mattress. Whilst trying to track it down on the internet just now I came across the following interesting article which may help some people:


I am very big on physical contact. Not just sex but touching.


I like my own space.


Of course, if you want to.

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