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Do you think science will ever unlock the true mysteries of the true reason the Universe came to be ?

I mean I know science can’t and don’t have all the answers that there is to know, but I would just like to know what you think of science will ever unlock exactly what caused life? Then again, we may not ever know all the answers to everything that there is to know. I know science can reveal the age and time events when things happened and how life evolved, but there still that mystery question what caused life from natural causes. What is your view on this?

EmeraldJewel 7 Jan 25

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I don't think all the mysteries will ever be unraveled, but I do think we'll learn a lot and make significant strides. The questions I'm unsure we can ever answer involve the nature of what's beyond our universe. If time and space as we know them are constructs of our universe, emergent properties, then the physics that lie beyond — in what ever capacity "beyond" makes sense — are so foreign and inaccessible to us that we may never be able to have a genuine understanding of the full universe or what sparked ours to develop. It would be great if some fundamental elements of the broader reality (e.g., multiverse) could be discovered through quantum mechanics or other field of physics so we could understand the nature of the entire universe in a way that's currently not possible — but I have no reason to think that's the case.


The Universe has ALWAYS been here - there was no beginning.

gater Level 7 Jan 26, 2018

I don't think there is as much a reason, as there is a mechanism.


No... it's to much to explain. I think gases formed carbon and was compressed by a giant black hole which eventually exploded. That's my take on it.


Not with the framework it is stuck in.


My humble opinion is the big bang, I doubt it. As for abiogenesis I think it will be worked out. There is life everywhere, deep in the soil in volcanic vents under the ice and.. and.. and. I wonder if life right now isn't being born somewhere on earth and we just don't recognize it.

gearl Level 8 Jan 25, 2018

It irritates me that because a gullible clump of humanity claim to know ‘all the answers’ due to their myths ..that if you admit ‘not knowing,’ you’re considered lesser than, or wrong… There will likely always be mysteries, and as hard as I try to keep up with or understand science, there are already more ‘answers’ than I’ll ever recognize or understand.. I’d say, as an evolved species having traveled the evolutionary path we have, competing with all other life on this lonely planet - we’ve done good 😉

Varn Level 8 Jan 25, 2018

If humans do not destroy the planet or life on it and continue to pursue scientific knowledge then one day perhaps. It will not be in our lifetime. Scientific reasoning and discoveries are in its infancy. Maybe in ten to one hundred thousand years when we develop the technology, we will be able to understand more. If we survive that long.


The dominoes will become more refined but I think there is a philosophical issue in being able to answer that final question of existence.

I have problems even thinking about the universes without observers! Can they exist? Isn't existence itself the result of it's observation by life? By intelligent life? Only intelligent life could even make up all these existence questions. Nobody else cares!

If they solve these problems before I die, then I still die and go to nothing. 😉


This is a big question. I have no doubt that we will figure out what existed before the big bang. I just don't think it may be for at least hundreds of years.


The most important thing you need to come to understand is that the question is the important part. Questioning is what makes a human being strive to know. Now, the question you asked has no need of an answer, but you have a need to ask it. No, you have a duty to ask it. That's what physics is all about. Asking unanswerable questions, then endeavoring to answer them. Sometimes we get answers. Sometimes we don't. Sometimes the answers we get just create more questions. Just remember that it is not the answers that are important, just the questions.


While I don't have an exact answer to your question, I believe the questioning is important. Being content with your life and reality rarely delivers progress. Questioning life, processes, beginnings, etc. force us to seek and provide opportunities to discover.

Never stop questioning! 🙂


Im an agnostic Agnostic. The universe has no obligation to make sense.

@AxeElf I disagree. I'm a Stoic. I don't wasting time trying to make the world conform into my worldview (i.e. confirmation bias - a common type of fallacy). I watch how things work and adjust my worldview accordingly (i.e. I use evidence to form and test hypotheses - scientific method).

@AxeElf I'm well aware of the various ways in which our senses can be fooled. (My voice is a prime example.) I'm human and can be fooled like anyone else. What I'm saying is that I go to great lengths to avoid judging unnecessarily, overreacting, retaliating, et ceteta.


There is no reason, true or otherwise, that the universe came to be and was mearly a random act or occurance in nature. (IMHO)


I think one day the will come very close, though will probably be unable to prove it. A good sign will be when they have a hypothesis that doesn't fall apart and require inventions like dark energy and dark matter to make the equations balance.


The universe will be forever a learning curve, since astronomers say its totally infinite,ongoing, with no apartent end. it defies the laws of phyiscs in and of themselves!


That is probably the most difficult question ever asked, .There may never have been a "true reason" for the existence of the universe, but it exists nonetheless, but you only need to look at the ridiculous male inhabitants to realise that god or natural selection fucked up

It’s be more acceptable if natural selection fucked up, instead of a so called intelligent design. God would be one dumb idiot with all the bad design there is to see.

@EmeraldJewel you mean, like the design of both human & canine knees? Drunken newts could design something stronger & better!


There really isn't a way (yet) to prove how humans and animals came to inhabit the Earth. We can hypothesis how. As time continues, we are getting more questions as well as more answers. New discoveries are being found out in science, as well as new animals. As we roam into new territory and undiscovered areas on land and under the sea, we find new species.


Yes, absolutely. Since the advent of computing power we are able to crack new frontiers , not just some neat stuff. One we get to singularity, or the point of the big bang, we will then understand how and what it is all about. No doubt we will get there. The idea that Black Holes are real , number one, but we now have a good idea of how they are formed , not the ones from collapsing stars, but the super massive holes at the center of each galaxy, It is only TIME that allows us to understand things. Time and eternity are quite opposite so it is most likely cracking a worm hole that will do it.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 25, 2018

I honestly don't know if the question, as framed, has an actual answer. The "true reason" the Universe came to be.?. Is there a "reason" or is it just "is". The same with life. It developed, & even developed us. Is there an underlying reason? Does there have to be? Especially as atheists/agnostics we have to live this life as the only one we have & therefore supply our own "reason" for being here.

Might be digging too deep into word choices, but it does add different level to the discussion.


My thoughts exactly. I merely headed off that sort of conflation and spurious debate by pointing out that existence doesn't have to make sense, have a purpose, et cetera.


They are absolutely working on it. A fellow member showed me this great video about how nothing started it all, I know it sounds crazy, but he explains it so well.

@SchuylaRDiamond I’m not terribly “educated” myself, but I’m still capable of thought, and iv had a suspicion that everything could have come from nothing, but I never heard anything satisfactory until now as to why.


I think we have a pretty good handle on it.

  1. Clouds of amino acids are observed floating in space, and they have heterochirality (both right and left handed and therefore not part of a life process)
  2. Atoms and molecules collide and seek a minimum energy state.
  3. If you put assorted elements and molecules in a vat and pump in any energy source, the stuff in the vat will organize to more effectively absorb and transmit energy.
  4. Ribose forms from the break-down of formaldehyde.
  5. Mycelles (very primitive cell walls) form up when replicating early terrestrial conditions.

And you're most of the way there. All you need is that one ribose string that replicates and you're good to go.

Like your answer. It’s very informative.

Very cool! A group of scientists published a paper where they hypothesized, life is a direct result of elements trying to get rid of excess energy, and get to the lowest energy state. Part of their argument is that each subsequent link in the food chain, is less efficient at metabolising solar energy, than the one below.


I doubt it. The universe is just too complex. Science will continue to give answers, but also raise even more questions.

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