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Who's the Liar?

Who's the better liar Kavanaugh the politician or Dr Ford the psychologist?
Who owns the movie rights?

Xanadutoo 7 Sep 28

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Kavanaugh is a liar, but not a good one. I believe her over him because the cost to her is SO high; why would she come forward if her story were not true? Those who poke the bear ( the white male privledged) are taking a huge risk.


I have no idea. I think the larger question is how long until the white boy club falls apart? Really the reason their are so many corroborating Kavanaugh is.....because again and again in our culture the white boys are squeaky clean and the girls are asking for it, or are sluts. And he has power behind him, like the POTUS and an entire political party. What does she have? Memories and her own pain? I think he did it all and the real question is what would happen if he said yeah I was a stupid seventeen year old how fucked up and I am sorry. Why can't they be honest? Why do so many of us celebrate when our rulers use preschool excuses when asked questions. Why do we let our rulers feed us a line of BS and call it gold?

Quarm Level 6 Sep 28, 2018

It's funny, though, how there are actually people corroborating Kavanaugh, and none for Ford... pfffft

Let's let the FBI sort it out ~

if you are amazed that good old boys come forward to support a fellow and that rapists don't do what they do in front of witnesses, you're an idiot. that's just fact.

@HereticSin Good ole boys??? You mean the 65 women that came out defending him are now coming out as transgender??? Holy shit.. l haven't heard about that... well,, what ever blows their skirt up l guess... lmao (see what l did there?? do you have the grey matter to understand it l guess is a better question) ??

@Captain_Feelgood 63 of them were unwilling to come forward with support after the lie detector. keep up, son, shit happens fast.

"we got this letter together within 24 hours of the allegations, cause we didn't know this might be an issue". sure thing, chief.

she probably lied to her therapist several years before his nomination, completely not at that point coming forward with allegations, just to lie to her therapist, for "reasons", right?

@Captain_Feelgood be clear. he had a signed statement of support within 24 HOURS of the allegations. 65 classmates from 30 years ago got together within 24 hours, cause that's believable.

@HereticSin mmmm,,, No,, not true.. out of the 65 asked, only two responded... Not responding doesn't mean they don't support him. But l understand that's how the msm spins it to all their loving fans out there... try again..

@HereticSin []

@Captain_Feelgood sure, I'll try again: he (or his crew) set up that letter in advance knowing what was coming, and those women were unwilling to continue to be involved because it became clear that things were swinging the other way. there, I tried again.

they responded when asked by his supporters, but were unwilling to actually join the discussion. that's the opposite of strong support. and they still haven't come forward, several days later.

you know what, go ahead and support the rapist, your opinion isn't important to me.


Kaviar thinks his shit don’t stink, thus he’s felt so entitled for so long he’s come to think of himself as ‘godlike.’ ..and he knows a ‘god’ wouldn’t have done such a thing/s…

Mrs. Ford has the makings of ‘a saint,’ anyone with an honest heart can tell.. There’s no question she told the truth. None.

Why wait for the movie, it’s playing everywhere right now ~

Varn Level 8 Sep 28, 2018

So true, I have just watched it on Al Jazeera


Your question is offensive, calling Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh both liars.

Calling Dr. Ford a liar hurts every woman who has been sexually assaulted. And there are a lot of us.


No doubt in my mind, Kavanaugh is the one . He has already lied twice this session regarding reading the stolen documents. He lost his cool and that alone tells me a lot about the person. Under such strict conditions that he operates his life in court, he lost it and cried, yelled, mocked, and told lies. He is no good and we are grateful we get to find this out.

EMC2 Level 8 Sep 28, 2018

I didn't watch it but saw bits and pieces from the news. I thought I would get sick when Kavanaugh is almost crying and talking about his kids and saying prayers. I'm sorry. I just cannot believe this. It's drama bullshit that the Repuglicons think you will take seriously. Anything is possible but I don't believe it for one minute.


I watched the hearing from start to finish. I didn't see Dr Ford lie even once. She was very credible. On the other hand Judge Kavanaugh displayed all the traits of a liar. He was often evasive and didn't answer simple questions directly. He often lost his temper and attacked the questioner. Liars cover over their lies by getting angry, raising their voice, and playing the victim card. This is what we saw from the Judge. Most people know that the Triangle Club is MFM three way sex encounter not a drinking game as Judge Kavanaugh stated. Boofing is not flatulence but using a syringe to put alcohol up your anus. Alcoholics use this so their breath does not smell of alcohol and their stomach does not get upset but they get drunk quickly. As I watched the Judge argue with the Democratic Senators I wonder if he had been boofing for the hearing. As for Renate being just a good friend of the team ....well even my old grandmother was laughing at that lie. It is so obvious that Kavanaugh was saying she was the team whore. I found this characterization despicable. I fell empathetic for Renate that her character has been destroyed by the Judge.

Thanks for the reply. In the UK we get edited versions.I do not understand why anyone should be put through the humiliation of answering these questions on the media.

Some have gotten nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court with no problem because they had a good reputation . But Kavanaugh has too much "baggage". @Xanadutoo

spot on my friend, I too watched the entire thing and say exactly what you did. In college I learned the clever little phrases also. Watching him redefine the words was a joke. We all know he was a very rich kid who could do no wrong His parents could get him out of anything and they almost did. Welcome to the new investigation and may we all hear the truth.


It is sad when people talk about the movie rights in such a terrible situation.

Typical unless it's a person that they know and pretend to care about.


I don't know either and given the question I probably don't want to

I for one was stunned at Ford's testimony, She was incredibly real and sincere. To see her as lying I need to ask for what reason on earth would she go public knowing how freaking dumb and ignorant the republicans are. If one even entertains the Deep STate conspiracy, well you are just not credible to be judging anyone.

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