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Do atheists observe Halloween?

Since, most don't believe in ghosts and other silly stuff that goes along with the holiday. Do we still observe some of it for the children. I rather ignore it like the rest of the religious holidays.

freedom41 9 Oct 6

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135 comments (26 - 50)

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Most would as most celebrate Christmas too, or at least the giving or exchanging presents.

That is what Christmas should be for. Along with spending time with family. I wish we could rename that day. It would really piss off the christains.

the real thing about holidays is for family to get together

@benhmiller Yes, I believe it too, however it is also very sad for those who do not have any family or who are not in touch with them.


I love Halloween! Costume parties, candy, love it.


Oh heck yeah,,, just another reason to have a party..


There is nothing wrong with an atheist observing Halloween or even Christmas for that matter. They have morphed from religious holidays into folk festivals. Ask any little kid what Easter, Christmas, and Halloween are about and they will tell you, "the Easter Bunny and candy, Santa Claus and presents, and wearing a costume and candy. No need for an atheist to be anal about such folk festivals.

Not to mention most Christian holidays were adapted from pagan rituals/celevrations ?

My family never done the religious thing sometimes they played before eating I did no care for that but played along so i can eat.

nothing ruins a holiday faster then going and sitting in a church with clean nice clothes on when you are a child.


Sure, it's fun. I like Christmas lights and l will eat an Easter egg. The things l enjoy on these holidays have nothing to do with religion.

xmas is about family getting to together the same with thanksgiving and Easter. The Christmas time was taken from the pagans we all know know about winter solstice.


I don't find anything objectionable about dressing up in a fun costume and asking neighbors for candy (for kids.) Or having a dress-up/costume party (kids or adults.) Regardless of orgins, I embrace reasons to celebrate, have fun, and break up the monotony of daily life.


well I don't beleive in the stupid thing as hell so just have fun and hand out candy to the kids that come to my door


I had some ask me since i was atheist did I do xmas, easter and other holidays said yes kids have fun why bring religion into it to ruin it


I'll celebrate just to celebrate. I'm enjoying a beer or four on Columbus Day Eve Eve.


I don’t believe in any of the supernatural.
Halloween is great fun and the kids have a great time. Why not enjoy the day and let it be


Hell yes! Let's egg another church!

godef Level 7 Oct 6, 2018

No offense, but that’s one of the silliest questions I’ve ever heard. As if celebrating Halloween is contingent on believing in ghosts.


It's a well known atheistic ritual founded on our "Faith" of Evolution.. it's the best season and astrological day to eat all of the babies.. yes pumpkin spiced babies.. deliciousness.. #sarcasm..

Mmmmm. Pumpkin spice bebes. Yum!

@OpposingOpposum MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm......reminds me that I had my first piece of (seasonal) pumpkin cheesecake (this year) at The Cheesecake Factory a few days back. Soooooooo good!!!


I celebrate a secular Halloween just as I celebrate a secular Xmas.


Halloween is my favorite holiday, next to christmas!! Fun fun fun! P.S. I believe in ghosts!??


Halloween is about costumes, creativity, and candy. Some of the early underpinnings of the holiday may have been to scare away evil spirits, but today it's entirely secular and just a bit of fun.


Did you know that believing in Christianity is the gateway to the occult? I like the candy. I even like candy corn. Why is there candy corn? Sounds like it wouldn’t be very good. I think it’s good because it’s not actually candied corn. Someone was paying attention.


So, pretend to be someone you’re not and potentially scare the shit out of someone? Why the fuck not??

Plus candy!


I love Halloween!!


I have always enjoyed Halloween. It never had religious overtones for me.


Women and tons of black leather - it can't be ALL bad. And there's free candy to boot! Sure sounds better than turkey or Santa.


Why not? It`s awesome fun!

Della Level 6 Oct 7, 2018

I love all holidays. It's a reason party, socialize and take time off work and school.
Halloween is about mostly candy and fun. I love it


I never thought of it as a religious event, it's pagan if anything just like the actual origins of most holidays, so it's whatever you want to do, I don't see what it has to do with religion.


Why not? We love fun and holidays! 🙂

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