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Binge worthy TV Shows

What do you consider the top three binge worthy TV shows on right now? Why?

Crimson67 8 Jan 31

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I always binge after they are off the air

Me too.

Me three



LOST until the last one. i need to finish reading the post. no idea. havent had a tv in years.

I was in North Carolina for 6 months with nothing ( and when I say nothing, I mean no cable, no data, no internet, no phone signal)but a 8 inch portable DVD player, and i rode go to thrift shops and bring home old DVD's and one of them was lost. It was a great show until about season 4 or 5.

even the weird got strange sometimes. I liked Fringe also.


Watching Rumpole of the Bailey now.

@Irishathiest All of the episodes are on


Shameless-8th season-unique show time
Homeland-7th season - superb-showtime
Weeds-epic fave-Showtime


Traveller's on Netflix. The breadth and depth of the characters stand out.
The Expanse, great sci-fi with a solid nod to actual physics. The first two seasons are on Prime.
Atypical on Netflix. It's about a high functioning autistic teenager coming of age and his family dealing with all that entails. It's funny and cringe worthy and adorable.


Mindhunter, very interesting
Traveler's, very entertaining
Black mirror, Twilight zone like!


Doctor Who, Legion, Rick & Morty


Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The West Wing

Deadwood was so sharp. No other TV show (or movie, as I think now) has equaled it in terms of dialogue writing.

I haven't seen the west wing, Is it really that good?


In all my 64 years I had only be faithful really to 3 shows... Friends, Seinfeld and Frasier that I could honestly say. Even if pampered to every channel available because I used to work for that Big Evil Comcast/Xfinity in two different states. I may watch Black Mirror season 3. I loved Penny Dreadful to her death and also loved Marry Stewart to her death in Reign. I prefer historical to fiction. Character development to twist and turns of a plot. I love Documentaries based on historical figures. I am of little help but enjoy your binge guys.

You should check out Taboo (Tom Hardy as lead actor and produced by Ridley Scott). The show is based in 18th century London. And it's main themes include slave ships, The East India Company, the British monarch, and the American Civil War.

Was a good replacement for Penny Dreadful - although their themes were different.

Check out some of the stuff I posted, I think there are some things you'd like. AcornTV and PBS have excellent period dramas.

@carlyhorton I like PBS... there was a show I was interested... brittish of course... Wolf Hall... based on the Henry VIII era advisor Cromwell.

@SamKerry Thank You Much.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I saw Wolf Hall on there, but I haven't checked it out. I'll take a look! 🙂

@carlyhorton I like historical and everything to do with henry 8, elizabeth and her feud with mary stewart... so wolf hall is a very somber look into a somber character of a somber era.

@SamKerry I can appreciate Tom Hardy. Thanks.

curious you're in the Navy and never watched Captain Kangaroo

@Gortzilla Neither McHales navy... or "The last boat" but like any other sailor will watch a warship movie to point the discrepancies. My job as a Radioman I could get away with waking up the captain at any hour and we were the only ones that knew everything that was going on worth coming out of the ship or coming into the ship. The secrets we kept!!!!


Ash Vs. Evil Dead, Breaking Bad, Broad City is hilarious.

I will see Breaking Bad someday

Wow really? I thought everyone that wanted to had already seen it. It’s so good, on Netflix, and highly addictive like the meth in question. @btroje


WOW! Maybe I should get a TV. But I already spend plenty of time on the computer. Stranger Times sound pretty interesting tho.


If it is on network currently, I can't binge. Only one episode at a time. But streming, sure. Anyway, my favs,
Will &Grace, for the Sharp LGBT humor, timely socio-political references, and nostalgia.
Grace & Frankie, because apparently I like shows with Grace in them. Nah, it's the gay thing again.
And Stranger Things. Love the creepy twists from kid's perspective.

Ooh! Be sure to check out G&F. It is a Netflix original. Be sure to start season 1, episode 1. Tomlin and Fonda have great chemistry. And I have always been a Lily Tomlin fan.


I don't know if I can stick to three...(in no particular order)

I adore the Canadian show The Murdoch Mysteries. It's a detective show set in Victorian Toronto.
A brilliant detective and a woman medical examiner are the stars. It's in its 11th season, and they're all available on AcornTV, which is like a British Netflix. The production quality takes a little getting used to. It's not raw or gritty, you know you're watching actors on sets. But you don't care. The show and the characters are so charming. It's murder mysteries, but it's also light. Not an obvious comedy like Monk, but often funny. Maybe tonally similar to Murder She Wrote? Many episodes involve some new technology that is just being discovered.

The Great British Baking Show - all seasons are available on PBS now, I think. Absolutely charming reality competition for amateur bakers. The amateurs have serious skills, though, and they bake some incredible stuff! The competition takes place in a charming tent on the grounds of an old English estate. What's great about it is that everyone is so civil! They're supportive of each other, they get along, it's just sweet. And some of the traditional European baked goods they make are fascinating.

Shetland - a modern-day mystery set in the Scottish Shetland Islands. Available on Netflix. It's not action packed, it's a bit of a slow burner, but I was hooked. The characters are all so believable, and it was fascinating to see what life is like on Shetland. Beautiful scenery.

Poldark - 1700s Brittain drama. Totally binge worthy!
Bates Motel !!!!!!!!! Wonderfully Twisted!

The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - unique, hilarious, a joke-a-minute, great cast
Raising Hope - another great sitcom. Pissed it got cancelled!
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries - like the Murdoch Mysteries, but with a female lead and set in post WWI Australia. Watch for Miss Fisher's costumes if nothing else. Good clean fun.
The Magicians - Gets a little dark and twisted.
Call the Midwife - British drama, post WWII midwives serving the poor in London.

Loved Kimmy Schmidt. The Magicians is outstanding.


I already answered, with three fictional series, but if I am being honest, more than anything I watch reality stuff, #1 any remodeling show on HGTV, and second, right now I am consuming all things Olympics that I can. There is something inspiring, even though not at all practical. Lol


Hey, you are quite curious. How about you? 😉

Gert Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

@witchymom Fair enough. Hulu, Netflix, Smithsonian, all have lots to stream. Tell me what you decided and if it was a good choice.


Penny Dreadful, Black Mirror, and either Mad Dogs or Animal Kingdom - probably both because they are good!

jeffy Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

@witchymom There was always that element of up the ante from the previous season... the fact she died killed any sequel but I am just a sucker for Eva Green. The show was kind of similar to a science fiction book called "A night in the lonesome October". Where Jack the Ripper, Dracula, Werewolf were the good guys defending mankind from the end of the world. And is from the point of view of the pets of those individuals involved. I didn't liked she died but hey. Fans wanted to continue but that is another thing... I can't stomach any more game of thrones, but fans love it. I just don't do much TV. In netflix... just frasier. I do like that war between mary stewart and elizabeth as good as history as anything. Two enemies that never met and yet were bound together and Mary got the raw deal. But that is life after all.

@witchymom Yeah it was a good start, great characters - they could have done better at the end though. All in all very interesting and sexy.


Game of Thrones, Stranger Things and I'm really liking Happy! on syfy channel. The first too are the most popular in the U.S. right now. Happy! Is based on an awesome graphic novel of the same name.

I admit publicly, I have never watched Game Of Thrones.

@hippiechick58 Privately you're a huge fan though... c'mon you know it's true. Lol @witchymom "Rick and Morty" is funny and smartish (pop science and a bit more with a sitcom/adventure satire cartoon). I really like Vikings and Templars is new on history. That is a bit more drama based. I also really enjoyed the first season of the Orville. Sci-fi star trek spoof by Seth McFarlane.

@jayneonacobb Everything I know about GOT I learned from my kids who are huge fans. That is the extent of my interest. I bought some GOT themed stuff for Xmas gifts for one of the SILs (Sons in Law). I am aware there are two houses battling and it is a complicated plot. After that I'm lost.


Westworld is my recent most favoured TV show. Themes: AI sentience. Written by Johnathan Nolan who also wrote one of my favourite movies, Memento.

Orphan Black. Themes: clones, science-corporation espionage. Tatyana Maslany's acting chops is unequaled as she plays multiple characters - especially when she had to play one character acting as another to pull off a ruse. My description makes it sound comedic. Drama/thriller is more its genre.

Taboo (Tom Hardy as lead actor, produced by Ridley Scott). 18th century London. Themes: slave ships, The East India Company, the British Monarch, some supernatural superstitions, and in the background, the U.S. civil war.

All those three shows took their themes pretty seriously. And they didn't shy away from any story or themes that were uncomfortable.

(Apologies for extra detail. I'm a bit of a movie/TV buff.)

Loved Westworld and Orphan Black. I'll check out Taboo. Thanks!

@witchymom RE: Orphan Black, I really like the (dysfunctional) dynamics between the "sisters" and their adopted brother, Felix. They capped off S2 with a "sister" dance:


M.A.S.H, it is timeless and still pertinent. I count HAWKEYE as one of my heroes.


It's just that Radar represented the grunts that did the job and Hawkeye was a primadona entitled well off back home Doctor.

But, Hawkeye Was great as a character, and Alda was perfect

I was just thinking that might be one of the shows I start to rewatch.

I had such a crush on Hawkeye!


Once Upon a Time
Stranger Things

And all Star Trek!

All Star Trek, Franchise Wide?

Ambitious, or unaware of the scope of your claim? taha taha... 🙂

@Gortzilla Haven't seen Discovery yet, but I'm sure I'll love it.
I still have every episode of Voyager on VHS, lol.

[in the voice of Darth Vader]

... You have learned Much young one, Captain Kirk has taught you well.

VHS? excellent.



Season 2, 3, and 4 were awesome.


TV [scheduled] or Streaming [on demand]?

There is a difference.

True Binging can only be accomplished in 3 ways:

-1} Netflix I've NEVER watched just one episode per week of Stranger Things, Is watching the same part over and over again binging?
...I loved watching the first 2 scenes of D'Jango Unchained

-2} PBS Marathons ...Red Dwarf; Hitchhiker's Guide; Dr Who; etc. 😉


IMHO, the component of the viewing experience that includes the Audience as part of the event makes it special.

A slumber party, a drive-in theater, a private home theater.

the friends make it a good time


This Is Us. I sat on the sofa in my pajamas and cried all day while watching it. It was very good therapy. It isn't all sad, by any means, but I had just gone through something traumatic, so I was on the edge. It has a great story line. I also loved True Detective. I wish it was more than two seasons, though!

I don't understand why people didn't take to True Detective S2. All the main characters were very interesting and well portrayed - even, surprisingly, Vince Vaughn's character.

I agree. I loved both seasons!


right now I am watching ER, but being a science fiction fan. I liked babylon 5, all of the star treks, been a fan since I was a kid and tos was on. SVU is also a very well done series. I also loved Deadwood. Haven't seen penny dreadful, or black mirror.


So much out there to watch. Based on what I’ve seen (Yes, I watch a lot of Netflix.) :
Stranger Things
& Santa Clarita Diet

I’m often late to the party on some shows. Started binging “Lost” when it was several seasons in. And now, I just started Game of Thrones. Next will be some of the others mentioned.

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