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Binge worthy TV Shows

What do you consider the top three binge worthy TV shows on right now? Why?

Crimson67 8 Jan 31

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35 comments (26 - 35)

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Ash Vs. Evil Dead, Breaking Bad, Broad City is hilarious.

I will see Breaking Bad someday

Wow really? I thought everyone that wanted to had already seen it. It’s so good, on Netflix, and highly addictive like the meth in question. @btroje


In all my 64 years I had only be faithful really to 3 shows... Friends, Seinfeld and Frasier that I could honestly say. Even if pampered to every channel available because I used to work for that Big Evil Comcast/Xfinity in two different states. I may watch Black Mirror season 3. I loved Penny Dreadful to her death and also loved Marry Stewart to her death in Reign. I prefer historical to fiction. Character development to twist and turns of a plot. I love Documentaries based on historical figures. I am of little help but enjoy your binge guys.

You should check out Taboo (Tom Hardy as lead actor and produced by Ridley Scott). The show is based in 18th century London. And it's main themes include slave ships, The East India Company, the British monarch, and the American Civil War.

Was a good replacement for Penny Dreadful - although their themes were different.

Check out some of the stuff I posted, I think there are some things you'd like. AcornTV and PBS have excellent period dramas.

@carlyhorton I like PBS... there was a show I was interested... brittish of course... Wolf Hall... based on the Henry VIII era advisor Cromwell.

@SamKerry Thank You Much.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I saw Wolf Hall on there, but I haven't checked it out. I'll take a look! 🙂

@carlyhorton I like historical and everything to do with henry 8, elizabeth and her feud with mary stewart... so wolf hall is a very somber look into a somber character of a somber era.

@SamKerry I can appreciate Tom Hardy. Thanks.

curious you're in the Navy and never watched Captain Kangaroo

@Gortzilla Neither McHales navy... or "The last boat" but like any other sailor will watch a warship movie to point the discrepancies. My job as a Radioman I could get away with waking up the captain at any hour and we were the only ones that knew everything that was going on worth coming out of the ship or coming into the ship. The secrets we kept!!!!


Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The West Wing

Deadwood was so sharp. No other TV show (or movie, as I think now) has equaled it in terms of dialogue writing.

I haven't seen the west wing, Is it really that good?


Doctor Who, Legion, Rick & Morty


Mindhunter, very interesting
Traveler's, very entertaining
Black mirror, Twilight zone like!


Traveller's on Netflix. The breadth and depth of the characters stand out.
The Expanse, great sci-fi with a solid nod to actual physics. The first two seasons are on Prime.
Atypical on Netflix. It's about a high functioning autistic teenager coming of age and his family dealing with all that entails. It's funny and cringe worthy and adorable.


Shameless-8th season-unique show time
Homeland-7th season - superb-showtime
Weeds-epic fave-Showtime


Watching Rumpole of the Bailey now.

@Irishathiest All of the episodes are on


LOST until the last one. i need to finish reading the post. no idea. havent had a tv in years.

I was in North Carolina for 6 months with nothing ( and when I say nothing, I mean no cable, no data, no internet, no phone signal)but a 8 inch portable DVD player, and i rode go to thrift shops and bring home old DVD's and one of them was lost. It was a great show until about season 4 or 5.

even the weird got strange sometimes. I liked Fringe also.


I always binge after they are off the air

Me too.

Me three


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