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LINK 'There is no God,' says Stephen Hawking in final book

CNN's review of "Brief Answers to the Big Questions"

PBuck0145 7 Oct 16

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God is probably some aliens who came here thousands, maybe millions of years ago, ala 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Why would they do that? And why would they go away again? And where is the evidence that they were here?

It's more likely that there's no God and no aliens (at least not coming here).

@Paul4747 There is nothing to explain humans, unless evolving a smarter brain just made us weirder than anything else in the animal kingdom. That's why I said that...But I agree that there is no evidence for aliens. We could be alone in the universe. Nothing necessitates any other life anywhere else. Perhaps we are truly alone.


God does not exist outside of human imagination. It is impossible for a disembodied mind to exist or to be generated. Belief does not equal knowledge. God defies the laws of physics and if anything defies the laws of physics it is physically impossible. Personally I can disprove just about every Fable in the Bible. Prophecies that never came true in fact failed spectacularly. I could go on forever about this.

Correct-the only god that exists is in peoples imaginations and most often Gods function as “alter egos” of how powerful and invulnerable a person really would like to be.


If anyone should know whether there is a God or not it should be physicists and cosmologists. And from what I know about physics the entire idea of a God is 100% impossible-there is no divine “thingy” or anything fiddling and twiddling with the universe which would be indicated by something moving stars & planets around And breaking the laws of physics continually like moving chess pieces around on a game board-& that has never been shown to have occurred in the past 13,.5 billion years. There is no indication of any kind of God or intelligent forced to making decisions. Furthermore, energy has always existed & has never been created and once you wrap your mind around that fact The idea of a God is impossible.


Let's try to put ourselves in his shoes for a minute. Trapped in a wheelchair most of his adult life, with no mechanical/muscle control other than his tongue to drive a clever system to create an electronic robotic type of voice. Buried deep in his brain with the only choice being to think as a way of life and frustrated all the time knowing that it was painstakingly slow to communicate his theories, finding and proofs of everything he accomplished under great limitations and yet against all odds lived way longer than any doctor ever hope he would. Have you imagined the boredom of being chained up to his chair all the time? Would he really have had time to worry about foreign policy? Despite all there is to find in Google, I just cannot see how Hawkins would've had the time (even brief....pun intended) to waste his precious time in US politics. He did have a sense of humor though.


Yes, he is right. There is also this Mark Twain saying: "If there is a God, he is a malign thug."


Even if there is one, fuck him!!!! 😉

or her...

@sahjoh don't blame this on women it has to be a man because man invented it


As much as I admire the intellect of Professor Hawking, I didn't need his endorsement.


He's right


don't need to a genius to know that just use reasoning and common sense. But people lack that bigly look at the orange turd we have.


I offer this to you, we can prove that the man stephen hawkings was real, we have absolute proof of this, now I say unto you prove to us that this god of yours is a real entity....

I have been in chat rooms for about 10 years and I’ve asked the same question of the religious probably about 2000 times—and it is most interesting that 99 times out of 100 when you ask them to “prove that their God is real”—The religious go off into a trance state (A form of dissociation) and refuse to answer.

As time goes on you will learn more of my opinions based on neurological and psychological research which includes genetics-that to be religious is a mental illness. Yes, some of the religious can “dissociate“ & separate their religious fantasies and make realistic decisions. But there are far too many as noted by their voting patterns who have transferred and lateralized their religious fantasies into Dysfunctional cognitive problem-solving & decision making habits into of how they vote & socialize. And this is and should be a major concern.

Although slapped down by the United States supreme court-such states as Alabama, Missouri and Oklahoma tried to make “Christianity the state’s official religion.” Some states legislatures of actually voted to either remove evolution from all science textbooks or teach “the biblical creation” Myth As parallel & equal with the science of evolution and genetics. Christians have come to dominate “school textbook committees” and are engaging not only in the removal of science from science textbooks but historical revisionism in which Christianity Is said to have “founded democracy.” This is a cruel joke because there is no democracy, voting, or individual rights” stated or “It is desirable in the Bible.

Christianity has become a stealthy & a politicized religion About which there is very little written or covered by the news media—so many people do not understand the very serious civil war going on in the United States fighting against the domination of this country by the religious.


And Hawking is one smart fellow. Ha !


Well fuck, the secrets out now.


'There is no god' says jlynn37. So there, I said it and I'm glad. That's my story and I'm sticking too it.

Never ever seen any proof of any god


Hawking said, basically, that our brains are computers & our bodies consist of plumbing & energy plants. once the energy plant shuts down for a few minutes, that's it. the computer dies & we then decompose just like any other organic matter.
eventually back to stardust.
i had come to a very similar conclusion decades ago. in fact, i think the plumbing & energy plant analogy is mine.

really stardust? I say decaying organic matter.

All matter is stardust.

@ldheinz . Not dark matter! And I bet there is matter that hasn’t been made into a star yet, or ever will be! There is matter at the ever accelerating edge of the universe that isn’t a star...

@Ungod, no one knows what dark matter is, so no definite statements can be made about it.

@ldheinz - If "no definite statements can be made" about dark matter, that would include saying it is stardust!

Dark matter specifically refers to NOT stars or stardust. That's why it's called DARK matter!: "Dark matter is present throughout the universe, forming galaxies and the largest known structures in the cosmos. It makes up around 23 percent of our universe, whereas the particles visible to us that make up the stars, planets, and even life on Earth represent only about four percent of it.


@Ungod, I didn't say dark matter is stardust. You made that up and are pretending that I said it. Then you have the arrogance to lecture me about something that I already know. YOU are the one who made claims about dark matter.

@ldheinz "All matter is stardust." You said it!

"All matter" includes dark matter. Just admit you were wrong, that's not so bad.

But denial is a terrible thing!

@Ungod, yes, I said that MATTER is stardust. Dark matter is NOT matter. We don't know what it is, which is why the placeholder of "Dark Matter" was created to be used until we figure out what it is. The fact that you believe it is matter is just a shining example of the Dunning Krueger effect in action. Try growing up and searching for the truth instead of a "win". That's what adults do.

@ldheinz LOL!! You’re getting deeper and deeper, instead of just admitting YOU MADE A MISTAKE!

  1. “All matter is stardust”. WRONG! Dark matter is NOT stardust!

  2. “No definite statements can be made about it (dark matter!)”.. But now YOU say the “definite statement” that “dark matter is not matter”!!

  3. And you make these statements with NO source backing them up!

But I guess that’s the state of things in Trumpworld USA, just SAY STUFF with nothing to back it up whatsoever!

I think it’s a lot simpler and less embarrassing to just say you were wrong!

But I guess admitting you were WRONG is even harder than that!!

@Ungod, I'm tired of your endless parade of hopelessly flawed thinking. Go find a five-year-old to demonstrate your stupidity to.

@ldheinz - So, arguments debunked, unable to admit you are WRONG, you hit the bottom of the barrel of STOOPID !!



@ldheinz . Sore LOSER !!

I won every point, moron.

@ldheinz As an IDIOT would think ‼️???‼️

@ldheinz Now instead of going full TRUMP STOOPID, simply CITE the reference that says “ALL matter is stardust”, Trumpy!

See photo.

@Ungod President Trump is not stupid-he is extremely clever and did not become a tenfold billionaire and president of the United States by being stupid. You may disagree with his policies and opinions but he is not stupid.

He is a stupid pathological liar with many other issues that adversely affect his ability to lead.

He was NEVER a “tenfold billionaire” but lied saying he is, and Trumpanzees of course believe anything TheRump tells his sheep to believe!‼️?‼️

He inherited $.5+B decades ago and has hardly increased it much.

But he won’t release his taxes so you don’t even know WHAT he’s worth!

He has gone BANKRUPT 4 times!

By all accounts he is a shady inept and incompetent businessman.

He is a liar. And embarrassingly STOOPID, inept and impolite on the world stage!

These are just not good qualities for a POTUS!

@ldheinz - YOU are the one who started with insults!

Insults do not constitute an argument. They just show that you don't HAVE an argument.

@ldheinz Your “argument” shows you have NO proof for your claim that “ALL matter is stardust”!

Present proof or shut up...

It’s really that simple!

Why do you need to keep this going? Is your ego really so weak that you need to keep making a fool of yourself? Repeating the same silly argument that's already been addressed is pointless.

@ldheinz - YOU are the one “keeping this going”. Just provide PROOF of your claim!!

You have no proof, so YOU shut up already!!


Here is the article, I suggest reading it, as agnostics it should be required reading... imho


To be fair, he also said much the same thing in his previous book


Still interesting what a significant scientific mind like Hawking’s thought about these things. It’s not a surprise to find a faith in scientific explanation as a guiding principle though.


I agree.


Reality is the prove which dismiss ignorance

akite Level 3 Mar 20, 2019

This is one of the ongoing arguments: Does God exist or not . No one can prove that God does or does not exist . I often say when asked “I am not aware either way” , I am okay with that . I have no desire to prove or disprove that to anyone. We still don’t no where consciousness originates from , although some believe it’s the claustruam , humanity has definitely killed in the name of god although the main thrust of that was for wealth and power. I do however enjoy reading the back and forth about it . Some are pretty vested in their position . I do like I said before enjoy it , someone usually introduces information I haven’t come across and I research it! Keep up the back and forth it is appreciated.

No one can prove Satan Claus doesn’t exist...

@Ungod true , I have no concern either, the need to be “right” is at the very core of human conflict, and is the reason for so much of the destructive nature of humanity. Simply being able to accept that our perception is different and respecting that can lead to harmony. We as a species aren’t satisfied with that.

@Outsideit67 The problem with your attitude is that the religious who believe in magic vote-and furthermore the religious have become extremely political and are voting to take away your rights as an individual and eventually force you and especially your children to conform and to their religious beliefs—Religion is just politics with God thrown in as the bully and the enforcer. This is why it is important to dissuade The religious or at least revolt against the religious at every turn—

@Weismonger just like the religious people you talk about , you have a position as well that keeps us fragmented. I am aware of how the religious zealots are trying to impose their will on us , this is nothing new , it has been going on longer than you and I have been on this earth. I speak up and vote accordingly to revolt as you say . I still however don’t care about the position anyone else takes on their perception of life because that’s their right. My comments are not meant to be attack on what you said because there is truth there, but you may have taken what I said out of context. Thank you for comments I really do appreciate it.

@Outsideit67 The idea that there is equanimity among all positions is irrational especially when one’s position results in political action that denies the rights of other individuals such as children being exposed in public schools to preachers and religion. Under the current administration, the Christian right is seriously attacking the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and believe it is their duty from the Bible’s mandates of “the great commission“ to save you and your children from hell.

The religious do not have a “live and let live“ mentality although the US was founded on “atheism” because there are no religious laws or mandates. Furthermore, many of the most important and influential founders of the United States were not Christians but deists Who believed in the law of nature and not the law of imaginary God created by human beings. These particular founders knew that in the history of Europe that religious conflicts had cost the lives of millions of people—And said “not here” when they wrote the bill of rights and our constitution to reflect the right of the individual as supreme and that we would not be ruled as stated in the Bible by churches-preachers, priests or kings. The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights is an absolute REJECTION of “religious rule.”

The Bible clearly states that “God chooses our leaders and that to rebel against them As they are chosen by God is to rebel against God” which is nonsense. Today, there are a number of congressmen and women who want to return to biblical rule of the United States (Dominionists led by Texas Senator Ted Cruz) and are trying to do so incrementally-therefore I reject the idea that all opinions are the same and should be respected equally As many such religious ideas seek to destroy our individual rights & freedoms.

The judicial group that has saved us from such biblical and religious rules & vagaries are actually a number of “conservative Supreme Court justices”— Who often voted against Judge Scalia’s Belief that the original founders wanted US citizens to be subject to religious laws. And as awful as it sounds, I am thankful that Judge Scalia has passed on. But, the UN At the behest of the Islamic states wants to make “blasphemy” a punishable crime Which should concern every person who values their freedom especially when traveling in foreign countries.

@Outsideit67 It is literally impossible for ONE PERSON to have a view that keeps “US fragmented”.

It’s not an issue of being right . It is an issue of reality and claims.

Goddites are claiming their god defines reality for ALL of us - government, laws, abortion, discrimination, bathroom permissions...

For that to be valid, GODDITES have to prove their claim is reality!!


And what's wrong with Odin I might ask!!!!!!

I would rather believe in my ancestors’ Viking gods than believe in the silly Christians’ wimpy Jesus—Who was invented by the Romans and especially the Flavian Caesars to stop the Jews rebelling against Rome by co-opting The “warrior Messiah” prophecy in the Old Testament who was then replaced by “Flavian Josephus“ by a wimpy Jesus who said in many ways to “obey Rome.” Jesus specifically said “slaves obey your masters” (Who were the Romans). It is important to note that all the first “church fathers and saints and popes” we’re all related through the Flavian family- including the pagan Emperor Constantine who made Christianity a state church in 325 A.D. although he never converted to christianity.
For Constantine, it was all about money . And “The Roman catholic forgery factory“ continued to enlarged And create more Christian myths for the next 800 years. The Bible is a hoax and a fraud from front to back.

Well at least Odin wasn’t a whiny wimp like imaginary Jesus


Well written.


Hm-mm, in this l-o-n-g, wandering, and occasionally hostile discussion, it’s useful to note that Hawking is alleged to have finally said something not mentioned here. I will lightly paraphrase Ritchie’s words below, “God and black holes do not exist outside of human imagination.”

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