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Have any plans for Halloween?

How do you celebrate?

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Jaed 5 Oct 24

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My "kids" decorate, my mother hands out candy at my house, I dress up when I can, I find this holiday to be a lot of fun!


For the last ten years, I've dressed up and found an island bar having a party, last year I spent Halloween in Lahaina, which was fun, but this year I'm on my own and will likely keep a low profile. I do have a Halloween wedding to perform that night, and an early morning wedding next day, so it's probably good to keep to a quiet night after work. I look forward to seeing photos/videos of my grandchildren in costume, which will surely brighten my evening!


Yes I will lock my door and not open it for anyone. I live in Australia and don’t agree with this imported spectacle.


i do have a scarecrow i made a while back and in recent years have taped to it the scariest face i can think of: that of donald trump. i set it out on the chair on the stoop. apart from that, i do pretty much nothing. since it falls on a day i might be going to a buffet, i could eat lots of food on hallowe'en this year. i would do that even if it were not hallowe'en. it's a really nice buffet!


p.s. my cat golde celebrates.


Having appetizers and drinks at a friends while handing out candy. This Saturday I’m attending a charity gala at a meuseum for the children’s hospital. That’s something I’ve done for years.


I'm Pagan so it's a day of rememberance for me




I think I'm just going to write.

Gohan Level 7 Oct 24, 2018

I'll usually sit at the door and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Some years I'll get dozens wanting candy. Last year was less then twenty.

Dwindled down to 2 or 3 several years ago, but we've had NONE the last couple years. I still put Jack o lanterns out & have candy by the door just in case.


I don't. We're usually away on the day of. My youngest's birthday is the day before, so we get celebrations over then.


I have a few decorations, spider web light and some skeletons and ghosts hanging in the picture window. I will be home handing out chocolate bars. I do wear a pentagram t-shirt with the meaning of each point noted. Think it's about 30 years old and I only wear for a few hours while handing out treats.


I usually dress up and hand out candy, but this year I'll only have had my new dog for a few days and he's very afraid of people. I'm going to keep it very low key and quiet. Maybe next year we can both dress up..

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