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What was your favorite toy growing up?

I loved my Lincoln Logs! I had so much fun building with them. I bought some for my boys when they were small, but they didn’t find them as much fun as I did. 😟 I have 2 large totes of them saved for my future grandchildren. Lol

Alliegirl 7 Feb 4

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EMC2 Level 8 Feb 5, 2018



I had a stick, that's what I always tell my kids



Electric trains. All gauges. Still have them and run them at least weekly.


Erector Set
BB Gun


Wasn't really a toy but my dad gave me a beautiful hunting bow with laser pointer and scope for my 8th bday and i loved it. I practiced everyday for hours with it.


Slot cars. I would hop them up, devise track layouts or just set up a drag strip. I've even looked into getting one now for the kids and I to play with 🙂

Slot cars was very nearly my answer. We did all those things.

The Aurora Super G+ cars. They were totally the shit.

Later, I did larger scale stuff at a commercial 8 lane track. Great fun, too.

@ScottAHurst Aurora Super G+ were almost like cheating after the AFX cars. Lots of fun though.


G. I. Joe, Star Wars, Atari, bikes. Nothing else really comes to mind. Transformers. Computerized things.


A stuffed dog. I slept with even while in college. I still have it.

Mine was a stuffed teddy bear. 🙂


The bicycle, if you can call it that.


Books. Never was much for toys.

Oh yes. I was a bookworm too. I still have a house full of them, although now they tend to make me fall asleep. Lol.


A fishing rod, not a toy, but I kept it for years until it was finally stolen.

That sucks! People can be so heartless.


I had a terrific Meccano set: built lots of cranes and bridges and so on. But It wasn't a toy, really, and I never liked anyone referring to it as such. I think it is a great pity such things aren't available now.

I had to look that up to see what it was. I think I’ve always called it an erector set. Cool toy.

@Alliegirl Yes it was great for erections.


A specific black vinyl women's belt. I took it with me everywhere until 2nd or 3rd grade. After that, my stuffed animals: specifically cats, snake, and a lobster. As an adult, I now have pet cats and snakes, and have had crawfish. Go figure.

Zster Level 8 Feb 5, 2018

We literally rode the wheels off of our Big Wheels.


Legos! Lots and lots of legos.


Barbie & Ken..


Not gonna tell yer. :''😉


I had a pink plastic toy cat I named Muenster because I liked the cheese.


I actually had 2 favorite toys that worked together. I had a Lego block set and a plastic atomic cannon toy that shot rubber tipped missiles. I would build something with the blocks and see how many times firing the cannon it took to wreck it. That doesn't fit my personality but, hey, I was a kid.


Scrap lumber, a hammer, saw, and nails. We had (and I still own it) about 5 acres of trees and another 10 acres of land where I could dig holes and build stuff including tree houses!


A football or a soccer ball.


Books and Legos.


My box of crayons. Books.


Books, drawing materials, a slingshot I made for myself, throwing knives

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