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Are you good at small talk?

I've always had difficulty rubbing elbows just for the sake of it. Perhaps I just haven't been motivated... But the last two jobs I had, there was very little overlap of interests with my co workers. Religion. Sports. Coach bags... not my stuff. And, I will not watch Honey Boo Boo just to have a break room conversation. I'd rather than off my own leg.

I just liked to say good morning and get to doing my thing. Unless I see common ground, it feels forced and awkward. Umm... So how about that weather...

How do you do with small talk?

silvereyes 8 Feb 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I want to leave it there but it seems smug. Tried it a couple of times but it's like playing tennis with a wall unless it becomes an argument.

@silvereyes To be sure. S'more of an echo.
How you?
Good. How you?
That's why I miss old timey pub games.


I don't.


I can when I want to, the trivial has its place and it puts people at ease with shared common ground.
I don't engage as much these days but I won't fob off someone else either.

Emile Level 5 Feb 5, 2018

I think small talk is subjective, what people believe to be important, varies. Personally, I am quite easily amused, not really sure that’s a good thing, but if I know little on a subject that people want my opinion on, I only say what I know and point out when it’s purely speculation. I don’t watch honey boo boo, but I do know her family is horribly obease, so I would comment along those lines.


I'm a mix of Dexter Morgan and Violet Evergarden when it comes to relationships

@silvereyes would you expect me to say otherwise?! #dontgetcaught


Lol sometime, but sometime I can go on and on like the Energizer Bunny lmao!


I am not. I learned that long ago.


Some folks say i am all talk. Polite exchanges are like two dogs sniffing each other's butt. I like real talk. Get to know the folks I ride the bus with.


We’re human. Some things are universal, talking recipes or favorite music/art or even destinations, it’s interesting to try to discern the nuances of people or even just observe. Heck, Briggs Myer results are even good small talk even if it’s kind of bunk. I’m also about as good at small talk as a potato.


I prefer large talk. I get dressed in suit with an especially long dick length tie, spray my face orange, and slap on a Trump toupee, then tell everybody how cool I am until they run away.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

I'm a people person and I can talk to Anyone. My wife is the opposite...poor baby.


once we get past the weather I go silent


If small talk was all politics and philosophy, I would love it. It's the fact that it's about small topics that annoys me. I understand everyone has their likes and dislikes, but many dislike talking about politics and philosophy and find it boring, so well fuck it, I find your sport/career/money-and-objects/stay-in-the-pocket type talk boring and hard to pay attention to. Sometimes it's interesting and cool, but there are more mind-bending and pressing topics to talk about out there, and we've been talking about recipes for cucumber salads for the last hour. Jesus!

I like your name


If I have the energy I'm not bad at it. If it's someone I have serious problems with or the small talk subject is offensive then I find a way to exit.


I am not sure that I get to judge that. The people I talk TO (or with) are in a better position to do so. However, I am highly comfortable with small talk and enjoy it. I do take the time to read people, though, and not force small talk when they want no part of it.

Zster Level 8 Feb 5, 2018

I'm good at it and living in a small town with some lovely old dears I engage in it regularly. Don't always enjoy it per se but a lot of them are widowed and live alone, and it really isn't that much effort to chat for five minutes, good for both of us, acknowledging someone else as someone who is worth your time is one of the best things you can do even if the conversation itself is boring as bat shit.

Kimba Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

I have no common interests with co-workers. I'm not good at small talk either.


I don't. Small talk is insignificant and unnecessary
. I speak when I have something to say that is relevant to me, not just to hear myself speak. Also, I am somewhat reclusive and feel no need to mingle with people who I have nothing in common with.


I'm awful at it.
Like you said @silvereyes it feels forced and awkward.


I'm like you. Unless I'm interested in the person, it's work to make small-talk. I go through this with my co-workers, with whom I have virtually nothing in-common.


Do you have a kindle? If not load the app on your phone. It's a good way to avoid break room conversation. In fact, this site is too. I'm in the break room right now.

JimG Level 8 Feb 5, 2018

Small talk is shallow talk.


Since I think I'm funny, I usually go there. And I'm curious, so if I want to partake, I just ask questions.

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