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I'm not certain this is the right category, but here's the random thought that occurred to me this morning in the shower: if you were to die today, but you could choose the method, what would you choose?

I recently read an article that claims that we are aware of what is happening when we die, which makes sense to me because there is still oxygenated blood in your brain when your heart stops. That being said, I'd prefer an instant and complete ending, like what I imagine being at the center of a nuclear explosion would be like, but I wouldn't want to be the cause of so many more deaths by choosing such an option. So I suppose I'd choose to jump out of an airplane without a parachute.

How about you?

It's not my intention to be morbid here. This is just a random thought.

Nottheonlyone 7 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Being caught in the shower with you when your trigger happy husband walks in sounds good. At least the kids will have a funny story to tell at my wake.

Oh, I'm so sorry dear but if you don't mind me asking how did your dad die.

Oh I don't mind at all. I'm been waiting fir someone to ask me that. 😉


"I'm not afraid of death. I just don't want to be there when it happens." Woody Allen


I suppose a fatal hypoglycemic episode would do. I'm in a very deep sleep, perhaps snoozing on the couch. My blood sugar had been dropping (which is good if it was high) but it starts getting too low. My CGM sensor has lost connection with my insulin pump. Since the CGM cannot tell the insulin pump that it should stop for a while because my blood sugar is too low, the pump just keeps on pumpin' -- forcing the blood sugar even lower. Usually, I would wake up, but this time I don't, sleeping through it instead (it's happened before, but someone was there to save my ass.) Blood sugar keeps dropping until, finally, there is not enough glucose in my blood to fuel my brain, it shuts down, and I die. No trauma, no bloody mess, no pain, just me expiring in my sleep.

And, even after that, the pump just keeps on pumpin' until it runs out of insulin or someone takes the battery out of it.


My late partner had the perfect death. Fully cognizant for 2 months, no real discomfort, time to be with the community and family, time to take care of things, time to communicate her wishes and, most importantly, time to take charge. Our state is one of 5 with a Death with Dignity program and she chose it immediately upon hearing of her condition (brain tumor).

I learned a lot and am trying to get more involved in bringing about more awareness and extending the program. One thing she did was to donate her body to our University and I have done the same. Problem is there is a 24 hour period that the University has to be notified. This precludes some forms of death and adds an extra layer of complexity.

How to end it when the time comes yet still be able to meet my wishes! Not so easy and will take thought.


This reminds me of a joke:

I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather did, not screaming in terror like the passengers of his car.


Die in my sleep for me.


I wouldn't want to jump off any height or shoot myself in the head because I wouldn't want there to be a great mess for others to clean up. I like the dying peacefully in your sleep thing.

Sacha Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

Good point. I guess I'd jump out of a plane over the ocean. No clean up.


Bullet to the brain stem, instant loss of consciousness followed quickly by death with full potential of reuse of parts except maybe the corneas.

Kimba Level 7 Feb 5, 2018
  • Incineratedby booster jets of rocket bringing people to Mars
  • Crushedby tons of garbage that has been strained from ocean and is being collected for storage in a better place
  • Sealedin concrete of the newly-built world's largest homeless shelter
  • Shotup by all the guns that have been collected before they are destroyed
  • Strangled by an elite soldier trainee

I could do this all day...

Write a book? 😉


Passing in my sleep. I am skeptical about the article. Death itself is instantaneous, one moment you are alive, the next moment you are dead. Now dying is another story as you are still alive until that instant of death. (IMHO)


Of all the times I've teetered with death , I would have to go with a laced cigarette or joint . You get high , then dizzy , then you black out . The only thing you have to worry about , is the primal urge to live , for the simple sake of living . Regardless of what method you would choose , you will always have that to deal with . Good conditioning for it is a big day at the amusement park , riding thrill rides , that way , you enjoy the thrill of actually dying .
Jumping out of an airplane without a chute would be haphazard & you would freeze to death before landing .
There is also a Euthanasia Rollercoaster Designs , but none of them have been built yet .
Video :

Dougy Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

@MrLizard There are many designs . I chose this one because it came with a video , & has been around for several years .


There’s this particular body of water....


Having been in a near fatal motocross crash...

Your brain can be not aware even while your heart is still beating. Any major head trauma as you go and you'll miss the entire thing.

I promise you, had I died before regaining consciousness, I wouldn't have witnessed a thing.

So, your plan for skydiving is pretty solid. You'll be unconscious before you feel a thing.


Hypothermia is a sort of mercy. Granted the path to that particular threshold is rather uncomfortable. But once the shivering stops, the victim is overwhelmed with fatigue and simply falls asleep.

And extreme and vivid hallucinations.


A couple months ago I watched someone die in three weeks. I am sure the last time he went to the hospital he expected to come back. He went from 100 to 0. I will never forget my sister calling me at around 6:15 AM to call me and tell me "It just happened". I used to say to him (my brother in law, 7 years my junior)... "and that is why I will dance on your grave" I don't say that anymore... is not a joke to me anymore. I will quote Richard Pryor now that said "When I die, I will like to die... after fucking, because to me that is Recycling". Yep... I will like to go like Richard said and not in a hospital bed surrounded by my loved ones waiting on the turn of events. So I spent time with my tree children as if is the last time they will see me... I say let's Live Large. Because when they take us in... Sometimes we are not coming back.


I'm hoping for a quick and merciful stroke myself. ?


Old Sparky.


To misquote and adapt a bit from Gladiator. The way to go would be to suddenly find yourself in a field with a warm sun on your back, but not to be alarmed as you are in Elysium and already dead! This would also mean that I've been wrong all these years 🙂


Suicide bag. An inert gas, like helium, doesn't build up carbon dioxide in the blood, so there's no panicked reaction. I'd just fall asleep as my brain is starved of oxygen. No pain. No mess. Simple.


A fatal hypoglycemic episode sounds good to me. And I think that the Philosophy category was probably the best place for your post.


In my sleep. Every night we become unaware we are even living. We wake up the next day with hours of time that passed that we are not even consciously aware of. I would just stay asleep, and I would be ok with that.


In a heavily induced morphine state or in my sleep


If I were by myself than excessive inebriation probably, if I had company I cared for a slow and preferably painless poison, so I had time to interact with them.
And to the best of knowledge you stay coherent for approximately 8 seconds before your consciousness fades, after decapitation.


"Death by snoo snoo!"


Just saw this new computer simulation of a Euthanasia Roller Coaster . Enjoy .

Dougy Level 7 Feb 9, 2018

I've long felt I'd prefer dying in my sleep. I sure don't want to go in a car wreck.

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