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42 comments (26 - 42)

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Bannon probably fears the #metoo movement for financial as well as political reasons, those pesky lawsuits can cost a fortune. He also needs to check his history better, the bible thumpers will have his head if he admits the earth is more than 6000 years old. lol

So true !


Bring em onSenator’s first!

Varn Level 8 Nov 4, 2018

Probably long overdue. Change definitely needed.


That would be a step in the right direction, if you ask me.


He should be so lucky.


Yes...and he should be very afraid!


It doesn't matter to me one bit of which sex is in charge.
What is wrong with the way things are going, (and the list of that is a few miles long), has nothing to do with gender.

The way our government is run is far beyond deplorable.
It goes much farther than who is president atm.
Just my 2 cents.


Couldnt be worse


Let 'em! Men have been f*ckin' it up long enough.


It should be a shared society. That is our only hope.


Well . Trump might be his daddy but not mine . Good to know that he is afraid of vaginas .

He is probably not afraid of vaginas, just who they are attached to.

@Sticks48 and u r right again sir ?


Fine. Let women do this. Without them men would not even shave.

@maturin1919 True, but because of men women shave way too much. 🙂

@maturin1919 We already went through that in the 60's and 70's.

@Sticks48 We did? I must've missed that glut of female leaders. Could you list them pls?

@MsDemeanour I was referring to the not shaving comment. lol


Good! I hope so!




Far better than the current administration, senate, congress, and many state governments.


We should be so lucky....
But - for the record - I consider myself more of a humanist than a feminist. Women should be allowed to work in whatever capacity they want to and are fit for. As should men....and if that means she puts on her high heel sneakers and goes out into the work world and he stays home to clean and cook and wipe those runny noses - so be it. There should be no judgements and no stigmas....people should do what makes them happy and fulfilled.
And to those who say women can't hold down important governmental or political jobs because they are somehow "captive to their hormones"......I point to the moron in the Oval office right now who has spent his entire life thinking with his penis. Just sayin'...... 😉 😉


Oh, how I hate him.

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