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Men: how comfortable are you with women?

I'm more comfortable with women then men. I always feel that men have an agenda, but women do not. The women in my life are very positive and interesting. I prefer the company of women.

That said, I have some male friends, but I don't spend time with them.

GuitarDoctor 7 Nov 5

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I used to be a male feminist... I probably still am...

But women definitely have agendas.

Women are generally more supportive of each other in mixed company... But women out of thier element and in uncomfortable enviornment are the worst.

Chat rooms are a great example. You can talk about ANYTHING in all male chatrooms.

In all female chatrooms, the clock is ticking... Adapt or be gone. Im fortunate to have been in all kinds of enviornments.

Like I said, I'm probably still mostly a feminist, but men seem to have more integrity, character and are more capable of being just.

Forget about it if said women has a crush, a fetish or more time than resources.

Also, maybe it's just because I'm such a worthless scumbag, but I really get the feeling women have and always will talk about me more than they will talk to me.

This is like a new discovery...

I'm sure I'll never be able to express how betrayed I feel about this.
I was a REAL feminist most of my life. Not the opportunist type going to rallys to score.

Women definitely seem to prefer the latter.

Finally, men are definitely better in judging others by character over outer appearance. I am not mad at women for this. I get it. Women are raised to fear men... Especially powerful (looking) ones... But it's not cool or sustainable... Especially for some men...

I'm not a huge guy by any means, but I'm not small enough to be ignored.

Traveling has killed my feminism... It's mostly women that give the looks and call the cops on "strangers".

It would be so nice if virtual reality makes it possible for us to experience what life is like for our oppisites.


I can understand why you would be more comfortable with women then men. I don't want to say anything more as I am sure I would offend a lot of men.

@clarkems Yeah, you are right, it is like a competition there. Must be so tiring.

just say it. I would like to know your opinion

@celticagent Nah, I better play nice. Some things are best left unsaid, I have to be good.


You’re more comfortable with women, then men. I mean, I guess I would agree with that ordering, but which one are you more comfortable with?



Can't say there's any difference in my comfort levels with women vs men.

I think for example that women can have agendas as much as men, just somewhat different ones.


It really depends on the individual and the situation. I can't generalize based on such large categories.

come on, try!


I prefer women.


Both sexes bother me. I am comfortable with women but I feel they always want me to entertain them. I enjoy talking with them a lot. Talking with men is not easy for me because I'm not into the game or what sport was on TV last night. Sometimes I find the right things with both somewhere in between this.

No we are not into entertaining men but into making them comfortable and loved in a non sexual way.

@Jolanta I did not mention sex. 🙂

@DenoPenno I know you did not.

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