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Hating a God that doesn't exist.

I hate what religion does to people. God is believed to be real and the script placed in the Bible and the laws given by this mythical deity is the thing I hate.

What do you hate?

paul1967 8 Nov 14

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Trump... That's about it.

Other than that... I just have a strong dislike for a few things. Broccoli for one, lima beans for another. Then there is the whole liver thing....


I hate the hate that comes with religion. I also hate seafood and liver.


I hate the hypocrisy. I am a writer and i always remember telling stories. My parents, being who they were, did not encourage that creativity; they frequently disapproved of my tales. And yet when i disapproved of the ones told in church, they were not pleased.


Republicans and traffic jams


Hate is dangerous to anyone's wellbeing. . It's kind of been proven that hate actually hurts the hater more than anyone else. We can never get rid of believers so it's a situation that we cannot change. I'm not in complete control when it comes to Trump though.

It's fascinating that you have such a crusade against hate, but then stir the fight against Trump. Sure there's lots to criticize, but at least he's fixing our country for our children's future, unlike the last three anti American globalist presidents who sold out our country for billions of personal wealth.


I don't hate a god that doesn't exist, I just ignore him. I hate the church that manipulates the people and all the bad it has done mankind.

@Merseyman1 - You don't hate a God that doesn't exist but you ignore a God that doesn't exist? How is that possible? Do you ignore Leprechauns and Unicorns?

I don't think we know that a god doesn't exist. If it does, is probably not a god that writes books. It's not a god that tells people who to sleep with, and that slavery is OK. It's not a god that answers prayers for people. I think some kind of entity could have caused the universe to come into being, and science so far hasn't proved that isn't true. Some scientists believe that the universe has existed always so it didn't actually come into being. There may be multiple "Big Bangs".

@SLBushway , very easy, I ignore any reference to the existence of gods that to me do not exist like Saturn, Zeus, Jehovah, Apollo, Athena, the Sun, the Sacred Mountain. For instance, I will ignore any intent of showing me the existence and mighty power of OSIRIS, but I don't hate "him". Actually, I love leprechauns and unicorns...but if they tell me that if I do not adore them I will be punished in hell, I will just ignore them as gods but I will hate the people and entities that manipulate the Unicorn to control, scare, and take money from me.


I hate it when people can plainly see the contradictions in the bible and that god does most all the evil that the bible tells us NOT to do....yet, they still uphold it.


I don't hate god - just as I don't hate flourescent green rabbits, and fairies, and trolls who lurk under bridges, and talking snakes, and the loch ness monster... and all the other stuff that doesn't exist. I don't waste my time and emotional effort summoning up hatred of nothing at all.

I don't hate christians, I don't hate jews, I don't hate muslims... I don't hate believers of any faith for their belief.

What I hate are people who act like obnoxious cunts:-

  • people who believe their fairytale book about their fairytale god gives them a right to discriminate, belittle, abuse, restrain, hurt, and generally act badly towards other people.

  • people who believe their personal sky-fairy gives them the right to declare themselves moral judge, jury and executioner.

  • people who terrify their own children with tales of fire and brimstone, and fill their minds with nonsense, stealing away those children's ability to rationally think for the rest of their lives.

Have you ever read a book of fiction and hated an evil character in the book or watched a movie and hated the character in the movie? I think it's possible to hate a fake thing.

@paul1967 Well - possibly you don't LIKE evil or villainous characters, within the context of the story, but I wouldn't say I actively hate them.

I don't actively hate Sauron, for example.


I hate dumb people.


Hunters . Assholes who kill animals for fun . Assholes who abuse animals and minors bcz they can . Child molestors .

Anyone who causes pain and fear to anyone . Anyone who takes advantage of the weak , the sick , the emotional stressed , the desperate , the lonely , the innocent .

I devoted my life to nursing others . Strangers . People are under the false impression that nursing = sweet and nice .
After 20 plus years , seen pain and fear and soo much wrong by humans for humans , I can assure u , my patience and understanding is running low .

My son said he wanted to go fishing next time we go camping. I reminded him that he only likes the salmon his mama fixes and he told me he'd just do catch-and-release, so I told him that means tearing a hole in the fish's face, which is likely to get infected. He's very empathetic and hasn't asked again since.

@chalupacabre that made me smile . That's nice .


People. Well. Some people.


The love people have for lies.


I don't hate anybody or anything, waste of energy, but that doesn't mean I don't dislike things but not to the point of obsession.
As for hating god, or any gods for that matter, you can't hate what doesn't exist. As for religion they and god aren't connected although the church thinks they are. The church has this idea that to get to god, assuming you want to, you have to go through them. No you don't. Religion has appointed itself the moral compass on supposed spiritual and divine matter, that's where the problem lies, it involves humans and therefore corruption.


I hate what religion does to people, I hate that it turns them against "other religions" I hate that they believe they are moral when they follow a book condemning everyone who doesn't agree with them to eternal fire and burning and do not see the fact that you cannot be a moral entity to even believe such a thing.


To hate, you must've loved
I hate certain actions but not any person or thing

I guess it depends on your definition of hate. If someone murdered my child, I would hate that person without ever having loved them.

I beg to differ. My step brother was killed by a man I never met - ever - I hate that man and all I know is his name.


Most believers have a “buy in” . By that I mean they think if they believe in the Bible that sometime after their death they will be resurrected and live happily ever after...most have never read the King James Version and if you’re of the female genders you’re gonna sense the hate is has for you.....


How can you hate someone that does not exist?!

Well, I think it's possible to have feelings of hate for something that's not real. I watched a movie years ago called "Irreversible" (a weird French film that starts the story at the end and finishes at the beginning.) There's a brutal rape scene in the movie and, I absolutely hated that character.

Perhaps it that case it’s more hatred of the idea, than the person.

I've been agnostic, but have respected Einstein's wisdom...He felt belief in god was a "childish one," but that atheism was irrational because no one could disprove the existence of god, so he said we "could call (him) an agnostic," for we should be humbly objective to the UNLIKELY possibility that some phenomenon might prove otherwise in the future.

I believe I stumbled on that "unlikely phenomenon" last year...

The University of Virginia Medical School just finished a fifty year study of 2500 three year old children's past life recall... Corroborating 18,000 elements of their testimony, UVA has confirmed reincarnation. Lots to consider here! Ergo, there would have to be some sort of creator whom created a "consciousness," "mind" or, god forbid, a "soul" that survives death to have multiple lives and whom would have created the transfer matrix.

It takes a lot of guts for committed atheists and agnostics to look at this work, but for those who are truly objective, you really need to look at the attached short introduction. Would be interested to hear any intelligent, CIVIL responses.

Truly, Brad O'Donnell
[] Hit the UVA Panel picture


I don't hate any god or religious people. I understand that religion is a primitive form of philosophy -- how people explained the unknown, before using reason. What is difficult for me to understand is how most people in the world still believe in gods, something I believed too, until 35 or so years ago. I think the educational systems are part of the problem. We are not taught logic and critical thinking.

"Primative form of logic" well said.


Yet people believe in this bull.


I hate all the atrocities committed in his name.


Nothing, waste of energy


I think that has been a big driving force in my life just being so mad at the world and the idiots that run it and, the broken systems we live in. I always thought of myself as like a hippie-type, but i still have alot of anger towards those things i'm trying to let go of.


People all over the world hate people they’ve never met
So with that being said you’d have to convince people that god or god’s don’t nor have they ever existed.
I’d recommend focusing on yourself you’ll live longer


How can one hate, what doesn't exist? If. I hate anything, it's the way the " godly " use the Bible and the alleged word of " god" to control the WEAK MINDED! The Scam artist fleecing the weak minded out of their life savings and claiming it's god's will they give! It's a trillion dollar SCAM that bilks people out of hard earned money by people FAR from being the " god fearing ministers of god's words"! That is what I hate! God is an illusion used to control and rod the weak! Nothing more!

Do you view theists as weak minded?

@paul1967 Not all are weak minded. Most just believe what they were reared to believe.

@Grecio I think most if not most at least some know intellectually it's BS but either they enjoy the community aspect, their surrounded by the community and fear saying anything or they just hope it's true.


I know religion ruined my life. Since, the people who believe in the bs said it was wrong for man to be with another man. I consider myself pan sexual and still coming to terms with my sexuality. Which might lead to my sex orietntation title to just gay for example.

Funny how a woman can be bi-sexual and its okay, but if a man is - everyone freaks out.

@Teresa that is the sad true about society.

@Teresa there are far too many places in the world where both of those are punishable by death...

It's really hard to believe that the God of the universe writes books and cares with whom somebody sleeps with and loves.


Fish on Fridays!

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