I heard this one today: Trumplestiltskin
45, tangerine tornado, trumpski( his Russian name), nacho nazi, bone spurs in chief... anything but president.
I stopped calling people names in kindergarten. I now refute their positions with cogent, well-reasoned arguments.
How's that workin' out. Why don't you go to D.C., reason with El Presidente, and convince him to resign.
"Orange Clown" and sometimes "Orange Nazi" and in more serious conversations "the next upcoming Hitler"
Fave is piece of shit with a few pinocchios, idiot in charge and orange trumpsters thrown in,
I'd tell you but I'd have to wash my mouth out with soap. Repeatedly...
orange anus, especially when his mouth does that smirking thing it does that looks like an asshole!!! LOL
Well, I have to follow this, I know no nicknames for him, except "trampa", it means something like "shit" in Portuguese.