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Date site protocol/preferences

Do you prefer a woman/man reply to your email/message with a polite no thank you or do you prefer they just delete it? Why?

Crimson67 8 Feb 11

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Well, when a profile says " Interested in meeting men", I think a woman should respond. Otherwise she hasn't 'met' me. She's just browsed me. There is a difference! Still, the online thing just isn't the same as F2F. Ooops, there's that rascally text language again, ha ha!

I got rejected because I wasn't tall enough! I know how that goes🙂 @SACatWalker


If you hear nothing, how are you supposed to know whether they
got the message
got it but haven't read it yet
got it, read it, but haven't responded yet
got it, read it, and aren't interested but are too much of a weasel to respond (ew)
got it, read it, and are interested but are playing a game to see how bad you want it and how long it takes you to message again (double ew)
already picked someone else

Yes please for the love of Mike say something...

@Stinkeye_a I asked @Admin if the messaging system can be improved to identify received and sent messages that have been not read, read, not replied to and barred. So far I haven't had response. A colour coding would enable instant status determination.

@FrayedBear that's brilliant!

@FrayedBear Good ideas. For desktop, there is a "new" icon that shows up... I noticed today it's not on mobile. Will try to get that there this week.

Yes what she said!! thats me too. For the Forces sake say something!!


I respond to every woman who contacts me. 100% of them live far from me and I have a standard response that is, "Thank you for contacting me but nothing can possibly happen with anyone so far away. I wish you well and success in finding what you are searching for here and in your life." Any further contact from them I just ignore.

I once refused to respond to a stranger banging on my door. He had come to tell me that he just reversed his 20 ton truck over my uninsured car. He didn't come back.


I prefer a yes.
Any reply is better than none. The whole goal is to make a connection. At least then I know it was read.


i think a polite no thanks is appropriate, if the "hello" was polite. just like returning a wave or nod. acknowledgement is better than dismissal?



I would prefer a simple "sorry I'm not interested" over no reply. No reply is kinda a kick in the self worth.

More than a kick. It's total failure to recognise your humanity and existance. A very long time ago a very wealthy friend and I would sit in the pub drinking and constantly observing the fellow patrons. A table of at least two women would often be sent complimentary drinks just in order to see if they at least said thank you. I think that only once did one ever brave the distance to come and face to face say thank you....and she did that a week later when I was on my own. Not the behaviour to enhance the reputation of womankind.

@FrayedBear I couldn't agreen more. That definitely sounds like a very good social experiment.


I'm pro ere on the side of communicating. Although I suppose it doesn't matter either way but I'd think more highly of the person who communicates clearly.


No thanks please. No reply is so cold.

But at least you know that the other person is someone you probably wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

Good point. @FrayedBear


As long as the person isn't harassing I see no reason to be rude.
A simple no thanks isn't tough.


acknowledgement is good as long as it is polite. On other sites I've politely explained I'm not looking for long distance or whatever reason (usually distance) and I've gotten push back. This makes me think they could be a scammer, and that if they aren't listening to me now they aren't going to listen in the future, so I block them.

The other disturbance I encounter is when totally innocuous questions are not replied to even if other parts are eg. That is an unusual spelling of your name, how do you pronounce it?


A polite no is polite. Ignoring a message is arrogance.

@43teach in this dating forum?


I would like a no thank you just so I know they saw it


I have no issues getting a "no thank you" or " we aren't s match."

I think it's better to do that then block them if you think they can't accept a no. I try to tell people no. It's good practice for me as I try to break my social conditioning. A lot appreciate it.


Yes, please outline. I would like to know what I am doing incorrectly or if I have offended anyone.


Thought it was well known... proven psych experiments...

people prefer being told Something negative rather than nothing.


I don't think anyone likes being left out in the dark . . . ?

Dougy Level 7 Feb 11, 2018

If someone responds with a "thanks but no thanks" and it upsets you, you have a problem, potential stalker. I think if you are on a dating site and open to meeting people, you should respond. If I contacted a lady and she responded favourably but I later found her habit was to ignore and delete, well, that is a black mark in my books.


Well, if one was to contact another, I’m assuming to instigate sex/relationship, and it was not of mutual interest, it may be good to signal that or they may continue the action.

Well, depending on the circumstances. A creep randomly sending dick pics isn’t the same a guy expressing interest. @SACatWalker


Any kind of reply. Even a "fuck off" is better than nothing.


I think that is nicer the polite "no thank you" but it's their prerogative at the end. I won't give a lot of importance to that. Not everybody behaves the same.


Hmmm, seeing so many male replies wishing to have an outright "not interested". I've had msgs from people who clearly didn't read my profile, had nothing to comment about it in particular and don't read cues-so much so rewrote profile when in a mood. Also have had conversations drift off from the other side and take that as a not interested. So seeing all the responses to not reading cues is a little disappointing.

There is also the fact that the msging system isn't foolproof and have found things buried, no notification, so to that I understand the frustration.
With the exception of only one off the top of my head, usually say Hi back at least.
I kind of assume if someone reads my comments they might go running screaming the other direction. LOL


I figure they will respond if they want to. If they visit my profile and do not respond, they didn’t like me.


The way I view it: no one owes me a response, therefore I don’t owe anyone else a response. Does it sting not getting responded to? Sure. But I primarily do online dating (being a queer trans man, it’s kind of expected in the non-cishet community that we’re familiar with online dating) so I’m used to getting no response.


I used to say a polite no thank you, but eventually got sick of being called horrible things or being begged to at least try. I quit online dating largely because of it. I get that there are people who will accept a no thanks like a man, but for each who can or will, there are many who will react very, very badly. We SHOULD be able to be both honest AND polite with each other.

Zster Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

CatWalker, you are a charmer! (hello!)

I just got away from primary dating sites. Heck, real life, face-to-face meetings are not guaranteed either. General communication/discussion sites are a nice way to get to know people without the pressure. (:

Hey, it's nice to hear from you whenever you can manage it. I had a workweek in there somewhere, so the time sort of blew by in a blur for me.

I have to giggle at the idea of chips and dip as a romantic overture. (I really like them; so it would likely work for me). I have this mini movie stuck in my mind of very loud, but very romantic crunching.


Nobody owes me a response. How they respond, or not, is entirely up to them.


I wouldn't think much of it of they didn't reply. I would just take it as a clear sign that they're not interested. I think women have to be a lot more cautious about who they respond to than men do. So I would completely understand if they don't respond.

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