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If you were given the chance, would you like to stay a certain age forever?

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 13

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I think I'd like to keep the body of my middle-thirties. I was in great shape, I was kind of cute, I still thought life could work out, I could climb a flight of stairs without passing out, I could eat a doughnut without suddenly shredding my pants, and I didn't need farm implements just to get me out of the tub after a bath.

But I'd like to keep the learning stuff. The things I've picked up in the years since have been pretty valuable. I feel like if I had all that when I was in my thirties, my life would be so different than it is now.


Probably, y es. Maybe around 35 or so. Young enough to feel good, old enough to be sophisticated enough to brook no bull.


21, as long as I can still mature and grow. Young, fit, and able to drink legally.


I was pretty happy at 40, but a big part of that had to do with my wife, before she got sick. If she didn't stay at the same age forever, I don't think I would want to.


Interesting subject. I have a progressive disease, so yeah, I would like to stay a certain age. It would take me a while to figure out what that is, though.


I don't want to be anywhere forever. I guess ideally id like a normal kind of a lifespan but stay healthy and one morning wake up dead with no pain. every time I put one of my dogs down or lose a family member it knocks a little part of me away. I don't even want to imagine that even a hundredfold let alone forever.


Probably be down with continued youth and longer life but not forever. Would be very dull.


No. and NO. Was driving my son somewhere, and on the radio was the announcement of the "oldest person in America (that day)", who was like 108 that day. My son says: Oh, it's so great people are living to long these days. When you're 100, I'll only be 75! We'll both still be alive, that's great! Me: No it isn't! I don't wanna live to be 100!! Son: Why not??? Me: You'll see.

I'm pretty sure the oldest person alive is 117... The oldest ever being 122 and 117-year-old Nabi Tajima of Japan, born 4 August 1900, is the oldest living person in the world whose age has been documented. The other 117year old died recently.


If I had to pick I'd say this age. Forty looks good on me, and heck it's still kinda young. I'm salty, old, and pretty at the same


I'd like forever as an age.


I would not want to be the same age 'forever' . I think living 150-250 yrs. with at least decent physical health and all that accrued wisdom would be long enough.


I like my mind today and I'm fully aware of how ignorant I was at many earlier ages. I can remember how I thought and what I thought. As for my body, I was at my best at 35 to 40. A lot of that was due to weight training. I still workout today but in limited manner.


Certainly not. Life is a journey from the cradle to the grave. Travelling along the road of life you gain experience, knowledge, friendship. It also gets funnier the old you become.


Yes so wanted to be in the altered carbon universe

@MrLizard nah the creator of the technology had the right idea people with money spoilt it . Trying not to Give away spoilers


probably somewhere in my 40s.


I'd probably get tired of it eventually


Absolutely. Getting old sucks. Give me back my prime years! 😀

@diabhal 24 to 26 is probably when I looked and felt the best.

@diabhal Touché


Hell yeah can I be 25 forever?

  1. Since I live in Vegas.

Great question...Reminds of me of one my favourite "kids" novels, "Tuck Everlasting". I have often asked this question of myself, and for me if I could be 28/29 again...I'd go for it. Most "great" people peak at this time; I certainly did. To still have hope, naiveness without all the worry lines I know possess (LOL!) would be great, I think.


I plan to live forever. So far, so good.????


Hmmm yes about 32 or so


Age of Adeline married to her


Nope... I want to get old and die. Think about working forever. Having to diet all the time...ugh!


I was probably at my physical peak condition at age 33. I'd liek to have stayed in that condition, but not so sure about the rest.

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