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What movie fucked with your head the most?

I just finished watching Requiem for a Dream (for the hundredth time). Darren Aronofsky needs a serious hug from his daddy.

What movies have you watched that fucked with your head so much that you were still thinking about it the next day?

IndySent 7 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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113 comments (76 - 100)

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The Ring. The Butterfly Effect. Django Unchained. Inception. Silence of the lambs. Se7en


The last Star Wars.


Apocalypse Now. Woodstock. Bangladesh. Tommy. Heavy Metal. Mad Dogs and English Gentlemen, The sensualist, Jesus Christ Superstar, Godspell, The Pearl, Altered States... It was not the movies... it was the level of intoxication of the experimental substances.


The one I posted about. "Mother!" It was twisted. I am crazy, so I completely understood it.

I have heard that and others said it was awful - I'm in a dilemma now....

I liked it. The husband was a demon or something.


Don't laugh but the first Paranormal Activity did. It's because I couldn't get past the thought that things were happening to me and around me while I was sleeping and totally vulnerable. I still have trouble falling asleep if I think about it before I go to bed!


A tie between Une Chien Andelou and L'Age D'or.


Pink Floyd the wall.


Irreversible from Gaspar Noe


The Deerhunter!!!


The Usual Suspects.


Donnie Darko...still so many questions.


Requiem for a Dream. Fuck that movie.

Also, Mulholland Drive.


Donnie Darko will always have me feeling weird after watching it.. Too relatable.

Aside from that, Candyman freaked me out as a kid. Don't know what it was since I also watched Faces of Death as a kid.. But Candyman freaked me the fuck out.


Kill Bill...


Irreversible and Funny Games (more so the US version)


Annihilation - it was just predictable enough to keep me constantly heading in the wrong direction.


Predestination with Eathan Hawk


Man Bites Dog


'Sometimes a Great Notion' written by Ken Kesey. The opening dialogue on the first scene stayed glued in my memory after one reading: "Sometimes I feel like a lover, and sometimes I feel like a clown, And sometimes I get a great notion to jump in the river and drown". And that fit me perfectly at the time and still does.


'Breaking Waves' puts me into profound depression.


That very movie is why I clicked on this discussion!


Off the top of my head, I'd say The Babadook. Not so much because of the "horror" aspect of it, but how well it showed the inner thoughts of a severely depressed mother.


HOLY CRAP and if you have ever seen a movie called H A P P I N E S S


"Altered States." It was so surreal and odd.


Well aside from an easy answer like Eraserhead, the most recent was the Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. Did the Sam Rockwell and Frances McDormand characters go though with the plan that they were going to collaborate on at the end of the movie? I still think that creepy character who they may or may not have decided to kill was the one who raped and killed her daughter.

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