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How hard is it to find similar people to me?

I am a soon to be 27 year old male, that has been married and divorced, and has a son from that marriage. I have been in two relationships since, and in the first one, I was cheated on for most of the relationship, and lied to about it the whole time. And then the second just didn’t work out because she wasn’t as independent as I had thought.

Now my question here is, how hard is it to find someone that is very open sexually who I wouldn’t have to fear of being cheated on, that is also independent and cherishes their independence and well as respecting my independence?

I just don’t have the time between work and being a father to give 100% in a relationship, but still want to have someone in my life to love and be there to not feel so alone in this world.

xhumandisaster 3 Feb 14

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Someone who is open sexually would most likely need the attention more often than not. If you cannot give 100% to a relationship then you might need to let go of the open sexuality (assuming you mean open to experimentation?). You are clearly a good person for putting the kid first and maintaining the importance of steady income so that is a plus on your side. You could try finding a single parents kind of group so you can find someone who understands your plight and can give you more of what you need because they would need similar things.

AmyLF Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

I would imagine your best bet is casual acquaintances for mutual benefits.



That's exactly what I was going to suggest.

@Gravija Have you noticed, Maybe I should keep a better count, But there seems to be many poly people here, More than I would expect to find in the general population. What do you think?

@CapriKious I think because being poly requires a pretty open mind and an expanded viewpoint on what constitutes a loving relationship. Monogamy also has a lot of ties to Christianity, at least in my eyes, as marriage itself is a rather religious experience. I can't imagine trying to be in a closed, two-person relationship. The thought sounds so limiting. There does seem to be a higher number of poly folks on this site specifically, but I think if there were a community of atheists/agnostics in person you'd find similar results.

@Gravija I can understand your view. My experience with local Atheist groups was not so promising. Such a Red State. Most all I met were almost entirely conventional, other than Atheism.


By starting out saying that you can’t give 100% to a relationship, you are probably eliminating partners who would want the kind of monogamous relationship you seek. You have a full life and existing obligations, so a relationship can’t be your only priority and that is totally reasonable in adult relationships. But if you want to find a loving, faithful partner, you will have to be willing to give your best to your partner. That does not mean 100% of your time, energy, or attention, but 100% of what you can.


When you are the Problem... the solution is in You.


Date someone who scares you. I heard that, or read that somewhere. Someone of some significance had given that advice to someone.


If you've ever been on an asexual spectrum forum, you'll see that many people are looking for just such a relationship.

Asexual spectrum people can have low, or person-specific sexual attraction so likely won't cheat on you. They are emotionally independent, and appreciate all the space you can give them, yet typically love to cuddle.

I used to love that my husband was in D.C. working as an airline instructor for most of the week, since I could do as I pleased, but I later learned to incorporate him into my hobbies..we rode and drove horses year around, hiked, camped, went ballroom and jitterbug dancing most weekends, etc.

Demisexuals can become sexually attracted to a steady partner after a year or more, but some of them (myself included) may have abnormally active libidos after that, often with kinky tendencies, due to mixed gender traits, so they aren't for everyone.

But most, like me, can take sex or leave it.


Sadly you have to put work in to find people. I get it can be hard, but try looking for friends over romance in a partner, it lends to being less likely to be cheated on.


Join the club. It kind of reminds me of when people say, "Is that too much to ask for?". Probably lol


@Kimbas' answer is the one you should be looking at - my question to you is Why do you feel you have to exclude your new partner from your family life with your son?


So if I understand you correctly , you want someone who will be available for you to have sex with , when you want it , who will not have sex with anyone else , but has no need of you , until you happen to show up ?


Reality is no woman who is open sexually and independent is going to sit around waiting for you to have time for them, they are going to get on with enjoying life. Why would they? You're not giving 100%, you're not there for them, only someone with low self esteem is going to accept that gig and then they are not going to be independent.
Either you wait until your son is older or you have to be open to include a new woman in your family life, because nobody is going to give their all when all they are getting is leftovers.

Kimba Level 7 Feb 14, 2018

I feel the same way. as a female ,and as a childfree female ,I am opposed to dating someone with younger children. Waiting for your children to get to an age of Independence is probably the answer. How successful would I be finding a man if I said I wanted financial support and help around the house but I don't want physical Intimacy and someone around me all the time?


To answer your question, it's damned hard to find all those things that you say you want.
I don't know too many people, male or female, who are willing to accept any partner not giving 100% to the relationship, regardless of what else they've got going on.
No one wants to feel like an afterthought.

@NFAguy53 Not sure why you're directing your comments at me. I said nothing about monogamy (which I actually don't believe in). I said absolutely nothing about anything remotely related to anything religious. I was simply responding to someone else's question. Perhaps if you cared to be more specific in relation to whatever you took exception to regarding my comment, my confusion could be cleared up.

@NFAguy53 I'm not seeing that. Then again, I can't begin to know what's going on in other people's relationships. I only go on personal experience.

@NFAguy53 Don't feel all alone, you aren't the only one. Personally, I'm okay with not being 'coupled up'.

@NFAguy53 There are several species that are monogamous and pair for life. Perhaps being monogamous is what fits the human character the best. I wonder if there are any studies on pre-historic hunter/gatherer societies to determine if they were monogamous or is monogamy perpetrated by religion?

@NFAguy53 The gentlemen originally posing the question was the one who complained "I was cheated on." then later "how hard is it to find someone that is very open sexually who I wouldn’t have to fear of being cheated on". He set the standard of monogamy not us and then juxtaposed it with a trait usually associated with a healthy sexual appetite and added the proviso that he really didn't have the time to satisfy this. The man wants a nymphomaniac with an on/off switch.

@NFAguy53 A person doesn't have to be Christian to desire monogamy.

@NFAguy53 I think you are extrapolating to a completely false conclusion. Most of the members here talk about what works for them, not what 'should' work for everyone else. Calling them "close-minded" is not only unnecessary, it's completely false. What the hell are you so damned angry about?


That's a tough situation. Part if me says to just not worry about a relationship right now. If you aren't able to make a real investment in a relationship then it might be best to just try to find a woman (or two) that you can enjoy a casual platonic friendship with. I just lost a really great relationship for very similar reasons. I feel like it was a stupid reason to split, but it was important to her, I just couldn't meet her needs in that department.

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