That would be me! @KenChang @jondspen two of my favourite people here. Thank you.
Perhaps I'm looking at this with my critical/jaundiced eye, but the script of this video sounds a great deal like a horoscope reading.
There's some truth to this but I don't like the way they flatter potential viewers by saying it's "probably" because you're smarter rather than "possibly". Other "possibilities" include that you're an extreme introvert or, on the negative side, have some real character problems that are off-putting.
To the point of the video, though, I see my wife in this; she is a welcoming, approachable, kind person but also extremely insightful and people who rely on a high bullshit approach to social interaction sense this and hate her immediately because she doesn't even begin to fall for their BS. They cannot get any traction with her!
Not all defined attributes of the 2, 3, 9, and 10 traits apply. The other traits appear correct.
@SleeplessInTexas You are one of my favorite peeps here as well! Yes. The video essentially, in my opinion, describes the emotional maturity. I've noticed that I had improved on those aspects that the video described, over the course of my life. It is one good thing about dating in my "old" age, that I think I am far more emotionally mature than compared to my 20s or even 30s.....
@KenChang You're my favourite because I highly respect you, My Friend.
I admire that while your relationship with your girlfriend is rather new, you've joined the Marriage & Long-term Relationships group to seek or gather advice on how to be a better partner to her and in general.
I admire that while she's not in this community, that you respect her in her absence. Thank you, Ken. You're a good man.
@SleeplessInTexas Awww shucks. You are making me blush, and I don't easily blush. It is thanks to people like you here in this community that I feel like I know somewhat what to do in a dating situation. The very fact that I haven't come running here asking for more dating advice alone proves that so far we are doing well. It's been over a month now, and we haven't had one single argument. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
I am going to assume that it's a good thing and keep at it!
@KenChang That's great that you haven't had any arguments. Maybe because you're such a good man! You're not perfect, I know, but you're respectful. That's an attractive quality in a man. That, and chivalry.
You're not the type to mess with a woman's emotions. You're a good quality man. DON'T CHANGE!
One of my newest friends is a retired surgeon who seems to be one of the smartest people I've ever known and he seems to have tons of friends. Maybe it's because he has great curiosity about people and things, is funny, kind, and charismatic.
Well said. It seems a worthwhile thing to strive for.
It said smart people, not surgeons. Intelligence comes from all walks of life, not just academically or social-wise.
I'm a people person, but I have a tiny circle of friends.
Very interesting! Glad I am toward the smart side...
10 for 10 but I do believe that this video might give the impression that only hipster millennials are geniuses for I can never be a part of not just because of my age but I could never wear a beanie during the summer months.
I can only imagine how bad those must smell especially with an unwashed man bun cooking in it. ?