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How do you deal with people who like to argue?

EmeraldJewel 7 Dec 16

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Give us some particulars: relationship? Coworkers? Dudes on the street?

It can be anybody, really. I’ve had to cut toxic people out of my life cause all they wanted to do it seems was like was argue about everything and I wasn’t going to take it.

@EmeraldJewel . . Yeah. I know a couple of people like that. They will always take an opposing position, even when they have argued from the opposite before. They just want to have some kind of interaction that results in them being correct no matter what.


It really depends on whether the other person actually knows HOW to argue properly.


Depends on who is doing the arguing and how important it is to me to defend my position on an issue. I choose my battles carefully. If someone is just arguing for the sake of being argumentative, I ignore them.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 16, 2018

Wait outside and run over them with my truck.



First actually understand and identify what the argument is. Then establish the facts to see the truth and then use those to create points to argue for the reallity of the situation!

Jammo Level 5 Dec 16, 2018

It’s not really about Facts- it’s all about their undefined anxiety. There is a major difference between an argument and a discussion.

Chronic arguers really just want attention and a way to relieve some tension.

@Weismonger well if that's how the interlocutor thinks you're argument with them is very difficult to persuade. It's the lack of reasoning that creates a situation of lost reality!

@Jammo very true-And if people used more reason, logic & reality there would be less arguments to begin with—But too much fantasy including religion is in my opinion the cause of so much cognitive dissonance, Irrational and unproductive narcissism and a lack of understanding of the subconscious memory system for making decisions this all results in arguments & Oppression —I firmly think that without religion and other such fantasies in the world like socialism and communism that are actually utopian religious belief systems it would be a much more progressive and better world... and this is why When confronted by the religious & another believers in irrational beliefs systems I constantly say “prove it!“>> what proof do you have that what you say is either true, real or works? And that usually shuts them up.


I avoid them


I assume you refer to people who get off on arguing or being contrary. Mostly I don't interact with such people, unless forced to by circumstances such as work, or unfortunate family obligations. Which is not to say that I necessarily avoid them, it's just that they get no traction with me as I'm not impressed with their bullshit.


I just want to be good listener but I sometimes don’t want to argue with someone who makes unworthy arguments,which are unsupported facts. I try to avoid this peaceful.

Guy77 Level 4 Dec 16, 2018

Mostly I avoid them. With a personal relationship, family or friend I like to keep it as a conversation/ discussion but sometimes it can escalate to an argument, in that case, I just try to end it and if necessary walk away. If I feel responsible for the escalation, I will apologize. But there are some hot topics that I will just plain avoid.


I believe what I believe and I do not have to justify myself to anyone...


I keep asking why until they get tired of talking. lol


The Five Why's of why I am single. Beautiful!


Depends on who it is, usually i just avoid them and walk away


One diversion technique is the anknowledgement and the validation of the other person's emotions. "You look angry."


Well I'm someone who likes to argue, so if you don't want to argue with me I'd suggest just not responding. It would piss me off personally but eventually I would wander off to yell at someone on the internet or to grumble to myself while cleaning dishes.


I don't.


Ask them what it is that they really want! Or just ignore them and walk off


I disagree with the premise of this post. Let us discuss this ad nauseam.

DrT Level 4 Dec 18, 2018

Anymore, this sums it up.


I love to argue but only with like minded people. If an argument gets personal or ugly, I bail.


I try to win as many arguments with them that I can. That sometimes discourages them.


You always agree with them 😛


I don't.
I have a sister who I barely speak to, and making a conscious decision to stay away from her has brought a lot of peace to my life.


I don't, I walk away. I'm perfectly fine with them having the last word. And usually this pisses people off which gives me some satisfaction.


Arguing is useful at times, but some people are just turned on by conflict. They are usually far more troublesome than they are worth, and I try to present them with an air of indifference when I think they are just arguing for the hell of it. Or I try to zing them with a comment they can't match if that will cool them off. When there's really something to decide, arguing is OK, but otherwise it's a waste of time.


You don't...

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