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Has life been decent or good to you for the most part?

I know life can be a pain in the a** sometime and it certainly doesn’t care about our wants and needs. The Universe has definitely made that clear, but for the most part, I guess I can say life has been good to me in comparison to any other worst fates I could have.

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 15

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Happy 95% of the time.


There are things we can't control in life, some bad and some good. I have found that life is what I make of it, how I react to what happens. I want to be the one in charge of me.


Overall, my life is pretty good. I'm able to meet my needs, I have leisure time, and healthcare is readily available. The same cannot be said for everyone today, or of most people in earlier eras. Regardless, I experience some mild depression and anxiety, overwhelming stress, and constant fatigue. So, it's a mixed bag.


I have been lucky my whole life. Some real downs but also some incredible ups that far outweigh the downs. I have never had a job I didn't love or friends I did not like.


I do not live in a war zone, or 3rd world country so I am ahead. I am mostly in control of my life now, adulthood has been good and bad but better than early days.


Yes. There have ben real highs and lows, but, for the most part, good.


There is good and bad in my life. But complaining about the bad won’t change it. So I choose o accept the things I can’t change and enjoy as much of my life as possible. Despite anything bad in my life.


Life has been good to me overall. I have had my ups and downs like anyone has but I really can't complain.


Quite happy where I am now. There were the ups and the downs. Never anything I couldn't handle. Now get to hang out with mostly freethinkers. Make music with others 3 times a week. Do a little engineering consulting to have a problem to solve. Family doing well, kids, grand kids, and great grand kids.


The hardest part of life is being a grown up, it is still to easy to go around thinking I'm 20 so I guess I am pretty damn lucky. Good health, good friends, a good kid, relatively good shape and financially stable. For the most part I have to admit the universe has been tossing me softballs all my life. I am a lifelong atheist, despite all my family being believers, and I joke that if there was a god it went out of it's way to give an atheist such a good life while so many true believers are suffering, which isn't a joke. I guess that is why I never felt a need for there to be a god, never needed to pray for anything.


From where I started in life, I would never have guessed that my life would have become this big adventure.


You know after looking at homeless people day after day on vacation I've got to say I have had a good life. Today I actually saw two policemen try to move a homeless person across the street in an open field.. Despite a dysfunctional childhood I always had clean clothes and plenty of food plus a nice home in a safe neighborhood to live in. It makes one think.


It's amazing


Life in a lot of ways adjusts to you. There's always some good in every bad storm. And bad in every good idea. It just depends on what you're more likely to believe in, and devote time focusing on.

Life is only as bad/good/mediocre/boring/etc as one makes it. We all can, in theory, rise up. Which is one of my biggest motivators, and I think that first needs to be said before I say my response to this post.

I have had a pretty good life. It's been up, it's been down, it's been rocky. Times are hard, memories are made. But on the mental checklist of things I want to see happen in my life, I've been treated pretty well. There's always something coming that picks my life back up even from the worst struggles imaginable.


damn good after a rocky start


I measure quality of life by the Complaints. I Never Complaint about My Life but I do Hear from others a Lot of Bitching!!!!


Its been a large mix for myself


I'd like to think it has been, although If I was faced with this question up until a few years ago I probably would have answered differently, because I've come to appreciate things in a way I haven't before.


Life's been great... I've done just about all the things I wanted to do.... can't complain...


Pretty happy and content most of the time. Also this is in tandem with lacking religious belief. Evidence seems to show that the more disfunctional the society the more religious that society is, and the less disfunctional the less religious that society is.


Yes I guess so when you look at others


For the most part bad, in fact fucked up enough I'll be writing an autobiography one day.
"Surviving" would be an apt title.




Overall, I've had a very good life. There are some things I would have chose to be different if it were a choice, but I'm very grateful for the hand I've been dealt.


It has, but it has a lot to do with my "luck" being born healthy into a Caucasian, American family living overseas in a tropical paradise, my being born high IQ, with a loving family, and being both talented in, and allowed to explore, many areas-music, art, science, animal handling,and so forth.

Because of my genetic make up I have been active, curious, bold, and adventurous, all which contributed to my having a good life.

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