My daughters are of this opinion also and it is sickening. I'm 71 years old and I do remember school prayer. We were allowed one minute of silent prayer in school in my day -- if we wanted to pray. That's it. That's all it was. How in the hell would this have effected the Florida school shooter? Someone please explain that to me.
In the case of my daughters who never had school prayer in any form, my oldest says "dad, you have your belief and I have mine." The only thing is, they don't know what they are talking about.
No other country thinks shooting in schools is normal. Prayer does not come into it. 18 school shooting incidents already this year and all our president does is offers prayers.
Watch the British comedian Johnathan Pie []
I didnt know prayers stopped bullets. We should inform the military .
Assuming the existence of God, if he would allow school shootings to happen for those sorts of reasons, he would truly be a monster. It's a dumbass thing to believe.
How then do you explain away all the many many shootings, bombings and rape in so many churches ffs?
Prayer or hope or wish will not prevent shooting. People have prayed and bad thing still Happen. It fine that people believe in prayer but the truth is whatever going to happen will happen no matter how people pray or hope or wish.
He is genius. If he is correct and prayer works, all he has to do is pray that nothing ever bad happens so we will never have any problems again!!!!!!
The South Carolina CHURCH shooting would disprove that notion. The Synagogue shootings that happened a couple of years ago should also, but FANATICS arent concerned with FACTS!!
People like this are seriously mentally deranged.
Prayer doesn't do jack shit, and allowing it in schools would have still resulted in tragedy. Disturbed individuals are still gonna be fucked in the head with or without prayer. These people gotta stop jacking off their ego, use their damn brains and think critically of actual solutions to this problem. Suggesting prayer is just shitty arm chair activism for people who don't wanna do the actual hard work required to straighten out this mess. I know it's hard for some to do anyway when they are so disconnected via distance or social power, but prayer is't going to turn troubled individuals into good upstanding folks.
This article just reminded me of something someone shared on facebook this morning that just had me fuming.
Yes the all powerful god that created the universe is obviously so impotent that he is unable to do his sky daddy magic due to government regulation. If this is the case what good is he?
@DavidLaDeau Hey, God is a firm believer in consent after all. It's just a shame those evil secular governments refuse to give him permission on school property...he doesn't have a good track record with minors after all.
The evangelicals like to bitch about prayer being banned in schools.
Kids are free to pray anytime they want, they can form prayer groups, bible study groups, whatever they want as long as it doesn't disrupt the regular curriculum.
What isn't allowed: Any faculty member forcing or leading students to pray to any religion this includes coaches leading team prayers before and after games.
@Cynical-lion Ouch...LOL
I wonder how their imagined god allegedly created the entire universe without anyone there to pray for it.
Perhaps he played with himself a lot. Oops Prayed to himself a lot.
I believe the appropriate alliterative phrase is "Sanctimonious, self-righteous son of a bitch." I would like to invite this peckerhead to perform an experiment. (That's what I always do when presented with a ridiculous religious claim presented as a fact, propose an experiment.
Pick 60 schools at random. Allow 30 to have prayer, and 30 not allowed to have prayer. Then follow the schools and see who shoots whom..
The schools that were in religious areas would statistically have much more violence. This can be said and has been proven without such an experiment. I do like the thought though.