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Is it normal to have a phobia of webs?

I mean their just strings of silk that is produced by spiders to produce a trap for them to eat, but I’ve known a woman who would freak out just by seeing them in pictures or on tv. Shrs afraid of spiders and webs, both. She’s been like this since she was three years old and don’t know why she’s so afraid of them. I suggested that maybe she should could get some type of help to cure this disorder.

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 17

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Depends how big is the spider sat on it ?

Still much smaller than you are!


There is nothing rational about a lot of phobias. define normal.


Yeah, ok, that's weird, Something so fragile causing anxiety. But I know it is real, because Nick, my favorite plumber had this phobia. If I wanted my faucets fixed, I had to go around with a broom and destroy all the spider webs ( sorry, spiders) in the stairwell into the basement. What a wuss. He was an excellent plumber. I am sorry he retired.


I hate this thread. OK, where's my duster.



The question should be What's Normal?It often is a made up cultural norm! Besides a lot of spiders in the world are poisonious and there maybe an evolutionally advantage(and inherited memory) in avoiding them.Webs are made by spiders so by association alerts you to the danger of possible dangerous animals which is quite logical from a survival perspective so don't worry about it!

stu8 Level 4 Feb 17, 2018

yes, some "phobias" arnt phobias and are very real threats or I have a king cobra phobia in small spaces or black mamba and I have a terrorist with deadly intent phobia and last but not least I have a falling off of a very high cliff onto rocks phobia. blurred lines as a phobia can seem very irrational but it's very real to the person who is scared. I have suffered from panic/anxiety attacks for most of my adult life. that is the most irrational one perhaps as I get all the fear of death symptoms for no actual reason. its an imbalance of chemicals in the brain and I think too much.


I think alot of phobias can be cured by therapy if the person wants too, the extreme cases yes would be quite challenging


Hmmm.... I think it's a natural thing to be concerned about spiders and snakes. Dying from ignorance is kind of crazy to me.

Dying from ignorance to religion. Hmm

@Babyseal. Agree... ignorance from religion has always been a problem. Dying for it ? What's funny is that one time in my life i would of... not today though.


Seems like there are a lot of people who have this one just looked it up on the net but apparently no name for it arachnophobia seems to do for both spiders and webs.

There is the association. You see a web and you're pretty sure a spider is nearby.


I am more scared of the spider than the web.

JK666 Level 7 Feb 17, 2018

Lol I will smack someone just if I see one by accident lol.


they're - not their

You know what I meant. It was late and I was somewhat tired after calming her down from one of her episodes when I posted this thread.

@EmeraldJewel Sorry.


Yeah a lot of people have one. I don't, but I do have a phobia of walking into a web at night, with a bloody big spider in the middle of it. I have done that more than a few times.


Spiders are cool. I was once capturing wolf spiders to bring inside to release. Pest control.


Arachnophobia perhaps.


Spiders and snakes are some of the most common phobias. Since you mentioned that she was three when it started has me thinking that something with spiders and webs may have triggered it then. When you're little fear can be traumatic.

Unless it is interfering and preventing her from doing the things she would like to do such as work, entertain, and socialize etc. then I wouldn't worry about it. Some phobias are easier to live with than others.

Betty Level 8 Feb 17, 2018

Phobias are perfectly normal, they're defined as an irrational fear of something. So being irrational is normal! Just about sums up the human race lol


The fear of webs must be related to the fear of spiders themselves. If you run into a web, chances are there's a spider in the vicinity.


Having a natural fear of the unknown is self-preservation but a phobia is a mental thing but the lines do blur


No, especially to be scared by a picture of a web. Behavioural therapy is pretty effective for phobias. She should get professional help if this limits her at all.


I don't think its normal to have any phobias.


I thought you were talking computer, but I think you were. I would say roll a big fat one and do some therapy🙂


It’s not normal to have any kind of phobia. That’s kinda why it’s a phobia.

Hers is most likely fueled by PTSD. Sad to be scared all the time.


Sounds like Arachnophobia. And she's afraid of the webs because of the association with the spider. (Though I've seen people freak out when they get caught in a web - so it could be a separate phobia).

I'm ok with people keeping their phobias if they don't cripple them. ie You can't go to work because "spiders".

I am phobic about snakes. I don't plan to get therapy because my Mother was terrified of snakes.
I know what caused it and I don't care to have therapy about it. Just not that important.
I now know which of my friends will come move a snake for me. Always good to know.
Also if you surprise a snake it might bite you - so not entirely without basis.

I've removed spiders for people who are phobic. So maybe introduce her to someone who is snake phobic? Mutually beneficial.

You could always come and live in New Zealand. Or visit at least 🙂 . No snakes here. none whatsoever, not even a lizzard without legs. But don't stop in Australia ... they are the total opposite.

@ZebZaman Now I know where to retire to! Gees. 😉


It is normal to have phobias. They don't have to make any sense. But, sometimes, they can be overcome -at least to some degree.

I used to have an acute spider phobia. I'm talking a breaking into a sweat, panic attack reaction in some cases. To overcome this, I began to try to appreciate and find the beauty in the things that freaked me out. I learned more about spiders, looked at close up images of them and studied their intricate webs; and it really helped. It also helped for me to focus on the fact that everything is connected. We are all made of the same stuff; and spiders are just out there trying to survive, fulfilling their role in the cycle of life.

A big spider will still startle me and might even freak me out a little, but I don't have the visceral reaction I once had; and I am strictly catch and release. Last year, I even allowed an orb weaver garden spider to live on my window until it either left or died. I named it Georgie. I would see it every day as I sat at my table and was kind of sad when it was gone.


I am petrified of spider webs. I get nauseous and my skin crawls into itself. I hate spiders because they create the webs. You never know when a spider will come swinging down from the ceiling. If I see one in my house or ANYWHERE I will run and scream. I don't give a flying sh$% who is around. The same goes for caterpillars. They make cocoons and in the spring seing from trees. Gross!!


I think spider webs are pretty to look at. But touch one? No, thank you. Have one brush across my face while I'm walking somewhere dark? Hell no! Catch them in the corners of my living room if I haven't dusted in a while? They must be eliminated NOW.


I think it's called arachnophobia. It's fairly common in lesser forms; many people have some distaste or fear of bugs and some fear of spiders is rational in that they can be poisonous.

Any irrational fear is "not normal" but whether it's worth being treated for is another matter. For this kind of thing I believe some form of desensitization and cognitive behavior therapy is what is used. Also I'd be inclined to wonder if there's some underlying basis for the fear, whether the arachnophobia is just a symbolic manifestation of that.

One thing is sure, if she doesn't want to invest the time and $$ to deal with it, it would be a waste to even try.

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