40 13

Did you inherit any "good genes?"

I didn't inherit any "happiness gene." In fact, I could list all of the things that genetically weren't great, but I'd rather frame this one positively.

So, I'm lucky to have thick hair. Despite the fact that it goes POOF with a little humidity and sheds everywhere. It can be a pain, but I think it's worth it. I rather doubt I'll have an issue with thinning hair. I'm also glad to have inherited my grandmother's cheekbones. I'm hoping to age like my paternal grandmother. As she puts it, "she's one sexy grandma." LOL

silvereyes 8 Feb 17

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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Well... I got lucky on my dad's side. My brother and my mom's brothers all had bad hearts and are dead. I still have some hair for 65. the fortunate one.


My mom didn't wear jeans but she taught me how to cook but my maternal grandfather gave me his addiction/ bipolar gene. corky woodring


I inherited Dad's love of good journalism and Mom's Scrabble habit.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 17, 2018


@silvereyes going for a triple double wordlessness Probably not getting that many S's though unless I cheat; you know, the old tile up the sleeve? 🙂


long life if genes matter. Luckily, with my diminutive stature there's less of me to get in the way of something dangerous.


I got the best of both sides, my brother has no hair, I have plenty (he is very jealous), I'm taller than anyone in my family, and have a metabolism like a Ferrari. At 61 heart rate is like a second hand (60bpm) and bp is 105/60 standing up. I am however hypoglycemic so got one bad out of a bunch, also my full head of hair started turning white when I was only 28 yrs old.

Hi, well my hair is silver as well. I am the opposite of being hypoglycemic.. have to watch my blood sugar. Father had a 'sweet tooth' so have I .. controlled now. Heart rate 56 and pressure 110/60 sometimes lower and the last physician ask me to get the Holter monitor to check my heart and thought I needed a pacemaker. Geeez ... I did but told her that she was totally overreacting. Which my metabolism had not been compromised due to going to work without breakfast and eating irregular meals.

@gemini31 Why on earth would you need a pacemaker with stats like that? Wow, I think I would look for a different doc to be frank. And silver hair rocks! I've already 'outlived' agewise both of my grandaddies and both of my stepfathers. I've beaten two 'terminal' diseases and I expect to live to be over a 100 and maybe just a bit more....hehe

@RobCampbell Good for you .. my paternal grandmother lived o be 102 .. good stock ..hehe .. don't worry about my doctor, she was not the regular Primary Care .. but someone I had to use prior to my cataract surgery. She was just shocked at my blood pressure when I came in because I had 107/55 ..Guess she thought I was near death. Glad you did beat the diseases... hope you continue to lie happy and long.


Yes, 2 pairs of Wrangler's and one pair of Levi's.


Oh my Dad's thick hair. His eyes. His nose.... His build. Yes I'm a women. My Mom was 5 ft. 1 in. my Dad 5 ft 11 in... I'm 5 ft 8 in. Taller than my brother who took after my Mom's side.

Their intelligence. Her language ability - his math and spatial ability.

Plenty to complain about but not going to! 😉


Thick hair. Blonde hair and blue eyes if you like that. Intelligenc, athleticism and really good skin it seems like, never had much in the way of acne even when i was a teen. Also seem to be quite musically talented, and good with my hands (idk if that exactly falls under the athleticism). For bad stuff i only really know a little heart disease (not super prevalent i don't believe) and rampant addiction issues (as far as I know almost everyone in my family was an addict) and im sure mental health issues as ive got a number (and fairly serious depression, if nothing else can be counted as really bad) since those often go hand-in-hand. Damn it i keep going through comments and finding new things to add xD freckles and paleness if you like those...I love them lol. Good hearing, bad eyesight (distance) but generally really good at spotting details - I can edit really well and am a very good driver at the very least in that regard.


I think my parents are both VERY different from each other. It makes for a complicated


Great health, longevity average age of death is 85, full head of hair & athletic.



What is that?

@Neraven Jeans....


I think I can safely say that most or all of my functioning genes are "good genes." they have been subjected to a sorting process called natural selection for billions of years, and the fact that I am here typing this message is testament to the survival and reproductive success of a chain of ancestors stretching back to the dawn of life on Earth. I also have a lot of old genes that have been turned off, since they code for traits that are no longer fashionable: things like a tail, scaly skin, or big fangs and the bones and muscles to make them work. With any luck, some of this stuff will come back in style!😀


Good genes come ftom both or my parents. Mother was a good cook and a sentimental and kind lady who gave things to beggars, including shies and clothes of my father, she thought would not be wering any more. My father instilled in me the love for nature and animals. While his pious mother went to hurch every Sunday morning, he took me to the forest and we sat and watched the deer approaching an opening and cautiously eating the long grass. He said that there was were God lived .. not in a man-made building .. Heaven was the Universe so very large that we could never really capture it's size and that Hell was what humans created .. evil doers lived there. I inherited his passion for cleanliness, order, efficiency and LIFE.


Haha heehea


Yes, 2 pairs of Wrangler's and one pair of Levi's.

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