I understand that there are those who do believe that it is, but I just want the other view point please.
Cat calling shouldn't be the part of a progressive society.
I'm not a gal, but here is what I would do. Stop (if you are in a safe public place) and talk to him. Say he looks familiar. Ask about stupid things (matters not, these people will continue to talk). Reiterate about how he looks familiar. That will draw his attention even more. After a few minutes say "I REALIZED HOW YOU LOOK FAMILIAR"! He would say how so. "YOU WERE IN THE GUNISESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS". He'd might say yes, or what for. Reply "YOU HAVE THE WORLD'S SMALLEST PENIS"! Walk off like a boss.
I've heard that in Italy-don't know if this is still true- men would clap or applaud if an attractive women walked down the street. That would seem more respectful, but I suppose even that would seem to rude to feminists who hate being objectified.
I wish I knew because throughout my life I have been trying to explain that very thing and have been called any number of things in response i.e. frigid, no sense of humor, cold bitch, stupid, you know, complimentary stuff like that.
As most things, it's in the eye of the beholder. Even if the guy thinks you're absolutely gorgeous and whistles, if you don't take it as a compliment it doesn't matter how he meant it. I had a woman reach out of a car window once and pinch my butt. I guess she was showing power over me but I took it as a compliment. I had a woman here tell me I should be shot for saying hello as I walked past a women in my neighborhood park. For the guys meaning to harass you, there is nothing you can say. Kinda like trying to talk someone out of their religion But as an example today, I went to the courthouse to file a complaint. The woman at the window who waited on me was beautiful. I asked her if she got hit on all day. Her response was that she doesn't pay attention. In keeping with this site, when someone says they'll pray for me, I can say thank you knowing they meant well, or I can start a debate about their religion or ask them not to. The negative responses will probably not be very welcome. The haters (harassers) are gonna hate. Either enjoy the compliment or ignore them. My two or maybe three cents
And yes, I know you addressed this to women, I'm just trying to point out the futility in beating your head against the wall.
I could never understand this. It seems a lot of this happen when men (boys) are in a group. Maybe it's a sort of bonding thing.
I turn around and "request" that they shut their fucking mouth.
This is why women have a middle finger.
@maturin1919 I had anticipated this trite question. The answer...to reach the G spot.
@maturin1919 I gave you some points as you are almost at a level 8 for that Tee.
@Countrywoman . . Real functionality. had to be intelligently designed, don't ya think.
And how wonderful for all.
A BB to the nuts. Too extreme? Something like that happened about 20 years ago in a nearby city just as people entered a wooded suburb. A college student was jumping out naked at a red light at night wearing a mask. It was in the paper. Cops patrolled the area. It went on for a couple weeks and then he showed up in the emergency room. He was targeting women mostly.
Targeting women? I am surprised. =0} We live as targets. Constantly. Everywhere except at a gay parade.
It usually happens when I’m out for a bike ride. My response isn’t very friendly.
Catcalling is making a statement that this particular human being deserves no respect, and is only there for the sexual pleasure of the person doing the catcalling. It is a form of shaming a person, not celebrating sexuality, as sexuality, for most people, involves some level of respect and affection.
If it can be classified as a compliment at all, it's the crudest one there is. I think it's nothing but juvenile and stupid. Public objectification. It's potentially embarrassing to the target lady/girl and SHOULD be embarrassing to the idiot who does it. IMHO. I don't think this answers your question, but there it is. LOL!