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How do you handle talking to a parent when they are politically opposite of you?

I keep finding my conversations with my father are far more strained these days because of Trump. I love my father, but I think his age is affecting his mind. He's 85.

Should I just ignore it? Admittedly, I'm the one that goes off like a bottle rocket when Trump's name comes up, but I can't help myself. My dad starts rationalizing and I can tell right away he's regurgitating the canned talking points from Fox News or some other right wing pundits.

Suggestions? Advice?

LucifersPen 7 Feb 18

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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My mother is just one of those that says mmm hmm to whatever anyone is saying. Wish I was more like that LOL

My step father on the other hand will yell and tell you that you are dumb or not listening etc

so I avoid discussing i or at least I will not begin a discussion


Just keep your cool...listen to him but ask him to hear you....


Tha hardest thing I found in my life is convincing the one who metters to me about thing that metter to me! I found that somebody else's child will listen to me but not my own! It is a wird chemistry with family members and you just can't win!So if they ask me about it I will comment.... if not....the only way is
Let them find out the truth on their own!


My son-in-law is in the same boat with his father, a retired surgeon, who is actually a couple years younger than me. You can imagine how frustrating a retired doctor could be to try to talk sense to about this stuff. I think John just avoids the topic with his dad now. He likes to discuss thst stuff with me as we are on the same page. If your father is 85, the likelihood of your changing his mind is virtually nil. I would advise you to just let it go and don't put the relationship at risk.


Honestly, I just avoid politics and let their religious talk go in one ear and out the other. They say things like "praise god" "keep xyz in your prayers"... Yep, sure, I will. Ok... yeah. I just respect their faith etc. because I care about not fighting with them. Over the past few months, their talk about Trump has diminished, so I think they are starting to see the light and possibly feel the embarrassment. I learned a long time ago that those closest to us are the least likely to change their opinions because of what we say. So shake your head, settle your nausia, and try to enjoy life. Afterall... its not that serious. No one makes it out alive. We are dust.


My uncle is the same way. Have you ever watched "The Brainwashing of My Dad" ? great documentary. When you have a guy who lived through WW2 and what the Russians are all about now and he defends it we've lost them to Fox News. When my uncle tried to defend white supremacists I decided just not to have those conversations with him.


I try to avoid the topic. Some arguments are just not worth having. My mom is all Trump and Jesus. No need to try and change broken ideas like that


Yeah, I'd say just let him know that you do not wish to discuss the topic of politics.


We have two ears and one mouth. Use in proportion, and with kindness. He is your father. Make allowances.


I have to completely avoid politics around my parents. They are completely brainwashed by religion, Fox News and the rest of the Right Wing Lie and Hate Machine.


I try to avoid conversations with the hopelessly stupid.


Change the subject, repeatedly if necessary. Have a few topics prepared... like, the time Aunt Edna...?
Do you think you will change his mind? Or will you deeply regret arguing fruitlessly when he is (soon) gone?!


It's so sad that one man (Don-Jon Boy) has divided this nation, along family lines, so badly! Friends, relatives, and strangers alike, are now unable to communicate because of the ideology of ONE man. Hopefully, in the near future, we will be able to be led back into some measure of reasonableness under better national leadership. 🙂 Larry in western Kentucky


Of course ignore it. He's entitled to his opinion just as you are. I don't even engage in that conversation anymore. Treasure the moments you have left with him. Talk about something you both love.

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