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Are you racist?

Trust Rugglesby to bring an elephant into the room.
The poll is anonymous as far as I know and is not linked to your answers or to you. Rather than just ticking the "no" box I challenge you to delve a bit deeper. Personally I reject the term "race" I do not believe in it. Others have stated their thoughts that they align it to "breed" for other species. To me, a "breed" has been bred for particular traits. I am a Heinz 57 variety, my ancestry is pretty much anything from Irish to Australian Aboriginal and most in between. Any breeding for traits has been bred out of me, I am a mongrel. Some consider race to be based on language or religion. We are not religious, but could still have a prejudice against any or all religions. I do not believe that would make us racists. For the purposes of this question I would like you to consider that cataloguing people as a race, is in fact being racist. Not necessarily that you think ill of the people you put into those categories, but simply by the fact that you do make the distinction. Remembering that this is not just about ancestry but more about appearance, or religion or language. A racist person would look at my fair skin and auburn hair and declare me Caucasian totally ignoring my Aboriginal grandfather. So the question is, do you categorise people (including yourself) for any reason as belonging to a "race"? To emphasize my point I am making the poll questions harsh. Feel free to make any comments you like, this is only my opinion, I am wrong more often than right, but please consider it only as an exercise to think outside the boxes. Clearly their is no obligation to answer the questions at all and to answer is only a test of your ability to express your own doubts and certainties.

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Rugglesby 8 Feb 19

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Biologically and evolutionarily, the concept of race does not exist in humans. Biologically, race implies a geographically isolated population that has evolved independent of its parent population and would under normal conditions not interbreed with the parent population. Not a new species, a subspecies perhaps.

Humans by their mobility has precluded the ability of any human population on this planet to be or remain geographically isolated. Interbreeding, either willingly or forced has occurred between all human populations. Every human carries a little DNA from every group somewhere in their code. There is no such thing as a pure group.

Skin color does not define race. It defines melatonin production as a result of geographic proximity to, or away from the equator or poles. It is a consequence of adaptation and sexual selection.

In humans, "race" remains a cultural construct, not a biological determinant.

For me personally, I am predominantly of northern and western European heritage. But for over 20 years of my teaching career I have lived on various Native reservations or taught in all Native schools. In all these instances I was by and large the minority. I have felt reverse discrimination, but never was deterred by it realizing that as they got to know me better it would disappear. And thats what happened

Now everybody has some area where discrimenation creeps in. Humans are about hierarchy, even if they consciously fight against it. To claim no racism whoatsoever is to dimenish the significance of what racism is according to scholars who study racism. Its to deny the insidiousness of racist behavior.

t1nick Level 8 July 16, 2019

Depends on ones definition of "racist"... I may want to rid the world of white folks, but I don't have any nuclear weapons, biological, or control of media or academic mental manipulations, or others of mass destruction, so I can hate all "white" people but so what? I can't act upon my "hate." However "white" people have those capabilities and if they hate and wish to rid the world of "Black" ppl. they can do so over time. So I can have racist thoughts, wishes, or desire, but that's how they will remain.. but with "Whites" the story is different, they can act and institute their racist notions and make it come alive and into reality.


Am l racist? No. Do l notice race? Yes. I also notice fat, skinny, beautiful, plain, ugly, tall, short, hair, color, and baldness. Being observant does not make one a racist. Treating them differently does.


i not only don't believe that i am racist, i also believe i am not racist (there, we have agnosticism and atheism regarding racism too!) first of all, as ashley montagu eloquently proposed, race an artificial social construct. anthropologically, there are families and populations, not race. now, an artificial social construct has been constructed and therefore exists, as such. it can't be avoided. people are going to notice your skin color, the amount of epicanthic fold you've got, stuff like that. and subcultures have evolved (nonscientific use of the word) from the separations this construct has caused. to be racist you have to think there is something more to it, or at least feel there is something more to it. i hope i don't.



We all are. Yes, it's true.


Definitely not a racist. I stay as far away from all NASCAR-related events as possible. (In my youth, I liked Indy cars, but I've grown as a person since then.)


If ya can't like someone for who they are, ya better have a long look inside, you may find it's darker and uglier in there than you relaised!!!


I can tell racists by the subjects they talk about as well as how they talk. They deny this if you call them racist. It's so damned funny. I work with some of them. One has it on his websight that he is so proud to have been born white. He still denies being racist. As for being proud of my birth race, I never thought of it much before. I can tell you that the earth is like a big box of crayons and all of us are the colors that fit inside that box. We can be in any order inside that box also.


As I am sure others have pointed out, pretending to be colorblind is racist through and through.


I don't understand how you get to that. Not caring about color is racist?

@Paul4747 Yes, it's white privilege personified. Non white people can't say that, because their color impacts their lives in countless negative ways. Thete's plenty of links explaining this, here is one: []

@Druvius I don't buy that for even a minute. It's putting me in a trap. It's saying I'm a racist if I acknowledge skin color, but I'm a different kind of racist if I don't acknowledge skin color. Particularly her little game with words: "Color-Blind = 'People of color — we don't see you (at least not that bad ‘colored' part).'" Baloney.

Obviously people look different and, sure, I guess have different cultures, but it doesn't make a damn bit of difference. Everybody's a human being. Nobody is any better or worse because of it.

@Paul4747 White privilege []
I acknowledge my privilege, and ignorance. I don’t get reported to police for having a BBQ. I don’t need to keep my receipts to prove I bought my sneakers. I don’t get shot for wearing a hoodie and running. That is privilege - not suffering.
I get to see both sides because I have two names. One is Arab and the other English. When I introduce myself with my Arab name, or use my Arab name on CVs, it’s a completely different experience to when I use my “white” name. Saying you are color blind ignores the shit that others suffer for being a racial minority. That is structurally racist, even if you are not racist yourself, you are part of the structure of oppression because you refuse to acknowledge the prejudice that comes racial differences.
Wear a skull cap or thaub for a day. See what happens.

I am ? in agreement with you.


I am not a racist. However racism is something that is taught. A part of my family descends from aborigenes who lived on the Canary Islands near Africa. I also am distantly basque, and portuguese by part of my grandparents. We are all at least 51st cousins. I have been around the international community all of my life, and it is a great experience.

I agree with you that racism is taught. Many of the racists I know are so frigging ignorant that they deny this.


I am racist against orange people. Soo..Trump and oompa loompas (the singing is creepy)

funny fucker


I'm not even a specieist. I treat everyone on a case by case basis. We're all animals.

agreed, I have been trying to find a way to bring that up without causing offense.



By the definition you're giving, yes. I categorize people into races. I don't intend to, it just happens, just as I categorize them by their hair color and eye color. And I worry about whether those people are being treated fairly or not and I always wonder if this Caucasian person I am speaking to has a person of color in their family that didn't show in their phenotype. I'm Mexican yet I look white. Nobody believes nor assumes I'm Mexican. Yet I still do this. However, I am not racist in the definition of treating people unfairly simply because of their skin color. Nor am I racist in that I feel one race is superior to another.


I learned that I was not racist when I sat next to a black woman at work. I nicknamed her K-Mart, because she was large, smelly, and dressed only in sweat pants and shirts too small for her. Her hobby was to sing along to the gospel music that she was playing on her headphones. She thought she was a great singer. She was not. For eight hours a day, five days a week, I had to sit next to "JeeEEeeeEEesuUUUuSssS."

And I learned I don't judge on race, sex, class, body type, or even personal hygiene, because if a white, fit, immaculate man were to sit next to me singing like that, I'd still want to throw him out the window! 😀


Yes I am but I'm always trying my best to figure out how I'm racist and what should I do to not be. Im not talking about think someone is inferior for whatever reason but about that half second when you feel less safe because you saw a black guy or a bearded Islamic guy walking towards you in the street late night and you realize that that half second would be a split second shorter if it was a white well dressed guy

Well thought out and explained. I think we would all experience the same feelings.


I don't consider myself racist. I pretty much give most people benefit of the doubt until they show me otherwise. I do however go along a little bit with stereotypes. I don't think they're the same thing, and are often confused with each other. They're "stereotypes" for a reason. They don't generally influence my thoughts about a person, but there may be something of a predetermined image of what to expect of them. Overall they're irrelevant, and frankly, should just be fodder for humor.

I am bad, I don't mind the humour side, as long as it is funny, but not keen on stereotyping in general.


I am absolutely convinced that absolutely everybody is a racist to at least a minute degree. It is only natural that we prefer people who are similar to us. If we would all just come to this realization and stop making such a big deal out of it and stop working so hard at being "different" or "unique", it might make life a little more bearable for some.

Agree in as much as we are often prejudice toward those more like us and against those less like us. Look how much flack people with red hair get. My real issue is the term "race" my sister and I have red hair 1 brother has dark hair, we all have dark brown eyes. youngest brother has blonde hair and blue eyes. One of us could have been born with the features say of the supposed negroid or mongoloid races, in fact the dark haired brother looks Indonesian yet we are not descended from those nationalities/"races"/ Just appearances.

I look at some people and wonder if they even realize that in their struggle to be "different" they've actually just made themselves a cliche.


By definition of species, ever since the last Neanderthal, there is only one "so called" race.

As hard as I've tried, I've failed at trying to be a racist. 😟


I voted as not being a racist, but having a politically active black friend (we live in the USA, and I am white) I have come to see the subtleties of unconscious and institutional racism, so I actually work to be non-racist whenever I see the possibility - and I don't, always.


This is important, not only because it can increase your self-awareness and maybe help you to try and be a better person, but because so many of you are answering with a cut and dry no instead of not voting and just commenting. I do think he should have maybe put an other option though.....................................................................


I'm like you, I have everything from Irish to Sioux. There's too much mixture to call out one from another. I always check the "other" button when asked that ridiculous question.


On forms where the question of race or ethnicity is asked, if there is a 'decline to state' I pick that one, and if there is an option for 'other' I write in 'human.' But then, I'm a bit of a rebel when it comes to being categorized.

good call.


Hell no! I'm not a racist. I hate NASCAR and think the Indy 500 is boring.

I agree on both counts


I'd like to toss this into the mix - this is the American Anthropological Association Statement on "Race" and Intelligence (adopted December 1994) -

The American Anthropological Association (AAA) is deeply concerned by recent public discussions which imply that intelligence is biologically determined by race. Repeatedly challenged by scientists, nevertheless these ideas continue to be advanced. Such discussions distract public and scholarly attention from and diminish support for the collective challenge to ensure equal opportunities for all people, regardless of ethnicity or phenotypic variation.
Earlier AAA resolutions against racism (1961, 1969, 1971, 1972) have spoken to this concern. The AAA further resolves:
WHEREAS all human beings are members of one species, Homo sapiens, and
WHEREAS, differentiating species into biologically defined "races" has proven meaningless and unscientific as a way of explaining variation (whether in intelligence or other traits),
THEREFORE, the American Anthropological Association urges the academy, our political leaders and our communities to affirm, without distraction by mistaken claims of racially determined intelligence, the common stake in assuring equal opportunity, in respecting diversity and in securing a harmonious quality of life for all people.

REF: []


I believe I AM a racist. I don't hate anyone for their skin color or nationality or their religion or politics, even (though, what they DO in the name of those last two may certainly make me hate them), in fact, i have no immediate hate for anyone. I have no wish to harm anyone for any accident of birth. But people scare me. They all do. From the ones who look just like me, to those who look nothing like me and have nothing in common with me culturally. I think stereotypes exist because there is often a grain of truth at their centers. I mock everyone... never with the intention of causing harm, but I still mock everyone, because I think we're all capable of being ridiculous and doing a ridiculous impression is funny. I use all of the words I'm not supposed to say... not to denigrate but when I'm mocking the worst of the racist white fuckers out there... but I still use those hurtful words. I don't believe anyone is superior to anyone else, no matter how great for how shitty you've had it. Nobility character is earned, not conveyed by circumstance. I am inappropriate. I am not politically correct. I am insensitive. I am afraid of all of you because I think all of you might hate me. I can't identify with any of you because I'll never be able to live in your skins. I'm a straight white guy in Merikuh and no matter how hard I try, no matter how much guilt I take on for the actions of all the other white guys, I'll never be able to truly know any of you. Because of that I feel like a racist.

I reckon if we hung out together there would be a lot of laughing.

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