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Do you like a challenge in life or an easy life?

Sure, I like to have good luck in life. Everyone does, but sometime I feel like if everything is too perfect all the time, there’s no challenge for me to actually mold me into a stronger and better person. Always having no challenges in life just seems like it’d be too easy and I’d never grow from any real experience. What do you guys think? I hope I don’t sound like some kind of masochist or anything, but this is a question I’ve been wanting to ask for a while now.

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 19

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I look for challenges,
I like challenges of my choosing, I don't like having a hard life though.


No such thing as an "easy" life. Everyone has some sort of challenge to deal with. Even if it doesn't always appear to be that way. You never know what anyone is dealing with.


Like? Not so much. Need is another matter. I become bored fairly quickly if I'm not being challenged. That would be why I've been in live theatre for 35 years.


The worst things that have happened to me have often - in reflection - made me a 'better' person. It doesn't mean I like what happened to me but I can't change a lot of that so the best thing is to take some wisdom out of it.


It takes challenges to get anything done and experience personal growth.


"Strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times, hard times makes strong men"
(Not sure the sourcing of this quote)
But if the times aren't hard, and you aren't forced to make those hard decisions, you'll never really know yourself, or who you could be rather.


No offense, but that seems to me a very first world notion.
I have never thought there was a choice.
Life is change, always. Most of the time is is very slow and imperceptable, you don't notice the wrinkle form, you notice its there.
Any sense of an "easy" life is to me but a calm pool and a temporary effect.
Wait . . .waves will come



I like a positive challenge, something i enjoy doing, opposed to something i dislike


I like a bit of both.


Challenge me. Growth does not come from an easy life.


I like a challenging game of 8 ball. So I play competition. Would like an easy life


Had enough of challenge, easy is the right choice


I just ease on down the road.


I like some challenges.


I've had enough challenges in life and now enjoy a quiet peaceful existence


I 'm with you on this one and it would be nice to get them coming at a reasonable rate so there was some breathing space in between - the learning


I'm all about that easy life.


My life has been nothing but a challenge/struggle. I just want to rest now. Maybe my next life will be easier.

marga Level 7 Feb 19, 2018

The Chinese have a curse: "Have an interesting life." They are wrong! Nothing is worse than boredom.


I'd like a balance of both challenges and an easy life.

Gohan Level 7 Feb 19, 2018

Possibly the wisest way to live.


Not sure what an easy life would be like. I do not mind the challenges, but it the easy way should appear, I am willing to give it a shot


That is perfect,a good question also and am with you


I like certain kinds of challenges, but I also appreciate when certain things are easy. I'm a bit of a 'mixed bag'. If everything is easy, I'll may become bored; if everything is a challenge, I may become too frustrated. As long as there's a balance, I'm fine with things (generally speaking)


I love to be challenged


At time I take on too much and stress myself to the limit but I seem to get everything completed then things go smoothly for long periods of time. Now I'm trying to control that behavior and I'm having some success.

dc65 Level 7 Feb 19, 2018
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