I would date a Muslim. I will never remarry so that isn't an issue. Whether I'd continue to date him would depend on how he treated me. I'm not going to dumb down or be subservient to any man, and I expect certain behaviors. But if the chemistry is right I'd give it a try.
Yeah as long she don't force her belief on me. And be ok with me not being a religion person.
Huh? Why single out MUSLIMS? Like many comments that have been posted, any zealot would be hard to experience. So, why have you singled out MUSLIMS?
Because I spent enough time taking shots at the Christian faith. It was time for a change to ask about another faith.
@EmeraldJewel "taking shots" at any group isnt a productive way to gain information in my humble opinion. Actually its loathsome. Try to become more empathetic and learn about your subject instead of "taking shots" at it.
@JayJackson oh jeez. Take it easy. I think anybody non religious take far more than just shots, considering different beliefs believe people that don’t believe like them deserve eternal punishment.
@EmeraldJewel Also in forgiveness and love. If you have met EVERY BELIEVER then you have the right to the opinion above. Until then your opinion is based on old tenants that were used to dominate others. Just recently the ANGLICAN church allowed Women to be clergy. The Pope has reevaluated certain positions and said on a flight that Homosexuals deserve love and understanding, not scorn. Hindus and Buddhist believe in.... Just because this site and for that matter any other site is labeled agnostic/atheist doesnt mean that you or anyone else has privileges to single the faiths out for ridicule or scorn. Thats what THEY DO, so what sets you as an agnostic/atheist apart? Remember not to long ago these kind of questions were asked of your people and my own by others. Study "jim crow" and learn about the LOVINGS OF VIRGINIA.
No. They tend to be too conservative for my liking. Although I wouldn't date a jew or christian even! heh
For sure no. Not sure I’d even attempt a relationship with anyone who identified themself as a member of any religion. Jewish, maybe, if it was a cultural designation rather than a religious one.
My ex-boyfriend is Muslim. So, yeah. He's Palestinian. Tall, 6'4, tech guru, funny.... sigh
I kinda regret breaking his heart. He has not moved on since me. I was so good to him (as I try to be with anyone in my life). I feel bad. He was in love with me. If his ex-wife would have been a little more respectful, he and I might have been married by now. At the time, I was dealing with her and my ex-husband's b×tch. I was so overwhelmed and in the middle of so much negativity. It was too much. I had to escape.
The ex-husband's wife didn't like that he and I would talk because we have kids together, HELLO! My ex-boyfriend's b×tch didn't like that her kids liked me. I'm pretty f××king awesome with kids. They come FIRST above anyone! Too much at the same time.
It depends.
There are many people out there who identify as muslim/christian/hindu or whatever that do not necessarily practice their religion.
Realistically, I would be unable to date a female muslim as she would already be betrothed to be married. If she was available to choose, then I would surmise that her faith was open to question and worth a look!
Why you asking? I feel I am into a certain level of freakness not found in an honest religious person. So my Woman can not be walking around all wrapped up in drapes all day sweating inside as a maniac. Still some of the questions asked... are...