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Sometimes as a thought experiment I ask myself: What if everyone is wrong about God, including the Atheists?

Picture a deity watching this world, observing all of the contradictory holy books we write, all of our guesses about his nature, wasting huge amounts of time and effort-- and everything we come up with is completely wrong. The atheists would be just as wrong as everyone else.

Imagine if that God came to the Earth and declared himself. Knowing the tough crowd he was facing, he'd do some miracles; being God, he'd know that they had to be big miracles, and the kind that couldn't be easily faked.

What would the reaction be to this being? Myself, I think that most people would compare him to their preconceived notions, and find him wanting.

And, oddly enough, I would think that of all of the people who saw that God, the atheists would be the ones that would find the idea acceptable. Here was a being that was offering evidence..

There is no evidence for this, of course. Just a stray set of thoughts.

Robotbuilder 7 Feb 22

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"What if god was one of us, just a slob like one of us, just a stranger on the bus tryin' to make his way home."


Isn't this what supposedly happened with Jesus?

marga Level 7 Feb 26, 2018

“The atheists”?? Atheists have no organization or codified set of beliefs - it’s really just ONE answer to ONE question. Nothing more can be said that applies to all atheists.

“Atheist” is a description of a system of thought or personal outlook on life.

Still, there are LEVELS of atheism - starting with merely not accepting or having a viewpoint or belief that includes the idea that a god exists, through “believing” that a (particular) god does NOT exist, to ANTI-THEISM - the idea that the existence of a god is stupid, repugnant and unacceptable. That it is simply a BAD idea to begin with and they would not support a god if one existed...

“The atheists”, would never be “as wrong as everyone else” in that they (honestly) see no reason or evidence to believe in one, or just never had that idea in the first place (everyone is BORN atheist!)... They are not “wrong” unless they firmly assert THERE IS NO GOD, and it gets proven there is one (which requires a very specific decision!).

HOWEVER, since atheists DON’T believe in god, they are NEVER “wrong” in their position, unless they are straight up LYING and they actually do believe in god, again requiring a very specific definition!

THEISTS on the other had ARE wrong, unless they assert that there is some type of god, somewhere, somehow - a meaningless position! But definitely THEISTS who claim a particular god is real would be wrong if a different god were found to actually exist.

Your question is essentially meaningless until you define the god.

Ungod Level 6 Feb 25, 2018

I just assume that we already ARE wrong about God. There's still 90 percent of the universe that we have to discover, and we have no idea what the next big shift is physics is going to be. And generations ahead of us will look back on us the way we look back on past generations.

For now we go with what we can reasonably know, and leave it at that. I suspect that when the game is finally over, it won't have been that big of a deal.


It would be interesting to find out if a supreme being made himself known whether any of the world's religions would recognise him. All the world's religions are by divine revelation but usually to an obscure individual not the whole world. I would have thought the atheists were the least of his problems lol


The way I look at it is that it doesn't fucking matter. Everday I try to do right by myself and everyone and everything around me. I'm not acting this way for some heavenly reward. I do this because it is the best way to live and it is what I can control.


It's odd how someone now an atheist would continue to discuss something that doesn't exist. And while you're at it..which god? We are all gods, since we each contribute to creating our own universe.

“I regard consciousness as fundamental and matter as derivative from consciousness." – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics


Agnostics would be the easy ones to win over. They are the ones saying that anything is possible! I’m Agnostic and proudly say have no fucking clue.

The one’s saying “anything is possible” are the GODDITES! “Agnostic”, like atheist, is just one position on one question, whatever the question, being “I DON’T KNOW”. Saying “anything is possible” is a statement of KNOWLEDGE, not “without knowlege” - you are saying “you know anything is possible”. “I don’t know if anything is possible or not” is the agnostic stance on that question - “Is anything possible?...


“Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.
H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu


At least most atheists, I believe, would alter their opinion in the face of overwhelming facts. Although, I'm not sure even a god could convince me they were anything more than a really different species.

Arthur C Clarke: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

@MacTavish Yuuuup!


I think a god like that wouldnt be interested in revealing itself. I don't think itd be concerned with us at all, anymore than itd want to reveal itself to cats.


How would we know he is actually the god? The only one?


You still wouldn't be able to know if it was "God". He could just be an incredibly more powerful being than a human. It doesn't mean it would be "God".


In a court of law, which religion would he be defending ? All or none, or just one. ,if so which? as there is no more supporting evidence for any one religion over any other. he would be found guilty of misrepresentation


We know the universe is huge and that we're no greater than a mote. We know that because we have photos. Making himself aware of us is akin to us making a pet of one of our dog's flea's fleas.


Well if there is one he's a fucking asshole so I don't give a monkies.


He/she/it could not meet any definition of "gawd" in any known religion, because all religions posit some form of their gawd caring about them..even if only to punish....your construct is a voyeur only.


I'm inclined to agree.

If I saw it with my own eyes: evidence of a miracle that couldn't be pure chance or slight of hand, then I might well be convinced. I think the already religious would be more inclined to deny the evidence in favour of their existing belief systems.

It'd have to be something pretty damned spectacular though. Raising someone from the dead who I could personally verify as having passed some time ago, and proving beyond doubt that they were one and the same person. Actually parting the sea. Feeding 5000 people (a decent amount) from a small quantity of bread and a few fish. It would have to be something that defied the laws of physics or biology as I understand them, in front of my very eyes, clearly orchestrated by the person taking credit.

What about a god that can’t do miracles? You are assuming only the Jewww/Xian/Moose-slime god is god!

Is there a way, besides miracles, that a god can prove themselves to be a god? If a god's achievements could be explained by other means, or even random chance, then there is no proof. Without proof, I would remain a non-believer. So yes, it would probably take an undeniable miracle, performed in front of my eyes, to make me believe.


I like thinking outside the box,
I agree, with evidence atheists and scientific types would be the most likely to accept.
The religious ones would try and kill him, obviously he is not THEIR god.

Absolutely. The religious ones would lose their shit.
They would probably try to blame said deity on atheists some how.

You are making the mistaken assumption that religion = god...

@Ungod well the outline was about "god" coming to earth, so it (god) kinda is central to the discussion. My own personal take is that Confucianism, Taoism and such are more philosophies as i do equate religion to god. But for purposes of this discussion, we are talking about god.

I have no idea what you are saying in your first statement.

But defining religion as only theistic is just not factually correct...

Still, “it’s a free country”!
You can “define” baseball as football if you like!

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