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Do you think hating someone is unnecessary?

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 22

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It depends on the hate. Many tell me that I now have to "hate" my ex-wife. People change and directions change. The truth here is that these people are simply racist. Lets take that on into someone saying they "forgive" the killer of their spouse or their children. This is insanity and something they thing a religion taught them. I could never forgive a killer of my family. Not now or ever. I don't really think those that claim they do are honest with you. I think they say it coz "they want to go to heaven." Hate is a strong word and a prime mover for many of us to get things done. It may be unnecessary to hate in dire circumstance but it is a valid emotion.


It depends on the circumstances and the situation.


I might have argued with you on this until I had a chance to watch Trump, Ryan, and McConnell over the past year.


Hate is a wasted emotion it harms the hater more than the hated, therefore I choose to pity my enemies, harms me not and drives them crazy.


Hate is like stabbing yourself and expecting to hurt the other person in the process.


That’s not an emotion I can control. That being said, there are very few people that get my emotions to that point. I could give you my list of hate but that’s a waste of time.


When one hates another, they allow that other to maintain residency, rent free, inside one's brain.

@AMGT gosh! That can be brought under control! You must name the 'real' feeling and you must own it... and then take some action...this is all deliberate! Not a lashing out! Even letting another person know that you feel taking action.

@AMGT I believe what you are saying and how it feels. I do have a similar experience, my dad was killed by someone, when I was a young mother. I do not know what it is like to loose a child, especially in the manner that you state. So my heart goes out to you. From my experience, healing from this kind of death, takes time. One must proceed a little at a time, until the shock will allow you some space in between the pain. That is all that any person can do! What I meant about identifing what we really when we give it a name and then can claim that feeling, it gives us a specific focus. In my situation...I became the pain and overtime as I felt the pain more and more. It took me over. When, I could see that it was what I was feeling and not who I was...I developed better coping skills. I was a person in pain...not a person made of pain. I hope that this cleared up what I was suggesting.


Sometimes it's fun.


It's a human emotion so needed to a point . Just like all emotions, as long as it doesn't consume you and is let to run its course it's fine


How do you decide not to hate someone ?


I don't know that 'hate' is 'unnecessary,' but...I do know that it keeps you hooked to that person or thing and I can't see how you would ever be free! It has been my experience that when I identify that 'hate' feeling as anger, and realize that it is a ligimate reaction to some way that I believe that I have been wronged...I own it, and give it up. And, my anger comes in many different degrees. But, reconizeing it is step one...then I must decide what to do with it! I could use it to write letter to the newspaper...I could speak with person that I feel wronged me and let them know my hurt!
Once I take sensible (but not always) action, I can let go and mostly put it behind me! I may retain the memory but not the hurt.


Absolutely not. Hate can be a creative godsend (sorry about that word, but I couldn't come up with a better term) to a lot of people. Some of my best cross bows, blowguns, and stone arrowheads were made when I was really mad at someone I hated. I'm just glad that I can get over those negative feelings and not let them bother me too long.


"Hate is too strong of an emotion to waste on someone you don’t like." - Sixto Rodriguez

Others may be able to channel that energy. I am not. For me, it is a lot of energy that accomplishes nothing. There are those that I have a strong dislike for, but hate simply doesn't work in my world.


There are people in my past who were enemies. I would have danced on their graves...had I not moved westward to live with hippies. Do not discount the strength of actual hatred. Most "hate" that I see today is watered-down whining.


I love to hold on to grudges. I have a niece who is 10 years of age that always gets dissapointing presents from me, because the first time I held her, she cried and wanted to go back to her dad.

Ha ha!

Actually that's kind of twisted.

Are you serious?

@BlueWave Hahahaha. No, just a wierd British sense of humour.

@RobH86 In that case it’s funny. Otherwise I’m keeping my distance. 🙂


That's a feeling and nothing to do with necessary


Why waste your energy on a bad person. It brings negative stress to one's body. It keeps one awake at night. Don't waste that energy on someone who does not deserve a second of your thought.

unless that person pops back into your life ie Trump


I have hated certain people in the past. It's not an emotion with which I am comfortable. There is a mindset extant now that I despise in this country, epitomized primarily by a certain individual, and everything he and his conspiring cronies stand for is anathema to me. Yet, it's difficult for me to say that I "hate" those people. I just wish they would go away and take their insane politics with them. Whatever meager amount of influence I may muster to make that happen is what I will do, but I personally do not want hate infecting my life, not at this stage.


Nah, hate is instinct.


Most likely unnecessary, but I choose to do it.
Not a lot, there are very few people I know personally that I hate, but there are a couple.
I hate our previous prime minister because to me he is really really evil,
and am not keen on the current one, but don't hate him.


I hate everyone equally. Saves loads of time.

In all seriousness, hate isn’t a very helpful emotion. It doesn’t motivate me or prompt me to try to be a better person. It’s just a puddle of mud.

Someone asked, how do you NOT hate someone? My response to that is go ahead and hate them, but how long do you want to hold on to that. Hate, like all emotions, will wane and move on if you allow it. If you nurse it and let it fester... it’s going to stink after some time.

Cakes Level 4 Feb 22, 2018

I don't hate them so much as I just stop communicating with them, hanging around them, paying attention to anything that they do or say. It's a lot less work and stress.


Hating is difficult for me because of the Dilemma of Determinism. If free will doesn't exist then I can't be too certain what vagina I pop out of and thus how I'd end up being. I could have just as well have ended up like the person I'm hating. I might as well hate myself.


An interesting question. It is obvious that harboring hatred is a self-destructive endeavor. The hate-er inflicts more pain to one's self, than is inflicted upon the hate-ee. However, hatred could also be a self-presurvative measure: One stays away from those they hate thus keeping a safe distance from from potential damage to one's life or person? Though going back to the self-destructive nature of hate, is it ever worth the emotional turmoil?? I don't know, but a very interesting question.


Yes. And self-destructive. Best avoided. Can be released, or transmuted into something useful.

Never, never necessary. Never helpful. Always poison.


And so not productive

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