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Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative? In other words, how many of you are liberals, or progressives?

It's something that I always thought of asking. How many Agnostics/Athiests voted for Trump. BTW, not me.

LJay 3 Jan 30

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I've noticed that most atheists and agnostics tend to be open-minded, compassionate, and honest. Those characteristics aren't consistent with most conservative political views.

JimG Level 8 Jan 30, 2019

It is possible to be anything you wish the question is do you want to be a conservative and be on this site?

@Veteran229 I hope they are not those trump guys. I would support a third party for them.Have a nice day


I'm mainly more of a mid person.
But I am a registered Republican.


<--- Lifelong Democrat, atheist (since age 13), well-educated, feminist and environmentalist.

"Self-identified atheists tend to be aligned with the Democratic Party and with political liberalism. About two-thirds of atheists (69%) identify as Democrats (or lean in that direction), and a majority (56%) call themselves political liberals (compared with just one-in-ten who say they are conservatives).

"Atheists overwhelmingly favor same-sex marriage (92%) and legal abortion (87%). In addition, three-quarters (74%) say that government aid to the poor does more good than harm."



I don't like the question. It suggests that our population is comprised of monolithic factions with intractable viewpoints, which I do not think is the case. I think it is possible to be fiscally conservative, and yet support female equality, LBGT rights...trying to pigeon hole society into divisive groups is a mistake.

cava Level 7 Jan 30, 2019

Define ''liberal'' and ''progressive?"


Ideally, as more and more people lose the need for religion, every kind of asshole is going to be an atheist.


of course it's possible. atheist doesn't even guarantee you can spell atheist! (sorry, could not resist. no offense.) the ONLY thing we have in common is a lack of belief in any gods. everything else is... well, as diverse as humans can be. i am a liberal progressive democrat social free enterprisist (there is no such thing but that is what i am -- i'll be damned if i ever turn into a capitalist). there are whole gangs of trumpkins on this site. 'sigh


@RedneckProfessor that would be a superlative adjective. he was very athi. she was even athier. but i am the athiest!


@RedneckProfessor @genessa All that time in elementary grammar class repeating, "I before E, except after C" was obviously just wasted time I will never get back! 😉


Conservative, liberal, and moderate -> do not equate to supporting Trump, the Republican party, or any of the other absurde comments I have read below. And yes, you can be atheist/agnostic and conservative. There are leftist ideas that are founded on pure emotions, not data/facts. Data/facts are what drove us to denounce religion, and should be the focus of any critical thinking adult. Now I will concede that interpretations of data/facts may lead to different perspectives, thus why you see many research scientists having dissenting opinions.


There is actual numbers on this.

Interesting, but not very accurate IMO. It doesn't mention independent, libertarian, or green party supporters. Grouping them into 'other's is a bit misleading.

@jondspen it does mention independent. Libertarian and green together

@jondspen it really doesn’t matter. America’s archaic electoral system isn’t built to support a third party anyway. There’s not been an electoral vote won by a third party in a couple of decades.

@Green_eyes "The 2014 U.S. Religious Landscape Study is based on telephone interviews with more than 35,000 Americans from all 50 states." - I would be curious as to what phones also. I wonder if it included people who use exclusively cell phones, or internet phone service, as well as landlines. While 35,00 is a huge group, I wonder how accurate and diverse the sampling actually was. Polling only landlines owners who are at home from 8am-5pm could skew the study for example.

@jondspen there are other similar polls I’ve seen on this same issue with similar results. You are welcome to search them. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. You’ve been on this site long enough to know of the progressive slant.

@Green_eyes Sure...and as long as the survey was done the same way, it can provide insight. I just pointed out that while interesting, I wouldn't take the numbers as irrefutable fact. I would agree though that many atheist/agnostic do lean left.

@jondspen no poll is fact. There’s too many variables.


Before anything is possible and before we take on any titles: I feel that we must first be able to love, encourage, respect, and accept only the good in people.


Democratic Socialist here, find the concept of conservative atheist hard to understand and most of the atheist's I know consider thinking to be important.

BillF Level 7 Jan 30, 2019

Reality has a "leftist slant". There are conservative atheists and agnostics but they are generally the uneducated/privileged/dumb as stump types.


I've seen that there is a "conservative atheists" group on this site but I don't know how they resolve the fact that the GOP has become the evangelical Christian party. And, any challenges to separation of church and state come from the GOP. All that "religious liberty" bullshit?? Noooooo.

The only conservative atheist public figure I have heard of is SE Cupp who thinks she's some kind of superior atheist because she says she's not the "typical militant atheist."

@Veteran229 To familiarize yourself with the segment of liberals who identify as Christian, look over John Pavlovitz's blog. He gets a great deal of harassment from conservatives. Liberal Christians believe following the teachings of Jesus call them to be pretty much all the things conservatives would call someone a "snowflake" for.



To me conservative entails lack of risk taking, lack of making progress by moving things forward.
If you consider the definition of liberal: open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values, then yes I am liberal vs. Conservative: holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion means that you are stuck in the past and slightly unwilling to change

@Veteran229 how are liberals authoritarian? Are you referring to the PC culture?

@Veteran229 I'm curious what you have against it. I know some of it for sure goes too far, but do you have a problem with say, an ethnic group requesting a phrase or word not be used anymore? An example I can easily think of is the word "squaw." Native Americans have said it's derogatory and equated it with cunt and request it not be used anymore, but there are place names that contain it such as Squaw Creek (near where I grew up)Thoughts?

@Veteran229 oh I think hate filled bigots are going to use it regardless. I think the important thing is to let people know that it has history and that it's been requested that people not use it because of that history. And I think it's important to do it in a non attacking asshole way. I belong to a historical group about Oregon on Facebook and one time someone posted a picture of native dolls and used the word squaw. She didn't mean it in a derogatory way, it's just what she was taught they were called. People ripped her to shreds and it started a big fight. This crap is unnecessary. There is nothing wrong with growing and learning. A simple "we don't like that word because x reasons" would suffice. And for the other side, being respectful and saying, oh, I didn't know and not taking it as a personal attack shouldn't be so hard.

@Veteran229 I've never heard this in my life.

This is the exact opposite of liberal teachings. They teach forced compliance through government, government being used as a tool. The true behavior of modern liberals is authoritarian. To achieve by a means of force.

@Veteran229 "Political correctness" has become a catch-all that gets used to label outlier, singular incidents. It is most accurately applied to matters of gender, race, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. But unfortunately, it has come to be associated with manufactured controversies like the "War on Christmas" and the very weird idea that there are Americans who are "offended" by the flag.


I don't label myself as any of them. I am an intelligentl person with a mind of my own that sees pros/cons of all sides

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