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LINK Sarah Palin's Attempt To Mock 'Literal Loser' Stacey Abrams Backfires On Twitter | HuffPost

Why does Sarah Palin DO this? Does she enjoy ridicule and mockery? Her glass house must be about completely trashed by now.....

BookDeath 8 Jan 30

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She hasn't read her name in a while, needs the attention.


When you are dense it is difficult to ridicule because they do not recognize it or take it as praise.


She’s gotta be short on cash and looking to make a quick buck. Her useless career and family need to stay stuck in a snow bank.


She's making a comeback & needs the attention.


She meant to say that Stacey Abrams was going to be the counter to the literal loser's state of the union address...poor Sarah...she just never got that much needed education to take sentence structure seriously...why do we even give her any space in our brains? ugh


Just plain uninformed ?


How are we still hearing about this ignorant woman 11 years after losing the election? Shouldn't she have crawled back to Alaska to spend her days watching Russia from her house and shooting at wolves from a helicopter?


Literal loser says what?

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