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For People Dating! Name One Kind Of "G" Rated Picture Of A Person That Is An Immediate Turn Off

For Those Here who are looking for Love, Dates, or some form of Paring, When you are viewing Profiles and Pictures,
What kind of "G" rated pictures are an immediate turn off?
For example:

I am a Gay Male, and i am immediately turned off by guys who take pictures with Cars!

Perhaps you are a Straight Woman who is immediately turned off by guys who take pictures with Cats.

No matter your Sex or Sexuality, please tell me what type of "G" rated pictures are a immediate turn off to you.

twshield 8 Jan 30

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Bathroom mirror pic holding the phone in one hand while flexing with the other, shirtless.
There are more...


Anything that indicates lack of maturity, poor judgment, or low intelligence. It is a wide net, but a good set of filters nonetheless.

I might also add anything even remotely trumpie would be an immediate no.

I like that "Not even Remotely Trumpie".....I agree.


The two that come to mind are:

  1. Strapped in a car seat.
  2. Bathroom selfie.

Really, any pic that is an obvious selfie screams “FRIENDLESS”!! (or, “SELF-ABSORBED”!!).

skado Level 9 Jan 30, 2019

lol bathroom selfies...yeah...not cool...

I do have lots of pictures in my car with my morning coffee...but they were for a special friend to say "good morning"...

OK we'll forgive you... but just this once! ( 🙂 )

@skado lol thank you!

I know it's popular. I'm just not smart enough to figure out why.


Anything with an instagram filter (added glasses, freckles, puppy nose).. or when someone displays their generic "selfie" facial expression (pursed lips, etc, and it's not uncommon for there to be 3-5 of those in a generic dating profile). It's all a socially accepted mask, obscuring the real human behind the mask. We already live with enough masks...

I don't insta-filter, but yeah, there is a go-to 'pose' for selfies. Ha! My daghter would stop whatever she was doing to say the word 'cheese' and smile for the camera (like, before school age!) ... Don't we all have those 'poses' we make for photos?? Also, its hard for me not to have that 'selfie-pose' , because i am literally taking the picture so i'm alone. ???

@Lillyfield41 yeah, we all do have a smile for cameras... a "social smile" which is posed, vs the "Duchenne smile" (aka real). We all hone the fake smile by about 3 yrs old... But this selfie face/smile is so contrived. Ehhem "true" believers in this selfie thing will spend hours perfecting their selfie, so that they can knock a perfect selfie out in 1 try, after testing every angle at home (1k times)...they have taken so many that they have found the perfect angle that makes their nose look smaller while accentuating their small chin, and at 35 degrees and slightly upward to show the cheekbones...all while displaying a face that they never make unless selfie-ing.

@APaleBlueDot i'm so curious if i have this face. ???


I am not on the look out and maybe this is a percularily British thing but men with dead fish! I am not sure if this a cavemany type thing but when anyone needs to see their dead fish, I will never understand.


Duck face / trout mouth!


Pictures that include: guns, Trump gear, evangelical or other religious books or artifacts, visible dirt on the body or face, confederate flag anywhere in the frame, T-Shirt with a wingnut trope like "Kill the libtards" on self or others in the picture. These get the left swipe treatment.

Wow, I guess I’m lucky. I never see women in pictures who look like that! LOL

@Rob1948 This perky Mom is going to stop off at the grocery store after she leaves the gun range!

@DeStijl I may have to re-evaluate my standards.

@DeStijl Not a problem with me if she does, but we ain't gonna go out and get a pizza together.


Hats. I don't mind if you wear one in real life, but come on, here I want to see your face not your hat


Ann Coulter.
Rush Limbaugh.

Pick one. But not both. The world will implode if you do.


I never really thought much about it...I have chatted with men and women here without ever seeing any sort of picture...

hmmm? Maybe pictures of general sloppiness...poorly fitted or torn clothing...but then, maybe they are workout clothes or painting clothes...

I will have to pay more attention and get back to you...


Sloppy, dirty unkempt men with a bottle in their hands.

What about without the bottle? LOL


If they’re wearing one of those ridiculous red maga hats or other bigoted paraphernalia, sexually inappropriate poses. I’m with you on the cars and motorcycles.

@twshield I think some guys are just proud of their cars...but I also think some guys use things as extensions of their "masculinity"...😉


Picture of a woman with anything supporting trump. Picture of a woman in a bar/club or with alchohol. Picture with a woman doing the damn duck face ish or sticking her butt out.

Wow, will there be anybody else of you to date then?

@Jolanta not many especially these days, hence me being single

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