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Did You Watch the SOTU Last Night?

So I'm curious as to how many folx actually watched IN PERSON either live-stream or on television the SOTU last night. I refused to do, b/c I think the POTUS is like an evil J. Alfred Prufock regards ratings.

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BookDeath 8 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Besides, given the man's tenuous hold on reality, who can believe a word he says?? If he were someone's 'weird Uncle Donald' his rantings would be ignored and he would be put at the children's table on holidays to keep him from annoying the adults.


I didn't watch it, but I read a transcript.


I've never watched a SOTU address.


Long enough to be horrified by the Senators who really looks like Hitler's support staff.

Pleased by all the suffragette white. That was awesome!


Nope, binged watched 'Letterkenny' on Hulu instead of watching the Orange Panther. From what I hear the Orange Man Group bloviated for pert near a hour and a half.


It was fun to watch his machinations with the MUTE activated. Look'in good Nancy!


I watched enough to see that it looked like a Hitler Youth Rally... standing ovations every three seconds, and for lies, rhetoric, and cliche' talking points... It was terrifying. That sort of devotion for Buzz Words is frightening and cultish. I fear for our future.


crap....I was going to .....but forgot.


Technically i watched it later as i did not want to encourage his ratings, but did want to know his current lie strategies.


YES I watched it. I wanted to have an informed opinion, as opposed to people saying how much they dislike something they didn't even watch. It was great for so many reasons.

1st nothing Trump says is new. If you've seen any of his rallies, then you seen everything he has to say.

2nd not watching to keep the ratings down doesn't mean no one gets information later. Coverage about the SOTU started immediately afterwards.

I'm only hoping that giving you an informed fact will help your informed opinion be wiser.

@Keita It seems to me that you hate 45, and I don't. I think that's all there is to it.

@IamNobody I lived in NYC for 33 years. Everyone in NY hates Trump. It doesn't change any facts that Trump is repeats the same things over and over and lies through his dentures. Spend time near him and you'll hate him too.

@Keita I have no reason at all to hate no one


I taught a string quartet. The group is studying Mozart's "Dissonance" quartet in C major opus 19. Infinitely more interesting than watching an orange cheeto lie for 90 minutes


Hell no. I don't give narcissists attention. I'm sure that those who did will give us the pertinent details. I refuse to add to Trump's ratings, it's what he lives for and everyone seems to be playing right into his game. Obsessing over twitler instead of taking action. Drives me nuts.


No. I didn't like your options, so didn't vote either.

@BookDeath It the same as I tell my kids. When you lie (to me) you destroy (my) trust and (our) family. Don't lie. If you lie, then I stop listening.

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