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How do you cope with an extreme crisis? Besides gaining support from family and friends, what do you do? Motivational videos? Therapy? Any suggestions?

lifeisgood 4 Feb 26

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I just went through losing my girlfriend last year and it was the most awful thing I've ever had to deal with. I find that with that kind of loss and pain the only way past it is to face it feel it Let the sadness have it's way with you. I cried for a month. I think I got past it pretty quickly after that. We were together for 10 years and she died right here in my truck with me. I still cry sometimes when I hear a song that reminds me of her but nothing like in the beginning. I couldn't even function but I believe the only way past pain is through it. It won't go away until you experience it. Cry scream whatever you need to do to let it out but it's not going anywhere until you do. just my opinion


Get therapy. If you are in crisis, call the lifeline or 911.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1-800-273-8255


In a Crisis... I trust me. I will use resources available but I am my own unit, over anything else... they are just ancillary so during crisis don't look to hear what I know.


Meditation! And when I get really stressed, I hold it in my neck and shoulder and then the only thing that helps is yoga. Drugs don't help, massage helps, but yoga cures it!


Head down and bum up. I work well under pressure. That said, seriously, I do turn to my kids, only to tell them of the burden, they remind me all the things I have told them over the years. But mostly, I sometimes sit and think for days on end, sit on the computer and map it all out, I am a strategist.
Sometimes/often I come out of a crisis better than I was before it.


Drugs and alcohol works works better than wallowing in self pity


I have been listening to motivational stuff a lot lately. 3-4 times a week. Therapy has never worked for me because I argue with my therapists. So..I guess I just listen to positive messages and try to find my way out of life's difficulties; I have a better time reading books rather than going to therapy; I've read my way out of some deep holes in life. Books don't argue and tell you what to do with your life. 😛 If they do I can just close them and use them to prop up my table. And they are less expensive.


I like to follow Abraham Hick's advice..decide what I want to happen, then focus on something I love to do, allowing the answer to come to me without resistance.

Abraham Hicks - Stay positive and love your life! (2018 01 06 San Diego Workshop)

I'd definitely agree not to rush a decision - rush to do all the research so that you know every option but wait for the best solution to come to mind.


Be calm as panic doesn't help anything and talk to people you trust


If it requires immediate attention, I take a few deep breaths and dive in. If it can wait for additional reflection and perspective, I go to the bong. I'm going on 10 years of multiple times every day for seizure control, and I'm enjoying excellent health following a brain cancer diagnosis that was an extreme crisis.

Glad you’re doing ok. Wish I could partake but my new job does random drug testing. I do miss the stress relief it provides.


Make sure I've purified my stored water. I have staples (rice, pasta, oats) stored cans/sauces... I haven't gotten a power thing for like laptop/tablets. I really should get one of those. There is reading. Lots of books. If you have paper you could draw comics. Some good sleep. You could watch motivational vids. My crisis is support by partner and stuff I have at home.


Whatever tyou do, do NOT withdraw inward. Make yourself stay active and involved with other things so that you do not become consumed by the crisis. I would also consider counseling, but not psychotherapy.


Therapy. It's where I'm going today.


Rum and dancing. Quite seriously. On those occasions when I've faced a genuine crisis (the Monash shooting is probably the worst) I've got through and then gone dancing and drinking.

Rob- I find that when I am at the dead bottom, that having a couple of pints and depressive thinking actually works- getting falling-down drunk, on the other hand, just adds more to the depression. I say I take my Prozac in liquid form.

@Diogenes Falling down drunk is usually an accident, and mostly an extension of good cheer.

@RobAnybody I got tired of being a falling-down drunk decades ago, when I grew up. I like to 'enjoy my pint'- rather than drink so much that I could swim in it- that has to be a very weird concept. Certainly isn't my "extension of good cheer". I went into the pub late last night, for one, and there was one of the bar flies who had been there since about 13:00. Interesting? Not.

@Diogenes I am with you all the way in that. Falling-down-drunk now only happens when I'm in very good company, enjoying world changing 🙂 conversation and the drinks keep coming. Hence the accidental part. Gave up being an all day barfly decades ago.

@RobAnybody St. Paddy's is coming up- I have thought about going out to the Irish club. They will have set dancing, maybe some live-from-Ireland GAA football, hurling, and some fresh Guinness, 'of course'. (I have no intention of being so 'pure' I can't stand myself). One thing they won't have is a bunch of clowns, too drunk to talk, dressed in green, made in China. Honestly, AH get tossed.


Much depends on the type of crisis. What one person seems a crisis is simply a challenge to someone else. Sometimes it helps me to envision how someone Intrust would handle the situation.

UUNJ Level 8 July 23, 2019

It doesn't take an extreme crisis to send me down a rabbit hole! If that happens I will probably jump off the Merry go round!!!!
No sympathy's been that way for so long,it's a wonder I'm this old! Just case others feel the same way.


After a brief period of self-pity I pick myself up and assess how to address any situations in my control that I can do something. Usually works!


I work as quickly as possible to figure out my options. What I can do, what is out of my control, and make a plan to fix it or get where I need to be. To DO what I can about something eases the stress some.


Odd as it sounds, sitting down helps me lower the volume right off the bat. Put my computer on my lap and grab the telephone to start doing research. If its a mood issue, I see my therapist for ideas. They might cost a few bucks, but they aren't emotionally involved in your drama, so will give more pure advice. In any scenario, they are trained to work through these issues and will look at the big picture...unlike your friends, family and yourself who might be zeroed in on one tiny issue.


I try to focus on solutions or the positive dude I'm and then try to surround myself with people that makes me for me.


Extreme crises call for extreme measures: I do pranayama yoga- breathing exercises to get my limbic system back in control. That is assuming that the catastrophe does not require fight or flight as the first response. Through controlling my breathing, I also control the release of the hormones that put me into crisis mode. From experience, I have found that getting my family involved only increases the stress I feel.


I felt on me, and my internal energies. Once you have faith in yourself, you can get thru anything. You reach out to others less frequently, and they respond differently as they are aware for you to do so carries a deeper meaning. They understand I truly need assistance of guidance if I reach out


Pessimism + Decisions brings up 400000 responses on my search engine. Here is one of them


I once attended a job interview and one of the two interviewers eventually asked me the question "how do you deal with stress". By this stage I was not impressed with the job, the interviewees or question. So with slight smile on my lips I raised my fingers to my my lips to rapidly stroke them whilst I made a vibrating brrr|rr noise. As expected I was not offered the position.
Humour, humour and more humour or for you guys over the water humor, humor, humor.


I just reach down within myself and pull out the strength I need to deal with the crisis. I am a person that reacts to problems and crisis very different from most I suspect; I am at my best in the worst of situations. In contrast easy times make me lazy and complacent.

Yes, agree with your last sentence; every time a person defeats a crisis it makes them stronger- but then we get to another point, if life is just a matter of trying to stay afloat, where a person doesn't actually live a life, but is in a position of survival for the sake of survival, is it worth the effort? Even a fool should know when it is time to quit.

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