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What's your favorite video game?

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Feb 27

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Last time I played I would have to say "God of War".


Err I don't have one, don't play them. I'm not prudish or a techy phobe they're just not in my realm but I can seethe attraction 🙂


I don't know that I have a favorite, but I have a favorite genre: the storytelling types of games. They are a slower pace and are kind of like a choose your own adventure type game.

Some examples:

Life is Strange
Murdered: Soul Suspect
L.A. Noire
Alan Wake


I've never found one I liked - the last time I actually bought one would have been around 28 years ago.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 27, 2018

Destiny although the second one is not living up to the first one


Grand Theft Auto 5. I'm so hooked.


Most lately, iRacing.

But I'm not playing anything at the moment. Too busy moving and I don't have access to my best hardware at the moment, either.


Legend of Zelda series and Pokemon FTW. Also, I'm one of those Zelda fans loyal to the timeline. Sorrynotsorry


Back when I played video games it varied and never stayed the same.


Right now, sky rim and the wargaming franchise.


Last of Us

Marz Level 7 Feb 27, 2018

The Call of Duty franchise for me.

I play cod all the time lol

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