In case you haven't heard of them I would like to bring your attention to the Darwin Awards.
They are awarded to people who have died through their own stupidity and thus removed their lunacy from the gene pool.
I sent one in to the Darwin website once. A guy was fishing with his friends, and for some reason, he got the bright idea to swallow a bluegill. It got caught in his throat and he choked to death. They sent me an email back saying "Sorry, we can't use it because it is way too common."
I have always been a bit ambivalent about the Darwin Awards. I enjoy the Last Words of a Redeck joke--Hold my beer and watch this--but fear the Darwin Awards are too often given for people who died in acts that were daring--too daring for most academics--but not, for that reason alone, stupid.
Eeew! Some of those are too cringe-worthy to read.