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How is revenge best served...?

I'm hungry now so I'm thinking about with cheese...

But really, my dad once told me that the best revenge you could ever have is building yourself up and succeeding at your goals.

I don't have too many nuggets of wisdom that came from him but that seemed to stick.

silvereyes 8 Feb 27

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I dunno, but I always find it's best served with a lawsuit or warrent, or pure and total coincidental destruction.

When I was 16 I worked at a shady gas station in the food part. They were so illegal in...everything. absolutely horrible. I worked every single shift for the managers daughter and she still got paid for it, they didn't may me at all, and they made me work until 2 am on school nights and they had me selling alcohol. Anyway they fired me when I called in sick with strep. So I called the IRS and health department. 12 years later guess who is still closed down? Yep. Guess who got 500 dollars reward for reporting all of their bad shit? Yep.

Then a few years ago I worked at this movie store. Great gig. Loved it. However the DM hated me. I was assistant manager, and I frequently covered for others who were late. One day I was TEN MINUTES late. The only time I've ever been late. He took me off the schedule for 2 weeks before telling me I'm fired.

Not even two days later the ac unit on the roof collapsed though the building, essentially demolishing the entire thing. He actually tried to blame me.

WOW! Girl, THAT is some amazing pwoer you have!! Great story.

@silvereyes just call me karma

@silvereyes that's cause you haven't fired me

Your post made me laugh because the first thing that came to mind was "warrant"! Great minds, eh? Or sick ones! 😉

I had read another post on Agnostic about the awesome women on this website. I don't think any other woman could hold a candle to you! Telekinesis! Frightening!

I'm physically disabled I can't even climb to the roof and loosen it enough

@SACatWalker lol if I were dogma maybe I'd work better? Naaaah

@LadyAlyxandrea You're hilarious, and I love your revenge. And why not be the one who caused the unit to fall through? After all, we are actually energy, as is everything else, so you could have just thought about wanting something bad to happen and it would.


"Living well is the best revenge". -George Herbert


I think it should be a three course meal. Start with arrogant indifference followed by a cold stare then serve up a middle finger smothered in the words fuck you as dessert!


Best served to the trash can. It is typically good intentions that have soured and expired.


Personally I like mine served with a lovely Italian red table wine..

@silvereyes ugh..That's not


With a heaping serving of subjugation. Or cold. Whichever.

I had heard that revenge is a dish best served COLD. Very good.


I can’t remember who said it but I follow this.

Wait long enough by the river, and you will eventually see the body of your enemy drifting past.

It’s perhaps not revenge so much, but it’s how I do things


I find just sitting back and watching karma play out is all I need to do. Bad deeds always seem to come back and bite the doer in the butt.


In your imagination.

Betty Level 8 Feb 27, 2018


It's safe and quite satisfying. No harm done.


Kill them with kindness. Being the better person and rising above them. Hmm but with food, probably fill a water gun with holy FSM marinara.


Revenge is best served with spicy guacamole.

@silvereyes Any time you can see green stuff shooting out of someone's nostrils, it's a good day.


I find that letting those who try and make you miserable see you happy is a great revenge. Some people get satisfaction from hurting others. Showing them that their actions did not defeat you is always a nice middle finger back in their direction


....with fava beans and a nice Chianti. Ffffftttttt!! 😉


Revenge is sought when there is still an emotional investment. I tend to forget exs exist & cut people off completely who do me wrong, family ties be damned. I do not break bread or share salt with them (no eating or drinking at the same table/planned event) & other than required civility, they can die in a canoe fire surrounded by piranha & cancer.

In other things, I do not seek to be purposely vindictive because life has a way of evening the score.

CANCER PIRANHA!!!! hahaha!


I believe that recovering our happiness in spite of anything that may befall us... is (sweet) revenge. And, I think that is a tall order, because it is often hard to pick our selves up and recover and sort out some really bad thing that has happened to us. But, if we don' remains like some kind of 'infection!' Separating us from our joy of simply being alive.


I've heard the same sentiment with different verbage but this is the nicest way ever.


Never. Your Dad was right.


I struggle with this myself. I've come to the point that it is not so much revenge, just not caring about a toxic individual enough that they are even in your thoughts.


I always thought revenge was best served with a nice sharp cheddar and a glass a Chianti.


I prefer a stake through heart and lots of fire... and maybe pretending to put out the flames by peeing on them once the fire gets really roaring.

But since I also don't like the idea of prison (chiefly, PRISON SEX) I don't go in for revenge. It's a waste of my efforts. You have to ask yourself after someone has wronged you: how much of my limited life span do I want to devote to this horrible fuck? If I choose to follow a course of revenge, then I am devoting time, energy, and resources to someone that is clearly not worth any of those things. Revenge is a fool's errand.

@silvereyes FUCK YES! I was thinking about that song when I wrote that post!


Revenge is a dish best served cold with a side of coleslaw and a good red wine


Cold,cold,cold!! I'm not a vindictive person, however!!


Your father was a wise man.

Put your energies into yourself, don't waste them on negativity about others.


I agree with "Dad", Succeeding at goals and living a life is the best way to get revenge. It waste very much time and emotional energy to be vengeful. Justice makes me happy, but revenge, even to a well-deserving person, does not do anything for me.


It absolutely does work. Often, harboring grudges only sets one up for more problems. We need to move on with our lives. My first 2 relationships ended badly but, luckily no real damage was done to me (a daughter was another matter). I see that those relationships and other countering's with vile people helped me see reality. Without those experiences I would not be where I am today; a much better and fulfilling position.

I am planning on a gathering in April in which my first wife will be there. I have not seen her in over 35 years. A bit nervous but determined not to have any buttons pushed and only focus on my daughter and her family.

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