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Are you more calculating or spontaneous?

Personally, I could use more spontaneity. I enjoy planning. I try to be strategic in what I do. But, sometimes it's nice to just go with the flow. I'm practicing.

Where do you fit on the spectrum of calculating to spontaneous?

silvereyes 8 Feb 28

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About 50-50. I plan ahead, but am very spontaneous within the known plans. I always google everything before leaving on trips, and once I understand what's available then I'm spontaneous with how I use the information.


I calculate spontaneously.


I tend to do neither. Nothing is my preferred pastime.


Spontaneous by far, wouldn't want it anyother way!


My days are so routine that I like to be spontaneous with my free time.


If I do make a plan, it's normaly just a rough plan, that I can change along the way, if need be.


I am not a planner, but can get things done on the fly pretty well, I listen to suggestions so I can get a bigger picture of possiblities. I don't enjoy entering any situation close minded, so I go in with an idea, but it is subject to change repeatedly


A vague outline to guide you. this will allow for that “oh wow! lets do this” moment!


I prefer to have a vague plan and seize on inspiration when it strikes.


Depends on how drunk I am.


i have an idea &, unlike in my young & impulsive age, i allow it to settle & simmer & shape for a while. then i follow with action that gives in to the natural flow of life. why else would i live where the mantra is "go with the flow"?


Yes. Yes I am.



Depends on the prize.


Totally depends on mood. I'm both.


Calculating sounds like manipulating. I plan, but the best laid plans go awry. Then, spontaniety saves the day.


I tend to be very spontaneous and plan for the things that require planning.


I am spontanious all the way then every day is a possible adventure though theres obviously things I have to plan.


I have always been the spontaneous one, reasy to go now, A lot of fun, mostly. Some sticky spots but no broken bones,


Definitely more calculating.

Or definitely more strategizing. 😛


The more prepared i am, the more comfortable i am going off-script. So its both. Bigtime both.


More calculating but my calculations are usually way off


Most definitely a planner/calculator, though am far better than most in a crisis, I don't panic.
I am not spontaneous in a crisis, I just formulate strategies a bit faster.


I have always been the spontaneous one, reasy to go now, A lot of fun, mostly. Some sticky spots but no broken bones,


Calculated to the point of dysfunction 😟

Dougy Level 7 Mar 2, 2018

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