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Was jesus entirely made up

This isn't a question of if you believe in the actual word of jesus or the bible because we know this to be ludacris, but do you believe there was actually a real man named Jesus that all these myths and legends were then created around?

  • 28 votes
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Shanemonty4 3 Mar 18

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The myths and legends may have involved more than one Jesus. His sayings are contradictory and he could have been a composite personality. The gospels have him doing everything possible to fulfill some prophesy because they wanted a Messiah. The strangest thing is people who still believe the gospels are written by eye witness and you can get a bible with the words of Jesus in red.


You are aware that Nazareth didn't exist until the late 3rd century, right?

The fact that it did in the bible was another attempt at working in prophesy to herald a coming Messiah.

The fact that it did in the bible is proof that the name "Jesus of Nazareth" was invented at the Council of Nicea in the 4th century.


ah, who is "we?"


I believe there was a man who tried to move away from the wrathful god of Judaism. I believe he wanted people to be more loving, forgiving, understanding, etc. I think Constantinople hijacked Jesus to make himself more powerful.


I believe there was a historical Jesus that probrably knew some Metaphysical stuff and maybe hypnosis and was able to perform some things that seemed like miracles in those days. Without any form of verification, I believed the stories were embellished and exaggerated and added to. I can remember just 50 years ago when I was a child and before computers and internet that there were some crazy stories people told and there was no way to verify. Just think 2000 years ago with no tv or newspaper how shit was made up and believed


There was no historical Pinnochio but so many movies and passion plays all


Waitaminute... Ludacris?? The rapper??? was Jesus?????

It makes so much sense now!


IMO the character of Jesus was loosely based on the proverbial coolest guy in town. He was smart, athletic all the women liked him and was looked up to but at the end of the day he was just an ordinary man like anyone else. His story was passed on from generation to generation with it getting bigger and more unrealistic over time until he was into a God like figure.


I believe Jesus existed.
I have a guess.
Back then, when a woman was raped, she was blamed. Maybe Mary was raped and became pregnant. Maybe the immaculate conception was a way to cover up the rape. That means Jesus was not the son of God. He was the son of a rapist.


There are a lot of Jesuses in Miami! Lol

zesty Level 7 Apr 8, 2019

There were at least several rabble rousers/messiahs named Iesu (Aramaic form of the Greek Jesus). Iesu bar Damien is mentioned in Josephus next to the forged testimoniam flavium. The miracle working religious figure definitely did not exist. If he had, SOMEONE would have noticed.


See "Life Of Brian" for the true story.

Blessed are the cheesemakers

Look on the bright side of life....words to live by.


The jury is still out on that one but whether he existed or not is really unimportant as the virgin birth,miracles and resurrection were certainly fictional


I think you will find man created god. Which must answer your question for us.


I forget the name of the pope that said “ it has served us well this myth called Jesus”


I don't know? But there was surely no king David!

There possibly was a David but he would only have been a tribal leader not a great king as depicted in the bible.

@Moravian fair enough.


The Bible was written so as to "hide wisdom from the wise" it is said, so you might reflect on that for a bit. "Jesus of Nazareth" (actually Joshua, the most common name then) equates to "John Doe from Nowhere" when you learn to read dialectically, fwiw


I think there was a real man named Jesus and he was probrably crucified. The rest is myth. I was a christian and really believed in Jesus. However i had a life altering experience and decided to do research. I watched "Christian Dilemmas" about the real origins of christianity and how there were no 1st century writings about Jesus and All of the Gospels were written or found 50 years after his death.


I believe that Jesus was a historical person, because Josephus wrote about him. However, Jesus was one of many in a long line of men, who opposed Roman rule. Jesus, described as the son of God, was an invention of the 1st Council of Nicea in 325 AD, which invented the doctrine of the Trinity. Personally, I believe that the teachings of Jesus were influenced by Mahayana Buddhism, which was spreading via the silk road from Ghandara, which is present day Afghanistan. It really doesn't matter if Jesus was a historical person. What matters is each of us being a kind and decent person.

That passage in Josephus is no evidence for Jesus. That's widely accepted as a "pious fraud". It reads like a commercial, not part of the surrounding text. It's a scribal insertion. It wasn't mentioned or seized upon by early church fathers, so it didn't exist in the copies of Jewish Wars available to them; it was a later insertion.

Not that there's zero reason to argue for the historicity of Jesus; this just isn't one of them.


No make up, but he did get his hair done every couple of weeks.

Along with his nails....

@MrSoulSound He just did that one time.


In a sense the existance of a historical jesus does not really matter. The question was he god. No.


Only reference for Jesus is in the other historical reference outside it.

"Why Invent the Jesus?" from Richard Carrier Ph.D.

I love richard carrier and his arguments. I actually watched this whole thing about a week ago


Yeah i don't believe in a historical jesus either, was just wondering how my view of the literature differed from others, im baffled that this is the minority view among academia though


Was Zeus a real person? Who cares? Were his teachings of any value? That’s what matters.

To an extent, yes, but claims are typically made for Jesus that ascribe value to his teachings, not based on their actual content, but on his status as a deity and the whole salvific narrative of his significance. So a lot of people care very much that he was real, really god, and really man and effectively argue that IF those things are true then whatever came out of his mouth MUST be believed and obeyed.

@mordant Sure, but I thought I was replying to intelligent people.

@jerry99 You are here, for the most part. I'm just speaking to why it's more of an object of importance out there generally.

To me it's just an interesting technical point.

As a Buddhist, I’m inclined to believe that Siddhārtha Gautama was a real historical figure. I also believe that his teachings were probably a good representation of what was passed down in the Buddhist oral tradition. I also believe that many of his early teaching were probably edited some to “correct” what may have been thought of as mistakes. Further, I’m pretty sure that many of the Buddha’s later teachings were invented from scratch. So, whether or not the Buddha was a real person, we have a set of teachings which a lot of people have found to be of value. To me, that’s what’s important.

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