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What is your most useless talent?

I think mine is asking questions. lol. : P

silvereyes 8 Mar 3

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I know all the words to every Schoolhouse Rock song.

That's awesome! I loved Schoolhouse Rock! Are those still on TV on Saturday mornings?

@BlueWave I haven't seen them since when I was kid waaaaayyy back. I bought my kids a video that had all of the songs on them.


I can wiggle my ears--both at once, or one at a time. And, I can write backwards (mirror image writing) using either my left or right hand. However, I cannot wiggle my ears and write backwards at the same time 🙂.

ha, i do the mirror image writing with left or right hand too, or over-head writing... & yes, it's pretty useless.


i can iron a shirt but don't own any

i can iron most anything, but don't have an iron.

pmsl well, that's the broader reality, me either and if you do things right like buy the right clothes and don't really give a fuck it's so much easier.


(Previously mentioned) I know all the lyrics to the Gilligan's Island theme song. =]

@SACatWalker , I mentioned that I know this in a different comment thread here on this site. Maybe it has value since just SAYING I know it seems useful. LOL!


Being able to read my own mind, being able to talk to spaghetti, levitate 1 milimeter for 0.1 seconds and write with invisible ink that no one can read.

Ok seriously... hand farts... or spending days and weeks without human interaction in person. That's mainly because I don't have anyone to hang out with. Oh well.

Liviu Level 4 Mar 3, 2018

There are no "useless" talents! They are only talents you have not found a use for.

Ventriloquism is pretty useless.

Not if you are a Professional.

@silvereyes Jeff Dunham, you have a useless talent.


Being a smartass on this site.

But nowhere else?

@Neraven No, it's pretty much all the time, but it seldom requires typing.


I can annoy people on demand.


Pissing people off, I am very good at it, sometime even unintentionally

@silvereyes You got it - anytime!! LOL


That's good, throw 'em at me! I love answering questions, and not so good at asking them. I would honestly need some examples though probably, can't think of anything atm. D:


I have no talents. Now, that's useless.



I can whistle most any tune after hearing it once.


A: asking questions is never a useless Talent

B: my most useless Talent is figuring out how to render anything worthless

Which also happens to be one of my most useful talents


I can make a sound that is not humanly discernable from the sound of a cricket chirping. It is loads of fun at a comedy club. innocent grin


Expert bicycle wheelie rider/tricks. Was cool at 10. 🙂

Can you still do so?

To BlueWave.Yes actually I can,just not for miles just several yards. 🙂


I have to pick one?


Asking questions is never useless.
It’s one of the few things I like about being human.


COBOL programming.

Utterly useless nowadays.


Saying the alphabet backward just as fast as forward. For some reason, my third grade teacher taught us that.

I can also write in cursive backwards (mirror image).

Completely useless.


I have no useless talents. There are of no use to anyone else, but to me they are all glorious.


Origami. Useless and delicate, but pretty.


I can slap a flat hand against a cupped one, leaving a space for the air to escape, and if I aim that air into my mouth, I can make musical notes. 😀


Sarcasm, I cannot help it. But I am aware it is very destructive to " making friends and influencing people ".


Hmm... singing? I've never done anything with it, besides choir in junior high.


Puns and deductive logic!

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