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Do you believe in karma? reincarnation??

What are your feelings about karma? Is it reliant upon some moral code or is it merely cosmic momentum following your thoughts and actions to fruition? What happens to the karma you created when you die? Is there a tie between it and the physical body? Does this make you come back after death?

JeffMesser 8 Mar 4

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One thing I have considered is that given the universe is infinite and time is infinite then at some point there will be another being born with the same brain pattern as me. They wouldn't have my memories or anything but I could be conscious again. One life is enough I hope!


I think Karma is essentially what goes around comes around, giving out the positive, seeing the positive in what comes back, probably really just a frame of mind.
I like to think/hope that what's accrued in terms of karma, to use your words, isn't just wasted but have no way of knowing what comes next. And reincarnation...never seen anything convincing to suggest it's real.


I would like to believe in karma. Its a pretty concept. Its never been my reality though. I spent my childhood being my dad's punching bag. When I was an adult some friends offered to give him some karma, but I realized there could be no true karma unless I was the adult beating on him throughout his childhood. How does one beating, adult to adult, compare to that? Truth is, sometimes there is no justice, there can be no justice, and all this talk about karma is just wishful thinking. Every day people get away with outrageous things and they are never punished for it as long as they live. If I was reincarnated would I have picked such a parent? Doubt it. I'm sure other people's personal experiences will differ, but for me I don't see it in action all that often.


Karma is selective memory in people. It is "nothing." There is nothing to explain.


If anything supernatural in the world could be true, I would want reincarnation to be true.

Sadly, neither reincarnation nor karma exist, in my world.


Yes, I absolutely believe in karma and reincarnation.

marga Level 7 Mar 6, 2018

As karma doesn't exist, nothing happens to it. Just another lazy way to explain things that can't be explained at the moment. But if you have a dog called Karma, it's quite possible that it will bite you in the ass.


Its a great idea, but seems a little too convenient. I used to know a Taiwanese lady who said that she found the Buddhists there to be very apathetic. Humanism makes more sense to me.


Karma is the boogie man. You use this to scare kids off of the railway. It achieves its goal but it's not real.
I read Buddhist texts but I totally reject reincarnation. Buddha goes on to say "Life is suffering" so my guess is he used reincarnation to scare people into good behaviour.

Life sucks and if you keep yourself naughty, you're gonna have to go through a life again and this time, you may be a cow or a dog and face a horrible death.

Buddha really didn't have anything to say about reincarnation - he suggested we are all part of the same thing. Others after him decided to make it a religion. Buddha's only real emphasis was on suffering because we all suffer. He distilled what causes suffering to three things, Hatred, ignorance, and greed. In essence what Buddha decided about dealing with suffering occurred to him after an epiphany over who has authority over one's on well being - following the directives of the authority of everlasting life, or you yourself - personal responsibility to deal with the things that cause your own suffering. IMO, what Buddha taught isn't a religion, it's a philosophy.

Ultimately good and bad things are going to happen in EVERY life.  Even if a person did all good things, something bad will happen to him/her, and vice versa.
    As far as Reincarnation goes, I think it sounds pretty absurd.  Since there is no evidence of a SOUL, what, exactly, is recycled? Why would I be recycled but not remember my prior life? If my memories, which are the essence of me, are not there, then how can this new person be me?

I believe in Karma so muck I named my dog Karma. I don't believe we often witness karma which is probably good. If harm befalls you and it brings me joy would that not start the cycle again?

And it's entirely possible that Karma will bite you in the ass. If he's a naughty dog that is.


Karma is an ancient philosophy incorporated by religions for their standing.Any way I definitely don't believe in it....

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